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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 430 431 [432] 433 434
General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:03:55 pm »
Oooo, you do the giant ones! :D Very cool! You have more patience than I, that's for sure. xD

The biggest one I've ever had the patience for was a king slime and a Sailor Moon chibi...I wonder if I can find a picture of it. :D

Do you just iron one side? I'm curious. :)

Yep, anywhere from 3 to 4 hours or longer depending on what I'm doing for the big ones lol I love when the big ones are done, but ironing is actually the most annoying part to me as it can be hard to get middle sections to fuse along with the outer edges.  Always annoying.

I use the masking tape method which is you do your beading, put layers of masking tape to hold it all together, puncture every spot with a bead, and then iron the other side to fuse it together.  I personally like the bead side shown to the fused side.  Don't know why, heh.  The masking tape method is great for making sure your peg boards don't get ruined.

My most recently posted one is of the greatest game character of any generation, E.T.!

And my newest one.  Probably gonna do some more of Pac-Man here from his SNES adventure just because there are an absolute ton of different animations for him in it.

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: March 09, 2014, 05:36:01 pm »
I do Perler Bead art :D I've done it now for a few months and it's been pretty fun.  I'll post a couple favorites here, but you can find the rest on my Deviant Art ^^

General / Re: What System Do You Have the Most Games For?
« on: March 09, 2014, 05:04:29 am »
hey kamikazekeeg,

Yeah those digital sales are hard to pass up sometimes... 99% of the time, I'll wait until I find a physical copy of the game... but sometimes those Steam sales are too hard to pass up. ;)

I'd say 99% of my PC collection is physical copies... which is a gift and curse really... some of the older PC games take up ALOT of shelf space, with those huge boxes and all!

- Retromangia

I had the bright idea over the past like 10 years to go "Oh, all these cases are pointless and digital is handier, just toss those and keep all my CD's and manuals in a big CD case it's handy", and now back into collecting I'm just staring at the CD case full of games along with a huge digital library and  going "WHY?!?!" lol

Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:08:21 pm »
^ Nice tastes! You named a lot of my favorites.

BTW, is this particular page (no others on the site) annoyingly laggy and taking far too long to load for anyone else? I thought it might have been from too many YouTube videos being posted on it, so I deleted a few of my posts containing them, and it didn't seem to help.

Seemed fine to me, so I can't say for sure.

Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:04:38 pm »
As my avatar shows, I'm very much a metalhead.  One of my favorite games of this past generation was Brutal Legend, to the point that I now have a cosplay of Eddie Riggs to wear! lol As for the style of metal I'm into, it's abit all over the place, though I'd probably say Heavy, Thrash, and Power are my bread and butter.  Maiden, Priest, Megadeth, Annihilator, Iced Earth, Symphony X, etc.  From that stuff gets abit more particular such as melodic death metal like November's Doom or Amon Amarth, the doom metal, etc.  Some progressive stuff is mixed in, whatever genre Devin Townsend might be dabbling in at the time, and it can include more novelty stuff like Babymetal that is surprisingly fun to me and I don't care if others say that removes my "metal card" lol

I do play a little guitar, nothing impressive, just riff stuff I've learned since highschool, some Megadeth, Metallica, I can play a little Iron Maiden, Ozzy, I don't play with a band, just sorta do it as a way to past the time these days.  My guitar is a Faded Gibson SG I got around 2003, though it's seen better days and kinda needs an overhaul with fine tuning the gear as even tuning it, it never really sounds like it use from lack of some proper regular cleaning and upkeep.

Modern Video Games / Re: Depending on how you look at it....Shaq Fu
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:20:01 pm »
Is it sad that me and my friends used to play Shaq-Fu constantly and actually had fun with it?

It very much is, so extremely sad, I feel awful for you (I've never actually played Shaq-Fu lol)

I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.

I've started collecting them since I was able to get a bunch at a flea market for about a buck a piece, some gems, some not so much, but I do like having them and I'm starting to grab a few for certain new games now like Super Mario 3D World and I'm gonna get one for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.  I never use them to get through a game, but they'll be handy for the after-game stuff as I don't mind using them to find the extras and collectibles lol

Today was a bust at the flea market other than paying way too much for a New Super Mario Bros 2 strategy guide, but I did great at the Salvation Army where I got an original Xbox with two controllers for 18 bucks and Battlefield 2/Special Forces on PC for 8 bucks together.  Not bad at all to me.

Modern Video Games / Re: Depending on how you look at it....Shaq Fu
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:10:54 am »
It's funny they want to try, but it seems kinda pointless.  I know it's one of those games that's had a cult status, but it isn't because it's good at all.  It would be like someone trying to make a new version of the E.T. game lol  It does have over a month left, but seeing that with all the press, it's only up to 60k, is not the best sign.

I got a copy of Jak & Daxter on PS2 for like 5 to 10 bucks I believe.  Completely sealed.  Being a favorite of mine, I think that's a nice deal.  And to keep it sealed, gonna get the HD collection on PS3 eventually, so I can just play that version and keep the sealed copy :D

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:59:42 pm »
Hrmmm, I see some metal here, but I think more is needed!

The chorus for this song is so catchy lol

General / Re: What System Do You Have the Most Games For?
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:53:18 pm »
Right now, 32 is my highest for the Nintendo 64, a favorite system of mine. Sadly because the N64 games are notoriously hard to show off because of their cartridges having no stickers, all of them but like the 4 I have boxes for sit in a drawer.  Really need more boxed N64 titles.

This has nothing to do with the thread, sorry guys. But I just had to say this:

You're avatar is freaking AWESOME!!! What is it? To me, it looks like some future-version of Vic Rattlehead (Megadeth's mascot)

It's fanart of Vic Rattlehead that came out when they were going to Deviant Art for a redesign Vic contest back around...United Abominations I think. I loved the design and regularly use Vic for avatars :D

And to Retromangia, I don't personally think of my PC collection as one anymore as it's all digital.  Like I have 150+ games on my Steam Library alone.  For me, my collection on here is purely physical.  I use my PC more than anything else anymore, though as hard as I went digitally with alot of games, I am trying to pull it back a little so I can have physical copies if I'm not gonna be buying something on a Steam Sale.

Classic Video Games / Re: Poll: How do you pronounce NES
« on: March 07, 2014, 04:01:50 pm »
I always called it the "Ness" or just "Nintendo".  I'm not exactly stuck on that though as I can sometimes call it by the letters.  I never really called the SNES the "Sness" though, usually was just Super Nintendo.  I'm from Alaska.

Off Topic / Re: shows*
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:58:45 pm »
Sucks that the small one that usually happens around now for a day couldn't get the day they wanted and are skipping it completely till the fall.  It's very tiny, but it was always fun and easy to drive to.

General / Re: Tips for New/Newer Collector's
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:50:30 am »
I'm technically a new collector, I've sorta done it off on and over the past 5 to 10 years, I get some stuff and then I either moved or needed to slim down and it wasn't till the past year or two that I tried to collect more consistently and I regularly go out to the flea market near me and get some stuff at cheap prices and try to get stuff at the thrift shops or at gamestop.  Right now, unless I come across stuff really cheap like only a few bucks a pop or less, I do try and focus on the things I really want, stuff I use to have, which has worked reasonably well for me.

For right now, I get a couple new games every week or two generally, sometimes less depending on how well it goes.  At the flea market, I basically have to compete with this one reseller and if I don't get there right at 9 when the gate opens, I'm not likely to get anything to good.  Frustrating, but I think I've done okay there. Resellers can be so annoying for a small scale collector like myself.

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