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Messages - leonefamily

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Done, thanks dhaabi.

Just pointing out that the EBay item can not be proven to be CIB since no barcode is present. Sometimes the barcode can be just a sticker on the seal wrap (which then gets lost when the item is opened) but this is rare and 95% of games without a barcode are just games missing a slipcover. Anyways it can't be proven that a specific release has a "seal wrap sticker barcode" as long as we don't have pictures of a factory sealed copy. And the contrary, games that do have a barcode on the back cover art, doesn't necessarily mean that this game never had a slipcover.

Thanks again.

And to add to my previous post, dhabbi added item number 32587.209.US, which is the item number on the box art under the slipcover. But the slipcover itself has a different item number, as it says "Box part number 32587.491.US".

I tried to edit item #3526 by updating the front and back box art. I got this rejection note:

Submitted artwork is attempting existing data to change entry's identity. Previous approved submissions reverted or changed. A new entry will need to be submitted if you're wanting to add this specific item.

The thing is, I'm updating the images because the current images are of the box without the slipcover. My images were of the slipcover. The EBay listing provided by the admin is just some dude who's trying to pass off an incomplete set as a CIB.

General / Re: Help me find a (seemingly) lost PS2 game!
« on: January 28, 2024, 10:32:50 pm »
I thought this game had actually released on PS2. I didn't even know it was cancelled. Would explain why I've never happened to see one in the wild. But upon checking on Redump, there is indeed no dump of the PS2 version, so it definitely never got released on PS2.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: January 10, 2024, 10:27:30 pm »
If there was any other way to distinguish them I would have done it this way. But anyways, just to be safe, I just did a full detailed examination again and I can still confirm that every text is the exact same everywhere. The disc is the exact same too and they have the same manual. The bold/thin font doesn't just apply to the front art, it's also different on the side spine, back art, and even on the back text of the manual.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: January 08, 2024, 12:35:10 am »
V-Rally Championship Edition (PAL) on the PS1. I have my hands on two copies where everything is the same except the font is slightly different. The left copy has a bolder font than the one on the right. Item #87097 is what would be considered the "Bold" font while we don't have anything in the DB for the "Light" font. Would this be worth making 2 entries named (Bold font) and (Light font) or is the difference too light to separate them?

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: November 24, 2023, 09:16:53 pm »
Let's please create a Xbox One [CN] category. I just picked up the first example I've seen of what would be considered an "Asia" version of an Xbox One game, so I need the appropriate category to list it under.

I'm still waiting on this. Is this getting implemented soon?

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: November 21, 2023, 01:04:52 am »
Let's please create a Xbox One [CN] category. I just picked up the first example I've seen of what would be considered an "Asia" version of an Xbox One game, so I need the appropriate category to list it under.

Because it's a platformer. That category already exists.

General / Re: Warning!!! (do not toss or sell your OG Xbox Consoles)
« on: October 16, 2023, 05:04:40 am »
I totally agree with this. There's so much we don't know about these systems and we can't blindly believe what big corp tells us because the FBI will always just know about it anyways. I used to be a huge Xbox fanboy to the point I asked my girlfriend to start calling me Xbox because that just felt natural like me being inside my soul! Then one night my girlfriend felt me being inside her soul and she screamed my name, but that turned me on and my Kinect! I was so ashamed that Gates was now watching us because that meant the catholic church was also seeing us! I know she has god in her too but can't it just be me for once? There is no data privacy anymore. I don't want my data to be sold to the Illuminati cults to be used as their Fiverr training videos! But I knew that Gates was behind it all, it wasn't just a situation where I'm the only one behind it. That Kinect technology means he was there with us, and it just happened that on that very same day, I had broken my ATV's muffler from doing too much competitions of "stuff a toad in, press the gas, see how far it goes" with my friends at the Bayou. You don't see the coincidence? Well it happens that the toad was picked on the pond next to the ranch of my friend's dad who turns out be cheating on the wife of the boss of the classmate of the best friend of the dealer of the favorite prostitute of the school's principal who was born on the exact same day as Bill Gates, proving that NASA was responsible all along!! Anyways, I should stop typing all of this because I know that VGcollect mods are going to report me to the feds, I already know too much.

Why would people spend money on stuff just to destroy it for others. That's just ridiculous. Feels like the kind of thing that somebody with a "the entire world is against me" mindset would say.

General / Re: Warning!!! (do not toss or sell your OG Xbox Consoles)
« on: October 10, 2023, 11:09:10 pm »

 The FBI knows I own a refurbished working OG Original Xbox that can play DVDS with that adopter That came with the sale. So maybe they figure I don't need to play all my OG games. On 360 due to fail-safe

This is 100% it.

I blame Reagan for what we have to endure here.

lol this is so similar to what a crazy lady to who I sold a jailbroken PS3 said to me. "Les policiers ont réinitialisé la jailbreak" (The cops have reset the jailbreak). Uh no, lady, you just got your console CID banned by Sony.

General / Re: Would you replace a Greatest Hits/Reprint game?
« on: September 14, 2023, 05:03:06 am »
I collect all variants of the games I like. So that includes Greatest Hits and all versions from other regions. I actually prefer Greatest Hits versions and I play those instead of the originals as they were sometimes updated/patched versions of the originals.

General / Re: Collection from polestar1978
« on: September 08, 2023, 12:09:55 am »
SpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: PS1 PAL - List Quality Control
« on: July 12, 2023, 02:46:23 am »
I prefer just using the most accurate representation of the actual item variant instead of a better quality version that's missing "features". It looks ugly but it's very helpful for disambiguating a variant and to have as much accurate info as possible. Any pic/info is potentially temporary, if a better scan is made/found in the future it'll get updated at that time.

I personally use the Canon Lide 110 to do my scans, I got it second-hand for like 25 $ CAD. It works very well using my settings. If someone is purchasing one and wants to know which settings I'm using, just PM me.

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