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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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I love this thrift store.  They had Genesis and SNES games for a buck a piece about a week ago, yesterday the put out some common GBA games for like 3 bucks a piece practically for a set 4 for 10 bucks which is certainly too high, but today they put out a complete regular SNES with two controllers and connections for 5 bucks lol Controllers are in nice condition, it's properly two tone, but doesn't look too dirty that I can't clean it up, and hopefully it works :D I needed one as I actually had only one of the smaller models.

Woot, it works.  My luck with consoles hasn't been great in getting them working, so very glad this one does.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 19, 2014, 05:11:25 am »
Starting to watch the remastered, re-edited, re-whatever, new Evangelion movies.  Got through the first one and I kinda wonder what their initial goal was supposed to be.  From what I understand, it was sorta to be like a new version of the original series so that the less hardcore folks can get into it, but with this first movie, it feels more like they just redrew exact scenes from the series, but didn't fill the gaps properly, so its kinda feels really disjointed and rushed.

I see where I believe they added in more story stuff to try and have it feel like there is more cohesion, with the whole purpose of SEELE and what they are trying to accomplish, but it's almost like they should've did more new stuff to make it flow better.  I hear it is supposed to change more as it goes and then will have a different ending from whatever the hell happened in the series, but overall it's alright.  I still find the EVA's to be pretty cool.  Also, Shinji, while completely unlikable, is slightly more tolerable with this voice actor.  I can still hear the screams of the English dub @-@

Also I say this as someone that did not like Neon Genesis lol Aside from the battles and the EVA's, I thought the story was bat shit insane and completely incomprehensible once it gets about halfway through with almost no likable characters to get invested in, so it all kinda just leads up to some really unwatchable story stuff towards the end that just completely made me not really enjoy it.  True it has been a lot of years since I originally watched it, but I still remember most of it as I'm going through this new movie now, so it's still very much there.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:35:15 pm »
When will Assassins Creed games just drop the whole modern part?  I want to be a pirate not a computer hacker.

I wish they had dropped it a long time ago, it's really dumb and as seen in AC3, was just a garbage story.  Really the worst aspect of the series.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 18, 2014, 03:55:49 am »
It's very interesting getting into a series with the sequel or later entry into the games, such as with Sega All-Stars Racing.  I've put a good 15 to 20 hours into Racing Transformed on the PC, but I wanted the earlier 360 game that came before so I could get it for Banjo-Kazooie and it's actually rather impressive how good it is.

All-Stars Racing is still a good kart game, it's colorful, fun to play, but that one very much felt like the Mario Kart clone it was kinda trying to be.  It could've used more character and map variety (They make note to have Banjo-Kazooie on the cover and with the title, but not to have a freaking stage for him? At least none that I can see? Really? We needed that THIRD Billy Hatcher map? Was Billy Hatcher even a serious thing? I had never heard of it before these games lol), but its very playable.

The differences between it and it's sequel are significant.  The transformation between vehicles in Transformed is amazing, they added a ton of customization, lots more characters and map variety, better car physics, it's a huge leap in progress and I would say a serious competitor to the likes of Mario Kart, maybe even better in a few ways than Mario Kart.

Both are good games, but not sure I'm gonna put as long of time into this one as I did Transformed.  Transformed is just a better game overall, though that one is pissing me off.  Hit an impossible wall of difficulty for getting starts to finish the last line of missions and to get my final unlocks >:C
Yeah, S&ASR Transformed just makes me insane. It's hard to get anywhere when you have a dozen power ups hitting you!

I just spent the last 2 hours super grinding out more stars and I managed to get that lofty 200 stars and the last two tracks unlocked.  What is the last one? Pretty much get everything to unlock it.  Screw that lol So ridiculous hard, but at least I have nearly everything unlocked.  I think the last one is nothing more than a final modifier unlock.

General / Re: Steven Spielberg to Produce 'Halo' TV Series
« on: May 18, 2014, 03:53:47 am »
Old news, but I'm pretty stoked.  The last web series they did wasn't that bad and one that I hope follows Master Chief completely or at least some other Spartans or ODSTs would be awesome.  I may not be as huge into Halo anymore, started fading away with Reach, but I still really like the universe.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:48:49 am »
It's very interesting getting into a series with the sequel or later entry into the games, such as with Sega All-Stars Racing.  I've put a good 15 to 20 hours into Racing Transformed on the PC, but I wanted the earlier 360 game that came before so I could get it for Banjo-Kazooie and it's actually rather impressive how good it is.

All-Stars Racing is still a good kart game, it's colorful, fun to play, but that one very much felt like the Mario Kart clone it was kinda trying to be.  It could've used more character and map variety (They make note to have Banjo-Kazooie on the cover and with the title, but not to have a freaking stage for him? At least none that I can see? Really? We needed that THIRD Billy Hatcher map? Was Billy Hatcher even a serious thing? I had never heard of it before these games lol), but its very playable.

The differences between it and it's sequel are significant.  The transformation between vehicles in Transformed is amazing, they added a ton of customization, lots more characters and map variety, better car physics, it's a huge leap in progress and I would say a serious competitor to the likes of Mario Kart, maybe even better in a few ways than Mario Kart.

Both are good games, but not sure I'm gonna put as long of time into this one as I did Transformed.  Transformed is just a better game overall, though that one is pissing me off.  Hit an impossible wall of difficulty for getting starts to finish the last line of missions and to get my final unlocks >:C

General / Re: Does anyone collect for a system they don't own?
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:35:03 am »
I collect for some things if I'm going for like a franchise, such as I have a Sonic game for the Game Gear, or I don't have a Famicom or Japanese N64, so I can't play the Japanese Zeldas I have.  I am considering collecting for something like Saturn/Sega CD cause I love their cases if I can find them in the wild though.  Don't have the systems, but they look pretty nice for display and one day I'll probably get them.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 17, 2014, 11:51:34 pm »
So here's a flea market story for you guys.  First, let me say that I don't tell people when I think their stuff is overpriced - I think that's bad form.  They figure it out I assume when I thank them & walk away.  If they're just a little higher than what I think is fair I'll make them an offer, when they're WAY high (some guy today told me $60 for an old-style NES that looked very beat up) I don't even bother because if their price is that far off from mine I figure my offer will just insult them.  Again, they'll figure it out when no one buys it for that price.  ;)

Anyway, I walk up to a booth that was mostly odds & ends but I did see a ps1 system & a few rough-looking games in a stack, so I'm glancing over them.  The games are PS2, oddly enough, and nothing even remotely interesting.  I was about to just walk on when he starts trying to sell me on the ps1, telling me about the controllers/cables/etc. that it comes with and how he'll make me a good deal on it.  I tell him I don't need another one, I have 2 now - I just bought a second one a couple weeks ago at a yard sale.  He asks me what I paid for it, so I tell him - $5 (technically it was $4 because it didn't include a controller, but I amazingly stumbled across a used ps1 controller at Gamestop of all places for $1 the next day so I just call it $5).  He laughs and goes "He didn't know what he had!"  I pause, that kinda struck me funny and again, this guy initiated the price discussion not me.  So I stop (I was walking away) and replied "No, I thought that was about average."  He then takes this "you don't know what you're talking about, *I* do" tone and goes "No, I'd have to have AT LEAST $30 for mine!".  It took everything in me to swallow the *very* sarcastic "well good luck with THAT!" that was on my tongue, and instead I just walked away.


5 bucks for a PS1? I wouldn't say that was average lol That's kinda crazy cheap.  I think a more comfortable, non-store price is more around 15 to 20 bucks for a working PS1.  At least that's what I've seen.

I make sure not to do the same thing either with prices, I don't really like to call people out, like I tried to get this Jungle Green N64 controller from a reseller at the Flea Market and they wanted like 15 for it.  The thing is broken, the analog is gone, it's basically just worth it for the shell which is fine since I happen to have spare parts for one so I should be able to replace the parts, but I told her I'd do 5 and she just said no, because she knows it is rare.  That thing has been there for...over a year? Longer? A broken rare thing doesn't mean it's really worth much anymore.

Now that I think about it, I might try and get that again.  It's been quite awhile and I could really use it.  Gonna play the "it's been in your shop for a long time" card and see if that works lol

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 17, 2014, 09:03:17 pm »
Gamestop has a demo unit set up for Mario Kart 8 this weekend, so I got to do a few quick races today.  Now I haven't really played a Mario Kart game since Mario Kart 64, it's been a long freaking time lol I played I think a tad Double Dash at one point, but really, it's been awhile.  They had a bunch of characters to play, most of them really, you could choose different carts/bikes, different tires, and different gliders, and there were about 8 tracks.  I only played about 3 of them since I had to get going, but it's some quality fun for sure.  The game looks really good, I was playing just like I use to with drifting corners, I'm pretty stoked for this game.

I used the Wii U gamepad also as I was curious if I was gonna have to buy the Wii U classic controller for this, but I didn't really have any problems using it.  A is to go, right trigger is drift, left trigger is items, very simple and easy to play.

Today was sadly a pretty barren wasteland it seemed.  Only one person at the Flea Market had stuff for sale and were just outside of prices I'd pay for, other than one lady who is part reseller, but doesn't really get anything new.  I'm thinking of just going up to her the next time I have cash and just saying I'd buy like 20 of her games if she drops the price from 5 a piece to like 2 a piece since she's not selling them.  All mostly commons, but a good way to increase a collection.

Did buy one of those Zapper Wiimote holders, the two handed rifle one, cause I heard they are better for doing the shooter games cause I'm thinking of getting a few of those like the Resident Evil ones and Dead Space.  Only 4 bucks.

Then in the mail today, with a great trade from Karyann, I got Sonic Sega All-Stars Racing on Xbox 360 which has Banjo-Kazooie :D

The one nifty little thing I got was a cardboard advertisement piece for DK: Tropical Freeze at the Gamestop.  They had the Mario Kart 8 demo and since they were now using the unit to promote Mario Kart 8, they took down the DK advertisement and got this from the guy since they were just gonna toss it.

General / Re: Disapointed at my local Good will
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:33:10 am »
Despite issues with Good Will, they are having a 50% everything sale at the stores on Saturday.  I don't know if it's country-wide, I assume it to be, so if you got nothing better to do, might not hurt to check out there when they open.  I was planning to hit them all anyways, so a possible sale sweetens the deal, despite not ever really finding anything there.  Hoping to maybe find a console for sale at one specific one which is always generally higher than I'd like with their prices, but if they get down to like 15 bucks, hopefully for a Gamecube, that would be pretty sweet.

Picked up a DVD-R recorder that I can use to record my gameplay for $20. :)

Not bad.  I haven't found anything good at a Goodwill in months lol I bought 4 PS2 cases with the memory card holders the other day for .50 a piece since people had stolen the games and they were all I could find there and luckily management thought it was fine.  Handy to have if I ever needs some replacement cases for PS2 games I find lol

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 16, 2014, 10:34:26 pm »
War Thunder released its tank game which is within the plane flying too, so I played it with a friend and it's...alright.  Compared to World of Tanks, it's a lot more exciting, more fast paced, you get up to three lives just as you do with planes, it's not a bad little tank fighter and it has some good mechanics.

It also has some terrible aspects, such as just horrid physics, it can be easy to get flipped over and once you do, you are stuck, no one can flip you back and you can not kill yoruself as far as I can tell.  A lot of the times it can be hard to tell where you are getting hit from and the maps are kinda bland and its hard to tell what you can bash through and what will just stop you and damage you.

World of Tanks, while infuriatingly challenging with it's tiers and such, definitely has the pedigree, they've thought a lot more out with the game and I think it was just way too soon to release tanks for War Thunder in the state it is in.  It just seems bare bones right now.  Playable, even fun at times, but it's not quite there.

Modern Video Games / Re: Another Gamestop One Piece exclusive game.
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:45:32 pm »
Gamestop is doing it again with another exclusive One Piece game, This time for the Vita.
One Piece Unlimited World Red is being released on PS3, 3DS and Vita but only the Vita Version is exclusive. (that I know off)
If anyone else recall the Wii and 3DS exclusive One Piece games came out and where gone quick making the game go up in value.
Thought I'd give you all a heads up to reserve your copy of the Vita version in case this game too become scarce.

Kinda bummed the game isn't going to be on the Wii U.

It's announced for Wii U actually, but it's only downloadable.

Oh, that's not so bad then.  Kinda wish it had a physical release though, kinda trying to go back to physical releases for new games lol

Modern Video Games / Re: Another Gamestop One Piece exclusive game.
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:45:56 pm »
Gamestop is doing it again with another exclusive One Piece game, This time for the Vita.
One Piece Unlimited World Red is being released on PS3, 3DS and Vita but only the Vita Version is exclusive. (that I know off)
If anyone else recall the Wii and 3DS exclusive One Piece games came out and where gone quick making the game go up in value.
Thought I'd give you all a heads up to reserve your copy of the Vita version in case this game too become scarce.

Kinda bummed the game isn't going to be on the Wii U.

General / Re: Disapointed at my local Good will
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:44:40 pm »
Despite issues with Good Will, they are having a 50% everything sale at the stores on Saturday.  I don't know if it's country-wide, I assume it to be, so if you got nothing better to do, might not hurt to check out there when they open.  I was planning to hit them all anyways, so a possible sale sweetens the deal, despite not ever really finding anything there.  Hoping to maybe find a console for sale at one specific one which is always generally higher than I'd like with their prices, but if they get down to like 15 bucks, hopefully for a Gamecube, that would be pretty sweet.

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