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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:46:28 pm »
Poked around the PS2 007 games I grabbed the other day and it was not good lol Agent Under Fire, the game I kinda got for free, was sadly too scratched to work at all.  I'm pretty sure it's the bond game I'm thinking of I remember playing a lot of. 

Nightfire started out kinda bad with your "tutorial" mission being pressing shoot a couple times because it was auto targeting things for you, and then you kinda got to drive the car for a short bit, and that was it.  Then it puts you into a mission where it tells you nothing about the gear you have on you and just sorta lets you go.  They don't understand tutortials very well lol

Everything or Nothing surprised me, being that it's a third person shooter, but it's kinda bad.  You basically HAVE to target enemies, then fire to shoot them, mostly spending your time in cover unless you want to run and gun, which you can, but still forced into basically locking onto enemies.  Was not impressed by that at all.

Didn't really play them very much and right off the bat, they have not aged too well other than maybe the alright intro movies for both.  Probably just gonna trade these two in and see about buying Agent Under Fire this weekend to see if it's the game I wanted lol

General / Re: Import games: What do you have? What do you want?
« on: April 25, 2014, 02:42:09 am »
Lately I've been LOVING the Japanese imports. A lot of things are just so much cheaper. I just got Gun Nac for 20 dollars. Smash Bros Melee $20, Mario Kart 64 CIB $5 dollars, Smash Bros 64 CIB $15, Link to the Past CIB $8, Yoshi Island CIB $12. A while back I got a Orange Spice Cube for $15 then I soldered my own region switch into it and voilĂ . I own alot more stuff too just not at those awesome rates. :P

Oh just stop it with those prices, are you serious? lol Damn those are some great deals XD

Just picked up Sonic Blast Man 2 for super famicom today

Just watched Jared's video today? lol

General / Re: Import games: What do you have? What do you want?
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:47:52 pm »
I only have two Japanese import games right now, A Link to the Past for Super Famicom and Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.  Price wise, they are actually fairly cheap with how much I got them for from a retro shop.  Didn't even plan on getting them, but I think they make for a nice fit with the collection being that they are both boxed.  I want to get some more if I can, mostly just the cartridge ones.

Grabbed the PS2 versions of Everything or Nothing and Nightfire today from the Salvation Army, the 007 games and just realized that in the Nightfire case there was randomly placed copy of Agent Under Fire inside with Nightfire lol It's rather wrecked, not sure it works, but funny to find it there lol It's either Nightfire or Agent Under Fire I actually remember playing and generally enjoying, I just don't remember which.  I know most Bond games aren't really that good other than Goldeneye, but I can't complain about cheap games to much.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: April 24, 2014, 02:07:08 am »
Since my first post, I've upgrade from "Gaming Shelves" to "Gaming Bookcase"! lol I got everything better organized now.  Top shelf is nothing but Zelda games.  Second shelf is basically all Nintendo related.  Third Shelf is Nintendo 64 since I can actually pull them out of the drawer now and Sega games.  Fourth Shelf is PS1/PS2/PS3 and Xbox 360 Games.  and bottom shelf is mostly just for whatever and the few cased copies of PC games I have.  I have a bunch of physical PC games over the years, but most of those are just in a big CD case.  I have some more gaming memorabilia stuff to put on the shelf that are elsewhere in the room right now, but I'm slowly building up.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 23, 2014, 03:49:02 pm »
If Nintendo dropped its, franchises and focused on so-called hardcore games like some of you guys are saying, then they wouldnt be Nintendo at all, they would just be another Xbox or PlayStation.

Yeah if Nintendo didn't have its franchises on the system, I wouldn't have much of a reason to buy a Nintendo console lol A third party lineup to bolster the system is needed, but it isn't generally what I always want.

Also, you know it isn't very good when the Wii U is underselling even the Gamecube :\

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 22, 2014, 11:55:43 pm »
Goofed around in some Skullgirls today with a friend since Big Band was added to the game (Make sure to download him for free right now even if you don't plan to play it soon if you have the game already.  He's free for abit).  He's a fun character.  Kinda like Cerebella with the power hits, but has some great grabs and ways to reset people well and despite his size, he's rather fast for a power hitter.  Cerebella is still my main, but he was fun.

Still regret selling off a lot of the games I had and not having my Ninja Turtles toys any longer other than one toy I still have which is missing all the parts for it lol

I still have all my TMNT figures. Even have the party wagon sitting on top of my entertainment center. But I did the same thing with my He-Man guys, though I kept Orco.

I was very tempted a few weekends ago by some guy selling like 200 bucks worth of figures at the Flea Market, accessories and some vehicles, but I didn't have the money even if I wanted to buy them lol

I didn't get rid of everything, like I still kept my Nintendo 64 and boxed versions of the Zeldas and a couple other games, but I had sold off my NES, SNES, and Genesis stuff and I've done a lot of game trading with games in recent years.  It wasn't till the past year or two that I've sworn off really selling off stuff unless it was stuff I got cheap to put towards other games like I just recently got 28 Dreamcast games for really cheap and am trying to sell them right now.

Still regret selling off a lot of the games I had and not having my Ninja Turtles toys any longer other than one toy I still have which is missing all the parts for it lol

Modern Video Games / Re: Kamikazee-Games better on PC or console
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:18:26 pm »
I've got one more for you I meant to ask that I just remembered when adding to wish list.  The "Bioshock" series?  PC or 360?

Basically much of the same as the previous games.  Nothing is particularly better on PC there other than I think Bioshock Infinite might look nicer on PC, but that's sorta it.

It's certainly tougher to find games that are better on PC compared to their console counterpart.  For me, the mod aspect makes a big difference, and I'll always prefer shooters on PC compared to console, but basic ports don't usually tend to be better on PC other than maybe graphics quality. 

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 03:28:49 pm »
Fatal Frame is perfect for the Wii U and I'm still hoping they do a new Pokemon Snap, cause it makes a lot of sense with the system.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:22:06 am »
The console looks to much like the Wii as well. I hate to bitch about graphics but I also hear it's underpowered. Really wish they would just ditch the controller, and release some rpgs. I would really wanna pick the wii u out of all the consoles but it's just not doing enough. The ps4 already has more games than it.

I hear it's actually a lot stronger than people think it is, certainly more than the 360/PS3, but obviously not as much as the PS4 or Xbone.  I finally picked the Wii U up this year as I thought there were plenty of good games for it and a lot coming out this year.

What does the PS4 have out now that is actually good?  Everything I've seen come out for it so far has just been rather lukewarm.  Just going on exclusives, I heard Infamous was fine, Knack wasn't that good, Killzone was okay...and that is kinda it.  The rest is all multiplatform stuff which I don't take into consideration for consoles anymore.  And I'm certainly not knocking the system, it's still in launch mode, but I haven't seen anything enticing on it at all yet or even coming up other than maybe The Order and whatever Deep Down turns out to be.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:05:42 am »
We will see. But the lose of 3rd party support, and EA sport games is big blow. And only 3 games this year are due for release that mean anything. And in my opinion I never thought the 3ds was a failure, and it's a handheld anyway not a console. But maybe your right, but the wii u here is dead, and no one cares they care about there xbox one, and ps4's. Asked a friend if he's heard of a wii u his response was wtf is a wii u. I think that's all I needed to hear.

Certainly agree that a lack of third party is not good and they need to announce more game dates for stuff.  I was just pointing out that the 3DS was getting called out for its lack of games and that it was failing, but it came back also and the Wii U has that chance if it can get more people on board, but it's not very likely.

I think the biggest factor is that the basic consumer just doesn't understand the Wii U, purely because Nintendo failed.  They gambled that calling it the Wii U would make folks think of the good selling Wii before, but people thought it was too much Wii and therefore didn't think it was anything that big of a deal.  I really wonder if they had called it something else entirely and then acknowledged it's backwards compatibility with the Wii afterwards, if it would've done better to be more obvious to consumers that it was a new system, and not just a tablet addon to the Wii.

Off Topic / Re: What Are You Watching This Season?
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:00:51 am »
Sort of following Ghost Adventures, but that's about it.

I use to watch that for abit and thought they were more interesting than some other ghost shows, since it's just three guys (Any time someone was "alone" in ghost hunters, they still had a camera crew with them lol) and I was mostly watching for the interesting locations, but all those shows really don't amount to much in finding anything interesting, not that I really believe any of it lol

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