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Messages - NickAwesome

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General / Re: SNES Repro Carts- Help needed
« on: July 22, 2016, 03:11:53 pm »
I did some digging and I think this is the site where he got them all from.  All the games he is selling are listed on there and the pictures look the same.

I think I'm going to offer him $200 for all 5.  They all look like really cool, fun games and it seems like that would be a fair price for all of them. 

The fact that repros are just that... reproductions, there are no limited runs or out of prints, you just produce more, there really is no "market" for these since you can just go find a producer who will make them for you.  Yes, if you are going to be a giant douche and throw it up on ebay some moron will pay your price likely, but then you're a douche and they're a moron.  If you are buying it for yourself, you just have to make the decision solely on how much you care.  Repros don't have much value nor should they.  If you just want to play the "hack", just load up an emulator or patch a ROM on a Retron5.  If you care about having a fake game on your shelf, then knock yourself out.  Repros are definitely not something you should look at wondering if it'll go up in value.  They never will.

Yeah I definitely am not asking for value so I can flip them and turn a profit, that seems counter-productive.  I was more so just curious about what the average costs were in buying one because I really didn't know much about them and there seemed to be a lot of conflicting info and prices on different websites I was checking out.  Thanks for the good advice. 

General / SNES Repro Carts- Help needed
« on: July 22, 2016, 02:41:27 pm »
Hey all,

I have recently made contact with a guy offloading his SNES collection and he's given me first dibs on everything. 

He also has 5 Repro carts each with an "official repro" box to go with them and I was wondering if anyone on here was knowledgeable about their general value.  Is ebay sold listings sufficient for fair market?  Some of these I can't find any listings for. 

He has:

Clock Tower- English Translation

Bahamut Lagoon- English Translation

Front Mission: Gun Hazard- English Translation

Live a Live: English Translation

Star Fox 2: English Translation

He's selling them 50 bucks a pop and he just sent me a picture and they look very nice.

I was thinking about getting Clock Tower, Bahamut Lagoon and Front Mission: Gun Hazard and he offered $150.  Is this even remotely worth it?  I've told him I want to think it over before I pull the trigger.  This guy is giving me some great prices on his other official cartridges so I feel like it's probably a good deal but thought I'd see if there were any experts on here that could give me some advice

Got one too, thanks for the heads up.   I was order #2360 so there are a few left as of this post!


Ended up finding a guy on Offer Up last night willing to sell most of his SNES collection to my brother and I. 

My brother ended up with Earthbound, Super Castlevania IV, Legend of Zelda Link to the past and F Zero for $220

and I got Castlevania Dracula X, Ghoul Patrol, Super Metroid, Mega Man Soccer, Earthworm Jim 1 +2 and TMNT Tournament Fighters for $280.

Definitely pricey, but well below market value.  Best part is he's got more games and is letting me have first dibs on anything he decides to sell. 

He also said he had some repros- Front Mission: Gun Hazard, Bahamut Lagoon, Star Fox 2, Clock Tower and probably others.  I know little to nothing about repros and how to value them.  Anyone got advice (Mostly interested in Clock Tower and Front Mission, but if he offers me a good deal, I might just take em all) on how much I should be willing to pay for a repro or a good site for assessing their value?  It doesn't look like Price Charting has any listings for repros.  I usually use eBay recent sold listings for market value, is that sufficient for the repro market?   And maybe also a guideline to ensure the cart is quality and will hold up long-term? 

Oh and I met the guy near a gamestop so I ended up heading there afterwards and got Dragon Quest IX DS, Final Fantasy III DS and Devil's Third WII U all complete for around $45 bucks total.  I had a 20% off coupon and used some reward coupons.  The gamestops around me are flooded with CIB DS games and most of them are in mint condition and super cheap.  Now's the time to buy their stash before it runs dry!

Resized images - PacPix

Video Showcase / Re: Top five must have PS2 Games! What are yours?
« on: July 21, 2016, 07:11:03 pm »
Timesplitters 2
God Hand
Persona 4
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

There are so many good ones to choose from. 

Classic Video Games / Re: Mario Kart 64 or CTR (PS1)?
« on: July 21, 2016, 06:58:11 pm »
I've always thought CTR to be the superior kart racer.  At least compared to Mario Kart 64.  But Any recent Mario Kart definitely beats Crash Tag Team Racing...  I wish Naughty Dog still made Crash games...

^ I'd say we're on the bubble with PS1. While you can find many games for cheap still, there's plenty of games that are starting to climb in value, a lot, on PS1. I had my eye on Einhander, for example, for too long. It's now approaching $100 on average.

So get em now before everyone else catches on.

PS2 and original XBox games are practically worthless, though. I can find most of those for about $5 a pop.

I totally agree.  My area way over values cartridge games to the point where every retro game store overvalues games $10-25 over average ebay prices.  I'm quickly realizing as I enter the world of SNES that everything I have to buy will have to be through CL, Ebay and Offer Up- (which is where I got contra and castlevania iv) 

But ps1 just slips under the radar, I catch them sleeping on prices all the time.  Just a few weeks ago, I got a mint copy of Clock Tower II for $45.  It's like they don't even care that these games are valuable. I'll gladly capitalize on it before they get smart.

I went to a pawn shop last weekend and I saw a copy of snowboard kids 2 for n64 with no price tag and when I asked for the price just cause I was curious, the guy jumped down my throat thinking I was going to try to lowball him.  It's just crazy.  And he wanted $55 for it.  That's over ebay pricing.  This pawn shop just spams craigslist saying they'll buy cartridges and they just try to flip 'em for way over asking.  Super lame.  Their selection sucked so I get the feeling that many people feel the same way about them.  But they don't give a shit about ps1 or any cd based stuff.  I just don't get it. 

Right now is the time to buy PS2 and Xbox too, most of the retro stores around me just want to get rid of all of it so they can make room for cartridge games.  There are a few ps2 games I still want to get on my list that are very pricy, .hack quarantine, kuon, echo night beyond, obscure but I have most of the other valuable ones I want. 

I just saw a mint copy of Einhander for 73 at a shop last weekend so there's still hope to get it below 100.  I occasionally see some Buy it Now's on ebay for 75. 


Hey all, I've decided to stop lurking from the shadows and start posting here.  This is my most recent haul from last Saturday.  My brother and I drove around and hit up all the retro stores in the area. 

Most notable finds:

A Not for Resale copy of Jet Force Gemini N64 for $2.50
Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit PS1 complete for $24.95- surprisingly a great game and very hard to find complete
Monster Rancher 4 PS2 complete for $45
Contra III and Super Castlevania IV SNES for $70 total
Sonic Adventure DC for $10
Road Rash Complete in Long Box for $10
A bunch of common to uncommon cheap ps1 games that I've wanted to try: Johnny Bazookatone, Mort the Chicken, Hexen, Codename Tenka, MDK, etc... between $2 to $7 each.
Some cheap PS2 games and Portable Ops PSP for $5!

So not exactly garage sale prices but definitely good deals in the retro market I live in. 

I'm been mostly a Playstation collector my whole life but I am starting to branch out into SNES and other cartridge based systems.

Welcome to the forum!  Sounds like a pretty cool haul and you can't go wrong with PlayStation games!   :P  You might want to check deeper into that not for resale copy of Jet Force Gemini.  It's possible it was a demo cart and they can bring in big money!  I just don't ever remember a not for resale copy of that game that was ever bundled with a system.

Thanks man.  I've been digging into that Jet Force Gemini copy and found this rad article that talks about the differences.

 Apparently there are a lot of weird minor changes and it's definitely a demo cart.  Might try to trade it to someone at a retro expo who collects nfr carts like this. 

Hey all, I've decided to stop lurking from the shadows and start posting here.  This is my most recent haul from last Saturday.  My brother and I drove around and hit up all the retro stores in the area. 

Most notable finds:

A Not for Resale copy of Jet Force Gemini N64 for $2.50
Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit PS1 complete for $24.95- surprisingly a great game and very hard to find complete
Monster Rancher 4 PS2 complete for $45
Contra III and Super Castlevania IV SNES for $70 total
Sonic Adventure DC for $10
Road Rash Complete in Long Box for $10
A bunch of common to uncommon cheap ps1 games that I've wanted to try: Johnny Bazookatone, Mort the Chicken, Hexen, Codename Tenka, MDK, etc... between $2 to $7 each.
Some cheap PS2 games and Portable Ops PSP for $5!

So not exactly garage sale prices but definitely good deals in the retro market I live in. 

I'm been mostly a Playstation collector my whole life but I am starting to branch out into SNES and other cartridge based systems.

Welcome to the forums! Great haul! I love finding PS1 games at weird thrift stores because they're often tucked in with music CDs and, because of that, are cheap! Also, nice work with finding PO PSP! So difficult to find decent PSP games in the wild...

Totally! I'm the same way.  A lot of the games were in a glass case and I made him pull out 20-30.  Clearly games that have sat there for months.  They have now found a loving home who appreciates all of their quirks and bizarre concepts for games. 

There's a few retro stores in my area that have pretty decent PSP selection.  Their prices have never been lower and now's the time to swipe em up before they get too expensive.

Nice find on that Castlevania IV, apparently any Castlevania game after 2 is considered "obsecure".  :p

Thanks.  Yeah this one overpriced store I went to wanted $75 for castlevania IV.  Just absurd.   


Hey all, I've decided to stop lurking from the shadows and start posting here.  This is my most recent haul from last Saturday.  My brother and I drove around and hit up all the retro stores in the area. 

Most notable finds:

A Not for Resale copy of Jet Force Gemini N64 for $2.50
Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit PS1 complete for $24.95- surprisingly a great game and very hard to find complete
Monster Rancher 4 PS2 complete for $45
Contra III and Super Castlevania IV SNES for $70 total
Sonic Adventure DC for $10
Road Rash Complete in Long Box for $10
A bunch of common to uncommon cheap ps1 games that I've wanted to try: Johnny Bazookatone, Mort the Chicken, Hexen, Codename Tenka, MDK, etc... between $2 to $7 each.
Some cheap PS2 games and Portable Ops PSP for $5!

So not exactly garage sale prices but definitely good deals in the retro market I live in. 

I'm been mostly a Playstation collector my whole life but I am starting to branch out into SNES and other cartridge based systems. 

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