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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 424 425 [426] 427 428 ... 435
Super stoked that after just getting a Super Famicom Link to the Past, I'm gonna be getting the Japanese N64 Ocarina of Time this weekend.  Never really planned to get the Japanese versions of the games, but now I really want them for the collection lol

Off Topic / Re: shows*
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:21:11 pm »
Never to old for cons :D

General / Re: New Retro Systems Any Good?
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:41:00 am »
If a Power Base Converter works, then a 32X probably does, too. But a Sega CD wouldn't, it connects through another port.

We'll make it fit, we have the technology!

General / Re: New Retro Systems Any Good?
« on: April 06, 2014, 05:59:25 pm »
Then you add a 32X and slap it on top of a Sega CD and put in all 6 controller and then hook it up with both HDMI and AV hookups, and start attaching Gameboy games, twice, as you can maybe fit in a Super Gameboy up front with a game and you've created a technological monstrosity lol

General / Re: New Retro Systems Any Good?
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:43:46 pm »
Retron's not that bad. I love how they take the original controllers. If you can wait a bit longer Hyperkin is going to releasing the Retron 5 this month. They've slated it to be 100 dollars and will support NES/FC, SNES/SFC, Genesis/Mega Drive (Master System via Power Base), GB, GBC, GBA all with HDMI output and save states.

Oh dang, yeah, I'll wait for that LOL

General / New Retro Systems Any Good?
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:21:56 pm »
I saw at Books A  Million they had some of the new retro console stuff, like the portable SNES, a new version of the SNES controller without the Nintendo branding and a 3 in 1 console that plays Genesis, NES, and SNES, for like 50 bucks.  I need a NES because mine is broke, I don't have a Genesis, and having all three in one thing would be handy, but is it any good? It's the Retron 3 and while I will get the original consoles eventually, for now for convenience and space sake, I feel like it would be good if these things are quality.

I have a friend in Japan right now and said he'd be interested in getting me stuff from there, so I might consider getting a a few more cause they do have a pretty standout look to them.  In particular, I really want the N64 Zeldas and the original Zelda from Japan.  Mostly just depends on the price right now.

Here's that Japanese A Link to the Past I got today.

Not a good day for finds for me, Flea Market had very little other than a couple common NES games I didn't want to buy for 5 bucks a piece, and some modern games, though I did grab Devil May Cry HD Collection on 360 and Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers on Wii for 5 bucks each.

I made my run to the retro store today and decided to finally buy the Super Famicom Legend of Zelda which has the box and game, no manual sadly, but it's cool to have with the box.  I don't really need it for my Zelda collection, but it's one of those cool bonus items to add in when I can.

Also decided to grab a Paper Mario on 64 for the heck of it.  I never really played it back when it was out, so figured I'd pop in sometime.

And finally just grabbed Brutal Legend on 360 for 4 bucks, because I could, even if I have it on PS3 and had it on 360 originally before a trade in awhile back.  I just love that game lol  Oh and I forgot I bought it on Steam.  Just a big supporter of that game.

Do you know how I could figure out how much the pieces might be worth.

Could probably sell the case for a couple bucks, buck or two per disc, probably about it.  Not gonna get too much for them.

I would love to see Capcom rebound with some good games.  Bring back Resident Evil with an actually good survival horror game, revive Mega Man after strangling him in a back alley, maybe dabble in a few other things people are really wanting.  They have games people want, they just need to work out better ideas that aren't simply just trying to follow the trends.

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:39:47 am »
I use to totally like wrestling back when I was a kid in the 90's, I still remember going to a video store that closed down probably in the late 90's that had tapes for wrestling that I'd go rent.  Some of my favorites were...

and of course, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker.

RIP Savage and Paul.

I watched some wrestling through like the NWO era and stuff like that, but I think I kinda stopped watching it around the start of the 2000's when I lost interest.

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: April 05, 2014, 01:24:06 am »
Those look really good lol

And for my new piece today, Paper Mario approves of your seatbelt covers :D

Part it out, between the case and the discs. Someone is always looking for a piece.

I'd certainly agree to that.  Could probably get a few bucks a piece per part if they are in nice condition. I know for me, the hard part with N64 games is finding just boxes for the games.

Going on the hypothetical that Capcom goes under...

Mega Man should go to Nintendo and be worked on by Retro for new titles.  Okami should go to Nintendo also.  I want Okami 2 utilizing the touch pad, it's made for that piece of hardware.

Devil May Cry to Platinum.

Resident Evil...well I would've said Visceral after Dead Space 2, but what happened with Dead Space 3, I would say no to them lol Really have no clue who would be great to get that now, the survival horror market is pretty bottom of the barrel right now as it's either indies making the good horror or stuff or randomly like Sega now it seems.  Maybe someone like Sony could buy it and work it with one of their prized studios.  Naughty Dog making the next Resident Evil? That would be crazy lol

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