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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 433 434 [435]
General / Re: Intro thread
« on: March 02, 2014, 09:01:31 pm »
Thanks, Turf.  I'll keep my eyes peeled lol

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:59:05 pm »
Mine is still pretty small, relegated to just these three shelves, a drawer full of N64 and Game Boy games, a bunch of game strategy guides on a bookshelf, and a couple other items strewn about.  Top shelf is Zelda stuff, second shelf is Nintendo, third is PS2, Xbox, 360, PS3, and PS1.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:47:21 pm »
I bought Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Wii U and been taking my time with that.  It's some fun stuff. I need to go back and finish Ducktales Remastered on the Wii U and unlock the 2 other worlds I need to get in Super Mario 3D World.

General / Re: What System Do You Have the Most Games For?
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:45:46 pm »
Right now, 32 is my highest for the Nintendo 64, a favorite system of mine. Sadly because the N64 games are notoriously hard to show off because of their cartridges having no stickers, all of them but like the 4 I have boxes for sit in a drawer.  Really need more boxed N64 titles.

General / Re: Goodwill prices.
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:41:39 pm »
I have two Goodwill's I visit, but only one ever has anything.  It's weird how the closer one almost never has anything game related in any way, but the other almost always does.  Pricing is very iffy, 3 to 5 bucks a game, other stuff like controllers and things can be alot pricier, but I've found a few things there.  I got a Game Boy Color carrying case there, which was awesome as it was the only thing left in their put out bins lol But not long ago I went there and they were selling a Gamecube, which had me interested since I don't own one, but it was like around 40 bucks, obviously close to around Ebay pricing.  The biggest problem I had, was they sealed it with tons of tape in some plastic bag thing, so I couldn't see the condition it was in and among the three controllers I saw, the third was clearly not a GC controller, but some random PC USB controller.  That bugged me.

Thankfully the Salvation Army shops I go to get games in once in awhile, usually GC/Xbox and newer and they are only around 2 to 3 bucks a piece.  Just got a Wii Lego Indiana Jones for 2 bucks the other day and I could've gotten a huge stack of Xbox Original games awhile back, though I have no interest in Xbox stuff outside of a few titles lol

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:26:41 pm »
Hey folks.  Stumbled across this place browsing to see if there was a better mobile app to use on my phone as the only one I have is NES Hunter Pro, which is only Nintendo related and only up to Gamecube, so this place seemed way better for keep track of my overall collection.  I'm a relatively new collector though I've done it off and on over the years, but now I've really begun trying to collect on the cheap when I can, primarily Nintendo related, though I'm a pretty varied gamer.  My main collection right now is trying to get all the Zelda titles, of which I have a reasonable chunk so far, but a ways to go.  Also trying to collect alot of Nintendo 64 games, of which I have around 30 with nearly zero boxes for them, though I am lucky to still have my original Zelda N64 games in the boxes.

Looking forward to hanging out here.  I've also in the past few months started into Perler Bead art, usually retro gaming related, so maybe I can start a thread for that around here, of which you can find my deviantart at .

Now to spend forever cataloging my games lol

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