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Messages - necrosexual

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General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 01, 2016, 07:21:04 am »

i had already planned on making a call monday if i don't get a change in info over the weekend, i guess i feel more comfortable doing that
don't wanna bother them if it's just being held up but y'know

i don't have enough experience with this, i usually really only buy stuff retail or through finding it in thrift stores, so that's why i asked here, figuring you guys would have more experience

Not sure if you're in the US, but it's a weekend holiday as well, in case that holds things up :/

well shit, you're right. i forgot monday is the 4th oops.
i don't pay much attention to holidays, i don't work a job that allows me them off (except christmas, maybe thanksgiving, no one orders pizza delivery those days lmao) so i don't pay much attention... no one orders on july 4th either, but we won't shut down though we REALLY SHOULD. i think... i think i saw the schedule and i'm off on the painfully slow holiday, but i might not be, i don't recall.
and no family bothering me to join them either lmao
guess i'll have to strike that to tuesday or wednesday.

on the other hand it finally updated and hit my town, so tbh, it should be here by saturday, i hope.
if not today.

FINALLY got a tracking update, so much relief.

this thread got heavy heh.

my two cents is
i think this kind of topic comes up every single generation. i see it ever gen. back when the wii/360/ps3 came out people said this about them, and the ps2/xbox/gcn. and i imagine it was the same for ps1/n64/saturn back then, too.
like, people get older and harder to impress. i know even tho i was like 10 i thought the n64 was ~so meh~. i wasn't impressed by boxy horrible graphics. i was way more impressed with some snes pixel art (yoshi's island comes to mind especially).

we get jaded and blah blah.

anyway, my ps3 collection is pretty sizeable in comparison. the 360 wasn't for me, i owned one, i sold it for the ps3 (before i was really on the collecting game as much... i was collecting, but not really into it at the time, and i want a 360 eventually, but only for some of the jrpgs.
i don't find ps3 to be boring at all. but i'm a niche consumer, and i like a lot of trash. like, weeb jrpgs are kinda my thing. as in 'if there aren't cute girls in my game i probably have no interest' type here. i have a penchant for cute that runs vein deep i guess.
i'll say i never got into online, i think i missed the boat and now i'd have some serious learning curve and catching up and idk, it's not for me, i don't wanna bother, i like my single player, and the ps3 has that in spades. and some of the games gave me experiences i know older gens would have a much harder time doing so for me.
that doesn't mean i don't enjoy older consoles, of course i do, i have loads of memories with the snes especially
but ps3 was when i finally had the cash to really buy games (and ps2) and i could enjoy a wider variety.

i genuinely think that generation had a lot of good stuff in general.
and i think people who say it was boring are getting a bit jaded (and may need to take a break from the hobby).

though i will say this: the ps4 and bone are hella boring if you don't have internet. hard to buy games that are GOING to need patches, when you can't really hook up to the internet (i use mobile hotspot to get online right now, it's a pain, but i can't be using the bandwidth on 50 system updates and 15 more game updates, this shit is limited bandwidth lmao).
maybe i can argue the ps2 was better than the ps3 -in general- for my tastes, but i'm actually MORE inclined to the weeb jrpgs of PS3 than the more serious ones from yesteryear. it appeals to me more.

and anyway, no one mentioned dragon's dogma.
or nier.
or earth defence force
or really any gem from the console gen in question. there were a bunch of fantastic titles on the consoles, but no one's mentioning them, and the arguing point (that i saw, i skimmed, i'll read later when i wake up) used AAA titles... and AAA titles have always been kinda hit or miss for a while now. a fuckload of the "great" titles during the ps2 days weren't AAA (persona, smt series and knock offs in general, for example). no one is bringing up how platinum exists now, and continues to make fantastic games (def not AAA tho), like vanquish, no one is bringing up the A or even B titles, just AAA as their arguing point and... fair enough, those are the big budget, big advertisement, prominent titles, but let's be real, the generation is just going down, and like literally every other generation, it's only after the gen is over that all the hidden golden gems are dug out of the earth and put forth.

i think it's WAY too early to be saying "wow that gen sure was terrible wasn't it :^)" when we all know how this goes: generation finally dies off, all the gems are uncovered, we can look back and pick it apart, it always turns out better than we remember, wow, huh, look at that, turns out it wasn't that shit after all and wowee wew lad [current gen] sucks so much shit can we go back to last gen :^)??
this happens EVERY time, i'm young (23 next week) but i've seen this happen twice now, three times in the handheld verse, and i dunno, i guess it gets a little old.

i mean shit, i never thought xbox original had much until i crept into a 'hidden gems of the xbox/xbox appreciation thread' thread on 8chan and wowee, look at that, a whole damn jpeg of games i never knew existed. (albeit, my brother is the xbox guy, i'm the playstation guy, used to be nintendo but i'm a little bit salty about treehouse translation and localisation butchering abound/censorship bullshit, so i'll see myself out of that discussion)
you'll see the same lists all over again for 360/ps3/wii, just like xbox/gcn/ps2 and so on and so on.
every gen this happens.
and every next gen we look back and realise ~oh it could have been so much worse how could we be so blind~ so i'm immune to this thinking i guess.

tl;dr: i fucking dig my ps3, didn't mind my 360 when i had one but the games weren't really suited for me thus the ps3 transition.
ps3 is a pree cool guy basically.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:50:56 pm »
i'm starting to get really anxious about this grand kingdom grand edition not being here
it's still at a sorting facility 36 hrs later and nine times out of ten that is a huge fucking red flag in my experience.
i have no idea who to contact, i doubt nisa would ship another and i just want the game. i want my game (and the goodies inside) more than a refund

but i'm kinda losing hope at this point.

super worried too that even IF it comes, it's going to come damaged. this situation is really shitty. it's affecting my sleep a lot even, but meh, i have general anxiety so whatever, i get anxious over small things
i already emailed nisa yesterday, but i didn't expect a response til later today at the earliest since small company. i called USPS yesterday and they said maybe this weekend. but it was supposed to be 2-day shipping and it was shipped 3 days ago and it's not left texas.
please tell me SOMEONE has experience with this because mine is relatively limited. the only time i've not gotten tracking updates for so long is when items ship from asia, no joke.
It's in USPS's policy that 2-Day shipping does not guarantee 2-day delivery, it even says 2-day can take up to 2 weeks.

You can try and call directly to the shipping center that has your item.
i'm starting to get really anxious about this grand kingdom grand edition not being here
it's still at a sorting facility 36 hrs later and nine times out of ten that is a huge fucking red flag in my experience.
i have no idea who to contact, i doubt nisa would ship another and i just want the game. i want my game (and the goodies inside) more than a refund

but i'm kinda losing hope at this point.

super worried too that even IF it comes, it's going to come damaged. this situation is really shitty. it's affecting my sleep a lot even, but meh, i have general anxiety so whatever, i get anxious over small things
i already emailed nisa yesterday, but i didn't expect a response til later today at the earliest since small company. i called USPS yesterday and they said maybe this weekend. but it was supposed to be 2-day shipping and it was shipped 3 days ago and it's not left texas (no less a sorting facility there...).
please tell me SOMEONE has experience with this because mine is relatively limited. the only time i've not gotten tracking updates for so long is when items ship from asia, no joke.

I understand your anxiety about it as I also have an anxiety disorder, I'm impatient and stuff like this pisses me off.  I've had packages get stuck at a sorting center for an extra couple of days before.  Most of the time, they arrived late but just fine.  It is even entirely possible that the package was misdirected from that sorting center to someplace half-way across the damn country and they just haven't updated the tracking info.  If it's USPS, they are notoriously shitty about updating tracking info. 

Give it a couple more days. You may want to call the USPS hotline and ask for them to put a trace on it.  Again, complete crapshoot with the postal service, but I have seen packages "miraculously" leave wherever they have been sitting and get underway for delivery.

that's relieving

i had already planned on making a call monday if i don't get a change in info over the weekend, i guess i feel more comfortable doing that
don't wanna bother them if it's just being held up but y'know

i don't have enough experience with this, i usually really only buy stuff retail or through finding it in thrift stores, so that's why i asked here, figuring you guys would have more experience

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:31:09 pm »
i'm starting to get really anxious about this grand kingdom grand edition not being here
it's still at a sorting facility 36 hrs later and nine times out of ten that is a huge fucking red flag in my experience.
i have no idea who to contact, i doubt nisa would ship another and i just want the game. i want my game (and the goodies inside) more than a refund

but i'm kinda losing hope at this point.

super worried too that even IF it comes, it's going to come damaged. this situation is really shitty. it's affecting my sleep a lot even, but meh, i have general anxiety so whatever, i get anxious over small things
i already emailed nisa yesterday, but i didn't expect a response til later today at the earliest since small company. i called USPS yesterday and they said maybe this weekend. but it was supposed to be 2-day shipping and it was shipped 3 days ago and it's not left texas (no less a sorting facility there...).
please tell me SOMEONE has experience with this because mine is relatively limited. the only time i've not gotten tracking updates for so long is when items ship from asia, no joke.

"do you plan to ever play all of those?"
no, honestly, no. i'm a collector first, not a player. sorry not sorry.

"why not just sell them?"

"you must just play games all the time"
i draw and write too. and work a fuckload.
so no

"what's your favourite game?"
my brain scatters and i go blank-faced at this one. for a lot of reasons.
i never answer this with anything other than a shrug.

"so do you own [game]?"
probably not, because i don't play (therefore, i don't collect) AAA garbage, and 90% of the time, [game] is an overblown AAA title

"do you just buy random games?"
no, i collect, but i'm broke too. i only collect atm games i know i'll probably enjoy to some degree.
mainly jrpgs tho.
i'd love to be able to collect random games, i just can't afford that, so i have to prioritise my cash. if i know i won't like it, i probably won't buy it, and it's partially why i haven't really gotten into retro collecting yet (too much crap on old consoles to have to dig through and i don't have the time rn to do checks while i'm out. i'll just stick to more modern collecting for now)

Modern Video Games / Re: What game are you waiting for the most?
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:12:26 am »
a new animal crossing
or a sony knock-off of animal crossing

i don't care which one. in fact, both, lmao
new leaf is getting outdated and idk.
hhd added a lot of neat features, i'm hoping the whole thing is basically them saying HEY THIS IS SOME NEW FEATURES OF THE NEW AC JUST HOLD ON.
like, hhd is super fucking cute and i'm loving it and i'm glad i decided to cave

but it's not a whole game and i'm really hyped for another
and also wondering how sony or some third party company HASN'T ripped it off yet. i honestly don't know another franchise with millions of copies sold (new leaf sold 9 mil or more?) and hasn't been ripped off by someone.
even series with less sales have been ripped.
so plz sony hop on that train plz i'd really appreciate it ty.

tho i'm assuming they're waiting for NX... hopefully, that means bigger towns, which would mean we might get the front yards like in HHD. and other things like that.
in fact, i hope they keep a lot from HHD, the game is fantastic for designing your house. if it links up to your closet where you can open a 'design home' kinda subscreen (i know the game doesn't actually pause but y'know) that links to that and keeps all the design tricks from HHD (being able to stand and move things via stylus and stuff) that'd be top.

AC is the only reason i'll bother with NX ngl.

but now i'm rambling about hopes for the next AC.
basically, i just really want more AC in my life real bad.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 29, 2016, 09:34:16 am »
So, I've been seeing quite a few "Code of princess" games recently added to people's collections here.

Anyone playing it yet?

What do you think of it?

What (other games) is it like?

Think it'd be playable one-handed?

On another note - I received shipping-confirmation from NIS America yesterday stating that my pre-ordered/LE copies of Mugen Souls are on their way...

While NIS America *is* one of my favorites - it *is* somewhat disappointing that those who pre-ordered (here in the USA, at least) the game are getting it *after* those who just strolled into a game store & picked up a copy and/or pre-ordered it from places like Gamestop.

Oh well, I hear that the "art-book" that's included w/ the GS "pre-order package" is just the liner of the OST package w/ like 4 or 5 images on it.

So, I'll take my solace in the superior "LooT" & "extras" that will be arriving w/ my LE's :)

To be honest, I probably need 3-5 more days to knock-out the rest of Cross Edge's post-game before I'll actually start *playing* it anyway...

ngl nisa has been messing up lately
my grand kingdom grand is STILL not here
the game came out in shops yesterday.

i called usps and it's prolly on its way to the east coast so tomorrow maybe?
but it's seriously annoying as shit to know i'm not the only one affected by their really late shipping dates.

as for code of princess i have it, i didn't like it too much but ymmv

came into decent cash this month finally and my electricity bill is really light for w/e reason (i expected almost $100... i got <$20... no idea)

so i went out into the wild world:

grand kingdom should be coming to my door soon (ugh nisa why you ship so late) (PS4)
animal crossing happy home designer (3DS)
atelier rorona (PS3)
tetris worlds (PS2) ... $1 at goodwill and complete/black label. noice. shockingly WASN'T stolen yet.
senran kagura estival versus endless summer edition (vita)
virtue's last reward (3DS)
trillion: gods of destruction (vita)

feels good, even if it's a relatively small haul.

for the sake of this site it sucks they weren't boxed together
on the other hand for production it was for the best and
i was getting scared of exactly HOW BIG that box was gonna be in my collection.

so i'm pretty glad they split up the boxes
i also imagine that, from the standpoint of collection AND packaging, it was likely easier to package it all this way, rather than in one giant box. it comes with a lot of neat stuff.

it does make cataloguing it more difficult tho.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:52:54 am »
i want to say "fuck nintendo i ain't even gonna touch this shit"
the wii u is a fucking sore disappointment to me, and even tho there are games i want, i can't afford them because the price tags never go down
and i don't have a certain system update to, ehmm, you know
and i hate doing 'ehm you know', i don't EVER, i'm just too broke.

i WANT to say that
but in reality, if they said

nx launching with new animal crossing ala new leaf not HHD or AF.

i'd be all over that shit like a pesky fly.
AC is my nintendo system seller at this point. i can honestly take it or leave it on the rest and after their censorship left and right and my wii u basically never being used and the price tags and all kinds of shit, my faith in ninten isn't too high.
but slap an animal crossing on there, slap it with an AC print/design and package them together and well, i'm sold >.>;;

Just wait til you try to install Rare Replay. It does each game separately.

i just said "oh... my... god" out loud reading this
i wanted an xbone too... partially for rare replay...
oh my godddd.

General / Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:08:15 am »
hopefully much larger, hopefully by then i get a better flow of income. as of rn, i can afford about a game a month, and that's... slow moving.
i live in poverty but y'know. can't stop now.

as long as it's plenty of good stuff, i'm not going to complain.

i'm not that big a fan of steelbook cases in addition to original cases cause they kinda just sit there? i got the one for the witcher 3 and i'm like
yea but why i need both?
it takes up space idk.

the way odin sphere did their steelbook is great, top notch deal right there, protects the original case, it's a slide in type deal. i like it.
shirts have NEVER interested me. i don't wear t-shirts, and a large swamps me. i'm short and scrawny, i look like a 12 yr old in an L. meh.

i like art books. actually, i love art books. i draw, too, so they're usually great sources of inspiration. and i love concept art a lot. a good art book makes me vvvv happy.
soundtracks are nice. i can listen to them in my car (if i dare haha), and i work delivery, so i have plenty of time to listen.
ahhh, ehm. stickers annoy me if they don't come in doubles (so i can keep one set and then stick the others to things). they're a waste if they come as one set.
posters are top notch. i love posters.
statues/figurines are pretty nice.
pins and little things are great additions. keychains, pins, phone straps, that kinda stuff. i put pins on my hat, so i like nabbing them up.

i don't like plushies though. they normally look really dumb and idk, just not a fan. that said, i'm a hypocrite, the preorder for story of seasons had a little argula rabbit and it's pretty cute. would've preferred a keychain or pin though ngl.

i also liked the hyperdimension neptunia vita case (re;birth 1) and the persona q 3DSXL case, but i only needed them one time so idk if i'd want more cases.

i think there have been collector's editions/preorder swag of... like, edibles, before? maybe? i think that idea is really dumb, i dislike it, but that's old-school, you never see it now... though if the game was like cooking mama or something, sure.


General / Re: What is the Most Important Part of a Game to You?
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:43:33 am »
world physics
art design
level design
all the rest

music doesn't bother me until it's REALLY god awful, like, so bad it hurts. but even then i'll turn the sound off and just play my own tunes
i can adapt to almost any control scheme until, again, it's REALLY god awful, or if it clashes with gameplay (and physics). the physics of the world > controls. ie, if combat is clunky, the game can have the best controls ever, but i can't deal with slow and clunky feeling gameplay. murr~~

but things like art design choices can really put me off.
so idk.

as for developer, that determines my chances of purchase, esp preorders. otherwise, a bad developer can make a golden egg and a great developer can make shitty products (konami made a lot of the ljn-licensed trash back during the NES days, for example, and nintendo's animal crossing team made that fucking terrible amiibo festival game, for an example of 'usually makes gold, made a steaming pile of shit')

General / Re: February 2016 Pick Up's and Finds.
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:05:25 am »
so far:

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