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Messages - anruiukimi

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Probably something in my stuff collection, my games are hardly unique. I've got all sorts of bits and bobs that are boxed up that I don't even remember these days. xD;

I haven't posted here in awhile, but I haven't gotten much new either.

I picked these up in a oddly titled auction so I could have an extra copy of the DWIV book (only a small tear in the map, otherwise in very good condition! This was kind of a gamble, there was basically no description.)

If anyone wants the other two books, I have zero interest in them. :P

The funny part was opening up the Game Genie book and a single page from the FFIII instruction book fell out. Weird weird! :P

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 04, 2014, 03:10:23 pm »
Anime fans & collectors!

Quick question for you all -

Are anime sets/series "collect-able" (like games are) in that certain ones become rare/really hard to find & valuable as time goes by *OR* not so much?

Thanks again everyone for all of the nice words & thoughts about my dog...

I'm sorry to hear about your puppy, disgaeniac. That really stinks. :(

As for your question, honestly, for the most part, with rereleases and all, most lose value, rather than the other way around.

There is always the exception, but there's isn't too many I can think of. Some of the .hack//sign limited sets have held their value, for example. My Card Captor Sakura DVD set used to be great, but I figure that the value will plummet soon with the new release coming up. It's hard to predict, honestly. I couldn't give a few of my old anime dvds away when I last did a garage sale event at a con. But then I managed to sell my Fushigi Yuugi DVD sets at the height of the price spike for them a few years ago, and now they are selling for less than half. ::shrugs::

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 21, 2014, 04:47:04 pm »
That's a great cup! ;)

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 12, 2014, 02:39:27 pm »
Tigerdirect used to do that to me pretty often when I was ordering more often from them. Got annoying, but I get why they do it.

And guess who I'm buying this from. XD

The one time I bought something from them I got a defective sound card (the gameport was broken) which they refused to replace because it was an OEM item, or so they said. The only reason I ordered this from them was a $15 discount coupon and free two day shipping with a trial. No CA tax? Yes please. :p

Ha! Yeah, it usually happened with me when I was living in Japan, but ordering things for friends/family in the US. Difference of billing address and mailing address.

Ahhh, no tax. I'm starting to miss those days.

Just read an article in the local paper about how "Nintendo has been apologizing profusely" about their zero tolerance for same-sex relationships & story-lines in their games (iirc, because of...tomodachi) and that from now on...they're going to be nothing but tolerant & open-minded  :o

Anyone else see or hear anything about this?

I've only heard bits of it, so I don't quite know what's going on yet. I should probably do some peeking around.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:51:07 am »
At full speed. 1100%. :p

Really though I ordered the card but I checked my order status and they told me I have to call to clear up the purchase. Guess my location tripped up their security thing.

That and this being the first order I'd made at that store in like ten years. Oops?

Tigerdirect used to do that to me pretty often when I was ordering more often from them. Got annoying, but I get why they do it.

In other news, someone has posted several hundred CIB/CB SNES games on Ebay, all different titles, and started them at 1 cent. I managed to carve my watch list down to like, 10, but he has a lot of games I've been planning to get... ;_;

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: May 11, 2014, 01:36:43 pm »
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P

What he said.

The Soera is here to lead be laughed at & avoided by all!


Giggity  :P

Pffft :P

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 09, 2014, 09:56:58 am »
What am I missing - why are the hard subs bad?  (unless you speak Japanese I suppose?  ???)

*Has no idea/doesn't care wtf a "hard sub" is.*

AFAIK, a "hard sub" is just a subtitle that you can't turn off.  And since I couldn't understand the Japanese audio I'd never WANT to turn English subs off when the Japanese audio is on.  Which is where my confusion comes in.  :P

Eh, my dislike of hard subs is largely out of habit (I used to make AMVs for fun) and for the fact that there isn't any real reason for it, the technology to turn them off and on has been there for decades. Also, I do occasionally like to watch anime with the subs off, to see how much of my Japanese I can remember.

But either way, it is very cool that the blu-ray set is getting a release, and for far cheaper than if I had bought the Japanese sets. :)

...the hard subs are possibly being required by the JP side of the mix to discourage reverse importation, now that I think about it. I've heard of that happening before.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:02:33 pm »
Bawww CCS blurays....I already have the whole set on DVD, I must resist. ;_;

Anyway, hard subs on the Japanese audio track is not cool, not too thrilled by that.

Siigh. (I collect certain CCS stuff, so I always hoped the BR set would come out here, but I'm not too keen on the look so far. :/ )

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: May 01, 2014, 12:32:13 am »
Anyone else here picking up Bound By Flame next week?  I have it preordered because it looks very cool by the trailers - but I'm a little hesitant as well since the dev hasn't really done much else and it kinda came out of nowhere.  If it's universally panned I'll probably cancel & just wait for a price drop, but I'm hoping it turns out good.  :)

Hadn't even heard of it; what's it like?

Speaking of pre-orders though...what'd you do w/ your Hakuoki pre-order?

Yea or Nay to the $20 comb/hairpin thingie  :o

Enquiring minds want to know  :P

Yea! I can always use more kanzashi :D And I want at least one JP visual novel game again, I sold my copy of Animamundi: Dark Alchemist for PC a few years ago along with the promotional stuff I had for it, so I miss having one around. Hopefully, this one is more reliable, Animamundi had a game breaking error that had to be avoided. xD;

I suppose I'll post what is pretty much all month's additions. :)

(Not shown: Liberty or Death (cart only) and Mechwarrior 3050 (replacing lost cart))

The box on RotK IV was in a bit worse shape than I expected, but that's what I get for experimenting with a ebay auction with a stock photo. The contents were in great shape, so I'll live. Sim City and Liberty or Death were both pretty much mint, and both came in their protective boxes (or, how to tell you are buying from another collector...) I actually bought two in-box Daffy Ducks to part together a decent CIB, which means I'm up to three copies of the game right now. xD; I'm giving the extra box and game set to a friend, and I've thrown #3 under my bed with the other extras.

NES CIB: Due to argued ownership of DW II-IV (my mom and I are hopeless, long story :P,) I'm trying to get another set of CIBs of them all. DWII is missing the mailaway map, but DOES have that mailaway guide book, which was pretty rare. I'll get the map later.
DWIV is missing the weapons "map," and the label of the game is a bit sunworn on the spine, but ditto on the map getting later. For some reason, the guy included the original instructions to DWI, which I think he thought was part of the set.

3DS: Picked Zelda: LBW up complete, and in great shape from a Gamefly sale from earlier in the month. $25? Not too bad.

DS: The Kingdom Hearts one looked cute, so I picked it up while in a shopping mood a few days ago. It's still sealed. 5th Grader was a $1.25 addon ebay purchase to another item I was buying for a friend. Not too bad. :)
As for the other two? So, there's this nice fellow on NA who sells these random boxes of stuff, and I bought one from him. I ended up with a bunch of little bits I didn't need, two NES accessories I still haven't tested, 3 DS games, two of which I kept, 3 SNES games, two of which I'm keeping, a pile of XBox games, all of which were given away at work, a CDROM game too damaged to use, a few PS2 games I gave away, random 80s systems paper which I need to give away to someone, and these two CD-I games I need to sell for a few bucks or something. They appear to be in pretty great shape. :)

Wii: Cooking Mama was bought at a garage sale for $1. Disk is a bit scratched, but I think it'll work fine. The other 3 games were purchased at GS with a coupon. :)

PS2: Ring of Red is a replacement, because I like the game and I have no idea where my original disappeared to. RotK VIII is part of my goal to have all of the games in the series. :P

PS3: Jeopardy was bought the same time as Kingdom Hearts. LEGO Hobbit is actually round two, which I really should open. I returned my original after I noticed the case had a big crack, and the game was very jerky in the FMV sequences. Hopefully that was just a bad disk? :/

NES/SNES: The NES games were bought for $10 together at a garage sale. Yes, I know I overpaid, I was feeling too lazy to haggle. The SNES games were part of the random box.

Repros: This is probably it, barring me buying a Mother 3 somewhere or DQ: Caravan Heart suddenly being offered :3 All appear to work great, which is what I wanted. Kinda wish he would clean the cases before recycling them, but that's an easy fix. xD;

And, with this, I'm going on video game shutdown. I've bought far too much stuff in the last few months, and I need to curb it. I've got Hakuoki on order, but besides that, I'm keeping my play budget very low for the next few months to pay down my credit card...

PS: Don't leave all this stuff out when you have a cat. I turned around to find her walking across $100s of dollars in video games... ^^;

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 30, 2014, 03:47:11 pm »
Ladies and Gentleman, I will be absent from the VGCollect forums for a week or so. Exciting things are happening to the Overturf family over the course of the next week. You will not be forgotten. Rest assured, the one you look up to so much will return.

In the immortal words of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800:  I'll be back.

Have fun! :D

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 26, 2014, 09:53:15 am »
What do you guys think?

I really want to get the game "Watch Dogs" but I wanted it on the Wii U to use for the gamepad but who knows when that will be out.  Do you guys think I should just go ahead and get it on PC, or wait for the Wii U version?

You're gonna need a really, really beefed up PC to play Watch_Dogs.

Fox, I hope my 1300 dollar laptop is beefed up enough!   ;)

Processor:  Intel Core i7
Graphics card:  Nvidia Geforce GTX 765m
Ram:  6GB  (upgradable to 12)
OS:  Windows 8

It is in HD and has the put for me to connect it to my 55" hd tv via HDMI

Do you think that's beefed enough?  Seriously if not, I will consider selling it just to buy me parts to build my own new gaming pc to go along with my Windows 9x rig.
I find this site to be helpful to see if my computer meets the requirements for a game.

Weird website! Looks like I pass fine, but it tells me no anyway. Huh.

I'm officially going to be a daddy. It's due right after Christmas.

It worked out well, we just got a 2nd car, and we have a couple grand saved up to move out of this apartment and into a house. For once, the timing worked out for something in my life. *knocks on wood*

Anyone that also knows me on Facebook, please don't say anything on there. My wife still wants to tell some people in person.

Congratulations! :D The world always needs more (hopefully) December babies ;) Good luck on the moving and everything!

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:28:26 pm »
Looks like your collection is underway well! :D Very cool, I need a bigger bookcase for mine... xD;

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