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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 422 423 [424] 425 426 ... 435
Off Topic / Re: Japanese Learning
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:43:53 pm »
What do you guys do for your learning? I've always been rather interested in delving into the language myself, just haven't really taken the plunge and I'm curious what would be recommended for it.

Bought Dragon's Dogma on PS3 today as I'm gonna give it another go, never gave it a fair shake when I first played it and it's at a nice cheap price now used.  Also grabbed Bulletstorm Limited Edition, cause it was only 5 bucks lol I have it on PC, but been wanting to fool around with it again cause it's kind of an underrated game.  Shame it didn't too well.  We need more shooters that are less serious.

Also, no go on pin bending for the connector on the NES.  The pins actually do look abit on the rusted side as I noticed when lifting them up, so I think the connector has kind of bit the dust, but we'll see when I get the new connector.

Off Topic / Re: Southwest Florida Folks!
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:09:57 pm »
Bloody hell. I finally get a collector THAT close to me. Was beginning to wonder if I was the only real collector. Every visit to the stores in this region usually gets the same bug eyed reaction and this response, "You have THAT many games?" A retro store down in Bonita? Heard of it but wasn't sure if just rumor. I get what you are saying about this area in particular. Everything acts like its stalling, when it comes to pop culture. This entire southern section has the potential to become another Los Angeles. But just like old LA in the 40s, it is making a lot of mistakes and holding on to the small town mentality. This in turn makes the area open to a lot of corruptive elements that can easily seize control of the direction the commercial development goes. But I digress. I hail from Lehigh Acres.

Lol There are a few collectors down this way, my collection is pretty small right now, but growing.  Yeah 8 Bit Hall of Fame is pretty cool, I'd hang out there more often just to game and chat if it wasn't all the way down there which is around a 45 minute to an hour drive. 

I really want to see more gaming events happen down this way, convention type stuff for gaming and anime and other geek stuff like that as I think there a lot of folks down this way that don't want to always do the big drives up to Tampa or Orlando or over to Miami.  I know I can't regularly afford hotel rooms for the weekend. 

There was that Game Nation thing last year, which wasn't really any sort of real...event, it was more promotion for this idea of a game themepark sort of thing which is cool, but again, there wasn't much to do there other than give that airsoft role play event a try which is cool in concept.

Guh, just my luck, the NES won't stop blinking.  Terrible with the console finds and until I find some cords, I can't tell if the Genesis is bad either lol What's the usual thing to see about cleaning up and possibly fixing an NES? I know about replacing the pin connector, which I might just look at doing.

Kinda cool I thought in the Urban Strike case, is that the original receipt from when the guy bought is there.  Bought it in Feburary 1993 for 50 bucks in New Jersey and it made it all the way down to Southwest Florida lol

Take 15 min and take the NES apart. Just clean the pin connector and bend the pins back so it holds a tight grip on the cart. It doesn't take long, and I haven't bought a new 72 pin connector yet. I bet I've had 20+ NESs pass through my hands and this hasn't failed me yet.

Sadly, didn't seem to work at all.  Gave it a nice cleaning and still just blinks.  Very annoying.

Off Topic / Southwest Florida Folks!
« on: April 12, 2014, 09:00:25 pm »
I've joined a couple groups that have stuff related to Southwest Florida geek culture, but really, there isn't much in the way of discussing different events and places to go check out and thought I'd see if anyone was down this way, maybe let folks know about cool gaming stores, conventions, day events, stuff like that.  This would essentially be like...Tampa down to Naples in terms of area.

I'll start it off with a newer retro game shop that has opened in Bonita Springs.  The dude that owns it is a real cool guy, reasonable prices on most stuff and he's up for negotiating and of course trades.  I've been supplying him with my perler bead pixel art to decorate the place.  He got in a Street Fighter 2 Tournament Edition cabinet right when I left today and I was so bummed I didn't get a chance to play it, I just hope he doesn't sell it before I can get down there to play by the end of the month lol You can find his location at

In Cape Coral which is right near me, there's a regular comic/anime/gaming day event that usually happens twice a year, spring and fall, but they passed on spring this year due to the date they wanted being taken up at the location, so won't be back till about August I think.  It's called the Sun Coast CGA Show.  When it was up in Punta Gorda I think 2 years ago was when I debuted my first cosplay which was a Team Fortress 2 heavy and my big Tomislav won for best prop which really made the event more.  It's a super small thing, but the size doesn't matter to much for me.

In Fort Myers where I'm at, there's ZombiCon which is generally a good time.  Last year wasn't the best because they changed it from abit more of a convention the year before where they had special guests and such, to more of just a big concert thing, which ended up being because they got kinda screwed over funding wise by the city, but managed to put on a good time.  There's bands, they usually have a theme, food, drinks, people selling stuff, goes way into the night if you like to party.  It looks to be coming back this year too, so it seems its back to stay.  About the only thing I hate is parking as downtown Fort Myers is a pain in the ass to get through.  The teaser they showed that I think is for the theme this year might possibly be Voodoo zombies.

About all I can think of right now.  It's why I started the thread as I really want to know more.  Of course there's plenty of geek stuff happening towards Tampa with all of the conventions, but I just want to see if there's anymore to check out.

General / Re: Midwest Gaming Classic
« on: April 12, 2014, 08:45:58 pm »
Sounds like a really good time, would be cool to go to a big gaming event like that.

Guh, just my luck, the NES won't stop blinking.  Terrible with the console finds and until I find some cords, I can't tell if the Genesis is bad either lol What's the usual thing to see about cleaning up and possibly fixing an NES? I know about replacing the pin connector, which I might just look at doing.

Kinda cool I thought in the Urban Strike case, is that the original receipt from when the guy bought is there.  Bought it in Feburary 1993 for 50 bucks in New Jersey and it made it all the way down to Southwest Florida lol

Take 15 min and take the NES apart. Just clean the pin connector and bend the pins back so it holds a tight grip on the cart. It doesn't take long, and I haven't bought a new 72 pin connector yet. I bet I've had 20+ NESs pass through my hands and this hasn't failed me yet.

Yeah I'm gonna clean it up totally, I'm just getting one anyways just in case as I had cleaned and older one, but had it not work, so either I'll need it or I won't.  They are pretty cheap anyways.

Guh, just my luck, the NES won't stop blinking.  Terrible with the console finds and until I find some cords, I can't tell if the Genesis is bad either lol What's the usual thing to see about cleaning up and possibly fixing an NES? I know about replacing the pin connector, which I might just look at doing.

Kinda cool I thought in the Urban Strike case, is that the original receipt from when the guy bought is there.  Bought it in Feburary 1993 for 50 bucks in New Jersey and it made it all the way down to Southwest Florida lol

Overall not a bad day for me.  Flea Market wasn't too great, nothing good game wise in particular other than some NES, SNES, and Genesis games for 5 bucks a pop, but it was all kind of common throwaway stuff.  For a buck maybe, but I did buy an NES and Genesis from the same person for about 15 bucks.  Neither have cords, don't need them for the NES, but the Genesis will be lacking for abit.  Also got two strategy guides, Rogue Squadron for the N64 and Wave Race Blue Storm on GC.

Thrift shops were crap, went to at least a half dozen on my big round and found only a Gamecube Controller and Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PC at the very last one before I headed home.

The retro game shop though gave me tons of goodies.  I got a fantastic condition boxed Japanese Ocarina of Time on N64 to add to my collection and with me being able to play Genesis soon once I get cords, I bought...

Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Jungle Strike
Desert Strike
Urban Strike

...All boxed except for Knuckles.  Don't have a ton of needs on the Genesis right now, mostly just Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles Boxed, but I'll have that to play soon.

A mixed trip this weekend, but good overall.  I'll grab some pictures of the Japanese N64 Zelda here soon along with the Genesis haul.

General / Re: Anyone know what this Bowser item is? *SOLVED*
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:10:47 pm »
That's neat, I didn't even know k'nex was still a thing until a month ago.

I had seen these sets, I actually bought a little Warior Mario Kart motorcycle thing you build up, but I hadn't seen these big Knex sets before.  Kinda wish I had more cash to throw around, I'd probably be buying these Mario and Mario kart game sets lol

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:47:46 am »
Aside from handhelds, I never enjoyed Nintendo consoles as much as others have until the GameCube.  Then I lost faith again with the Wii and will pass on the Wii U for now.

I support DRM but would rather buy physical copies, if available and especially includes a manual, for the sake of adding items to my VGCollect.

Will add some more later on...

For me, the Nintendo Wii killed Nintendo for me.  I didn't really have a Gamecub, so I didn't play a ton outside of a few games like Animal Crossing, Zelda, and Resident Evil 4, but when the Wii came out, I really hated it, I hated the motion controller and there were just not many good games I thought for it and after like two years of owning it, I sold it off to a friend.  There are a few good games on it for sure now, but that was a super low point for Nintendo to me.  Which is funny that the Wii did so great, but I hated it, and now that I love the Wii U, it's doing horribly LOL

That leads into an unpopular opinion I'm sure...I don't like the Mario Galaxy series.  Like alot.  I dabbled in both and man did I really not like them.  They are competent games, but I was a giant fan of Super Mario 64 and it just felt like we lost most everything good that had to me.  We lost the big hub world to explore, the interesting levels to explore, with the new hardware, I just wanted a new big world to explore and they didn't have it.  Then by Galaxy 2, they dropped any sort of what I felt was good exploration in favorite of that shitty Super Mario 3 overworld that's so completely over-used, I wish they would abandon it forever.  I don't want tiny little linear levels to run through, I want big fucking worlds to explore dammit! It's why I'm hoping with a new Mario that they decide to do something different for once.  Super Mario 3D World was fun, but it's too much of the same, it's annoying.  I just want them to take what they did with Super Mario 64 and go BIG with it using their beautiful new graphics we are starting to see come through now with like Mario Kart 8.

I REALLY love Super Mario 64 lol

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:39:07 am »
Man I'd love that Snap and Donkey Kong Country.  Particularly Snap as I don't have it for my collection of N64 games yet and it was something I loved as a kid.

Go right ahead.  You can take both of them.   :)  I'll be okay lol...

Nah, we can totally share, you can have the DKC, and I'll take the Snap :)

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:30:50 am »
God damn, this is one hell of an album opener, I need to finally get an album from them...

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:40:01 pm »
Man I'd love that Snap and Donkey Kong Country.  Particularly Snap as I don't have it for my collection of N64 games yet and it was something I loved as a kid.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:37:50 pm »
I don't watch much Game Grumps anymore, but their Sonic '06 playthrough was hilarious!

That game is such garbage lol

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