It is what it is; this doesn't really impact or bother me, in all honesty—these are practices that are hard if not impossible to stop, and as long as consumers keep giving in, they'll keep at it. I have yet to try Red Dead Redemption 2 out, but from the couple gameplay videos I've seen and the few articles I've read, it seems like a solid game; I'd much rather have a developer take their sweet time with their game than getting a release that's a complete mess, as it tends to be the norm nowadays. At the end of the day, everyone has their golden goose, so...
But I do see where you're coming from; GTAV at this point is at the level Skyrim was(is): it's very memetic.
Moral of the story: vote with your wallet.
I'll honestly be surprised if GTA6 has a single player or even a 6. I'm betting that it'll be an online only service game. Regardless, it would take a lot to wow me enough to buy it.
This one's a bit old, but I think this meme is onto something...