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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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General / Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:55:30 am »
What franchise has fallen to the wayside that you'd love to see come back with a reboot or new entry into the series or what genre would you like to see come back that just isn't popular anymore.

For game, I'm gonna start with a big one, Mega Man Legends.  I'm sure there were those here that was upset at how unceremoniously MML3 was canceled, even before the prototype was to be released.  That game alone was basically gonna sell me on the 3DS and because it didn't, I didn't get one for a while afterwards.  I love that series and really want it to come back.  Hell, I'd take an HD port of the first two games if I could get anything lol

For genre, the 3D Exploration Platformer.  Your Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Jak & Daxter, you don't see these kind of games anymore.  It's all 2D platformers or stuff more like Ratchet & Clank that is still getting made, but I never considered them the same, just as I don't consider Jak 2 and 3 to be quite the same as the original.  I want to see Nintendo have Mario be in a huge, beautiful, HD hub world full of stuff to explore where you then go into big cool worlds that you explore rather than the small linear levels that all basically just been copy and paste stuff of Super Mario 3.  Thankfully I did fund one Kickstarter called "A Hat in Time" that is very much a game calling back to those glory days which I hope turns out well.

Look at the games nowadays.  Super Mario, even 3D Mario, is mostly just the same linear overworld of Super Mario 3 and linear levels.  Donkey Kong is only in the Donkey Kong Country form.  Banjo-Kazooie's latest game was a build-a-cart racer with mild platforming to it.  I'm kinda hoping that the new Sonic Boom game which is said to be a more open adventure game can do for filling that kind of gap in gaming especially since it has some Jak & Daxter vets on the team for it. I also just want to say, that while I point out the above games, they are in no way bad and are still good games, but I feel like there's missed opportunities here to revive a long lost genre I treasure dearly.

It's not that they are ruining what is on other systems, it's just a bad game being made for the sake of the mobile market, which is rarely good...Dungeon Keeper...

There's a Roller Coaster Tycoon on the 3DS. Certainly better looking than this one but if it's the idea that these games are going portable, the one posted above certainly isn't the first. Actually seems like a perfectly logical platform for one of these games.

Big difference between "portable" and "mobile".  I think handhelds like the 3DS are fantastic.  You can guarantee quality games on it, it's a proven platform.  Smartphone mobile games on the other hand are rarely considered good, let alone a legitimate platform for gaming.  Find tons of the casual time wasters, but a proper thought out game is not generally one of them.  We've seen series that go mobile tend to work out poorly.  Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Dungeon Keeper, and there are more.  Mobile just seems to lend itself to free to play games with awful micro-transactions or just basic games with not a ton to offer since smartphones don't have good controls or alot of power to them and isn't exactly the most unified platform.


look at the title

"Rollercoaster" Okay, I see where they are going with this.

"Tycoon" A series I never got into, but I know others like.

"4" Well it's been around for awhile, that's cool...

"Mobile" ...

Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.

Yeah I played it with Guncom 2 so that's probably why I liked it lol

Off Topic / Re: cleaing stickers
« on: March 16, 2014, 07:04:08 am »
Good chance you can just peel off that sticker.  Goo B Gone would probably ruin the label.  Worse comes to worse, you've damaged a super generic sports game that is easy to replace lol

Though...If you carefully applied, Goo B Gone to just the sticker itself by rubbing it on with a cloth and making sure it doesn't soak through it too much, that might work if it doesn't peel off at all.

General / Re: Goodwill prices.
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:20:13 am »
What did that Storage Wars episode with the NES say it was valued at and what did it have? Kinda curious lol

As for something said earlier, I agree, the store isn't there just for us to get cheap stuff, nothing wrong with wanting to be a little selfish due to our collecting habits and wanting the best deals, but I think on principle the place is meant to be an affordable means of getting used items, so jacking up prices to the highest (and beyond) of current market values just seems kinda awful for what they are supposed to be.  Thankfully I haven't come across it yet, but I haven't been lucky to find anything older than Gamecube so far, but I'm not there every day either.

General / Re: Your #1 Game For Each System
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:59:41 am »
Nice taste in games, my friend. And you like Megadeth! You must be pretty awesome.

I clearly must :D

Adding a few more...

Tough battle between Super Mario Land, Links Awakening, and Pokemon Yellow.

Gameboy Color/Advance
Basically anything Zelda lol

Sega Saturn
I kept thinking that Battle Arena Toshinden was a Sega CD game, but it's actually only would've been Saturn for me, so I'll add that for it.

Sega CD
Another system I barely played, but I did enjoy Sonic CD on it.

Nintendo DS
Funny enough, Super Mario 64 might make it again.  I thought it was a pretty great port with the additions it had and I did play it the most when I had one.

Nintendo 3DS
Still haven't beaten anything for it, but of what I've played, I think A Link Between Worlds will win out.

Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.

Went to the flea market myself, but sadly it was rather empty this time.  Seemed like a few sellers had closed up and not a ton of new garage sale folks.  Did grab 4 games, but really only bought them cause they were a buck a piece lol  Also, I'm very proud to start off my Dreamcast game collection with NFL2K and the Dreamcast Web Browser...oh, wait, that's not pride, but shame, but they were only a dollar, so I can't complain much lol

Really just didn't want to go home empty handed and were the only games I saw that weren't from resellers, of which one thankfully closed up.  I don't mean to be an ass, especially if you do resell games, but when there's 3 or 4 resellers at this one flea market and most of their prices range from "so-so", to "I might as well just buy them on Ebay", I don't have alot of respect for that.  I've only come across one around me that I felt was very genuine with his prices and he's thankfully opening up a retro game store next weekend.

General / Re: Your #1 Game For Each System
« on: March 15, 2014, 03:03:09 am »
Always hard trying to pick specific favorites, probably would be easier asking me which finger I wouldn't mind missing than picking a favorite per console lol

Legend of Zelda

Super Mario RPG

Nintendo 64
It's a three way tie between Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  I don't know if I can choose.

Resident Evil 4

I'll probably say Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess, but I didn't play enough on that system.

Wii U
Probably gonna say either Super Mario 3D World or Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze at the moment.

Final Fantasy 7

Playstation 2
Too hard to say, it might be Resident Evil 4 again, Jak & Daxter, or Metal Gear Solid 3.

Playstation 3
Too tough to say.  I loved The Last of Us, but only for the story and characters.  I really liked Resident Evil 5, but it wasn't better than RE4 and screw Shiva, can't say for sure.

Halo 1

Xbox 360
While not something exclusive to the system, it is what I first played Brutal Legend with.  I'm counting it.

Sega Genesis
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or the Knuckles one.

The rest are too hard to work up favorites for or I never played play them like the Saturn and Vita and such.

The best sports games are ones that don't actually emulate the sport very well lol NBA Jam, NFL Blitz...uhh...probably the Mario and Mega Man soccer games.  Mario generally had fun takes on sports stuff.
They may not add much each year, but sports games are fun. I like NCAA Football, NBA 2K, and Tiger Woods. They're fun.

Eh, I find sports games dull, just as I find watching the actual sports to be dull, so playing a dull genre involving something I find dull to watch, makes for a dull experience.  Then you just add the sloppy yearly releases onto them and it puts them at the bottom of the barrel for gaming to me lol

It's like why I don't like realistic racing games, because there isn't anything all that fun to a car that handles like a real car, but being able to crash stupidly in Burnout or use weapons in something like Mario Kart or Sonic All Stars or have stupid huge set pieces like in Split/Second makes racing super awesome lol

The best sports games are ones that don't actually emulate the sport very well lol NBA Jam, NFL Blitz...uhh...probably the Mario and Mega Man soccer games.  Mario generally had fun takes on sports stuff.

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: March 14, 2014, 08:14:59 pm »;jsessionid=27291E2B3BA528C1A685DC202EAC2C06

Kinda bummed I missed the Luigi statue as I joined after it was gone. Haven't seen anything so far to put my coins towards to yet.

I like One Piece so I might keep an eye out for this.  Kinda bummed it's digital only for the Wii U.  Probably will instead grab it for the PS3 so I can have a physical copy if I decide to buy the game.  I don't think it's gonna be quite Monster Hunter in that you are gonna free roam and fight big beasts, because that dragon is kind of an important fight from the show.  I could be wrong, but I'm interested.

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