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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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Not a bad haul today.  Particularly happy for the Mega Man X collection, Twisted Metal, Red Faction, and Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Probably gonna use Panzer General and GTA3 for some trade in at a retro game store opening tomorrow.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 21, 2014, 10:35:22 am »
Ah okay.  I was going through the "browse" for pc games and was adding multi games to wish list like Boarderlands, Mass Effect, etc. but maybe I'll have to be weary of that.

Would you say its at least true for older pc games like in the 90s?  I know Doom is better on pc and wolfenstein for the DOS

It really depends on the game to me.  Borderlands, the original, is worse on PC.  Mass Effect I had no issues with for 2 and 3. Some tend to be better, some tend to be worst.  You could probably just ask around for a game to see if it's better or not ^^

General / Re: Gaming Love/Hate Relationship...
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:41:17 pm »
How far did you get in Zelda 2?  I almost gave up on it, but once I passed Death Mountain the game got a lot easier until near the end.  It is one of my favorite Zelda games in the entire series.

Too long now to say how far I was, maybe half way, I just can't stand most of the game.  The combat isn't very good, sketchy at best, the dungeon designs aren't fun, the boss fights aren't fun, really, the only things I could commend it on is sort of the concept of the XP system and addition of the towns, but they aren't even very well done.  I can't even really think of anything enjoyable about it.  If that was my first Zelda game over the original, I don't know if I'd be a Zelda fan right now.

General / Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:37:33 pm »
Yes, I'll totally throw in for Super Mario RPG also.  They have never gone back and made a proper sequel or game in the same style and it's a real shame as I loved that game a lot.

Monster 3 Ultimate for the Wii U! It's on sale for 20 bucks at Gamestop right now.  Really expanded my Wii U library with all these sales I've come across as I just got in the mail on Wednesday Assassin's Creed 4, Wonderful 101, and 007 Legends that I bought on sale for pretty much all half off from Amazon.

All that is left for me to get is New Super Mario Bros U/Luigi U and Resident Evil Revelations (Which I own on PC, but want a physical copy) and I'll pretty much have all the games I really want for the system I think.

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« on: March 20, 2014, 06:48:39 pm »
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is now on sale for 20 bucks (18 if you are a member) at Gamestop right now.  Online and instore.

Geez, I'm peeling all these stickers off of Battlefield 1942 and there are so many prices lol There's the small 4.50 tag that was over the 7.99 tag it had, and under the big generic PC GAME tag they seemed to have added over the box and game, I found another price tag for 9.99 lol

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 20, 2014, 03:36:21 am »
I'm really digging all the new faces (avatars?) around here.  Forums need new blood every now and then.  I think we were starting too get along too well.  We need some new folks and new ideas to shake things up. 

Welcome to the party new people.

Did someone say "shake"?


General / Re: Gaming Love/Hate Relationship...
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:18:04 am »
I sorta have a love/hate relationship with the entire Zelda franchise.  I think I love the *idea* of Zelda more than the games themselves, for the most part.  I really enjoyed the original, LttP, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.  The rest I ranged from "eh" to "couldn't stand it" (Ocarina, I'm looking at you, I don't care HOW much the rest of the world praises you  >:( ). 

This is just the console entries btw, I really haven't put enough time into any of the handheld releases to say either way about them. 

Also, I love the idea of the Demon's/Dark Souls games, but I can't stand actually playing them.  :P

The two above are the only Zelda's I've played where I had issues with.  I've pretty much enjoyed every other Zelda I've played other than the two DS Zeldas that I haven't played...Majora's is just because of the time mechanic, but as a game its fine, Zelda 2 is the only one I go "Screw this game" because the combat is bad, the design is bad, and after you come off to the greatness of the first one, it is just REALLY bad lol The only Zelda I actually hate lol

General / Re: Gaming Love/Hate Relationship...
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:23:19 pm »
For awhile I kept trying to give Zelda 2 on NES a serious, full on, honest, try, but I play for like an hour or two, and it just wears me down to much and I just can't stand it.  If it was anything, but a Zelda game, it might be alright, but because it is that, it really bugs me.  I'll probably try and beat it someday just to say I did.

...and I'm gonna add another Zelda with that being Majora's Mask lol It has stuff I like, it's a continuation of the great Ocarina of Time, but man I hated that time thing, it really bug me and I never went back to beat it and going back, I still probably won't like it.  I really hated being pushed forward through a game.  I have the same issue with Dead Rising 1 and 2, even though I did beat those, but I would've much rather there not be a timer in the game pushing me along.  In an open world, I like to explore it at my leisure.

General / Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:14:50 pm »
Mega Man Legends 3 was mentioned, and that horse is just as beaten.

I'll always believe  :'(

Modern Video Games / Re: Your Most Anticipated Non AAA Games of 2014
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:27:36 pm »
Don't know if it is out this year or not, but The Forest looks pretty sick.

Wii U - Got Assassins Creed 4, Wonderful 101, and 007 Legends on sale on Amazon last week.

PC - Over at BJ's, the big warehouse bulk product store, they had some games on sale and I noticed they had Battlefield 1942 and Medal of Honor Airborne for only 5 bucks a pop, so I grabbed them since I don't think I have an original full set of 1942 and grabbed MoH for the hell of it lol

Modern Video Games / Re: Alien Isolation
« on: March 19, 2014, 05:28:31 pm »
I'm interested, but I don't like non-combat oriented survival horror games like Outlast and Amnesia which this is gonna be more like that.  The setting might be good enough to pull me in though.

General / Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« on: March 19, 2014, 05:27:16 pm »
I know Skate 3 is only going on 4 years old. But man I'd love to see a new entry in the series on the new hardware!

Never got into Skate myself, didn't particularly like the controls.  I want them to bring back Tony Hawk, but make a proper game, not a mobile game, not what I hear is a sloppy HD collection, and not those two that required a plastic skateboard.

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