Author Topic: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!  (Read 10642 times)

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2015, 11:34:34 pm »
This type of PC fanbase is the worst. Like they constantly hated on GTA V for a long time, then as soon as it came out it's suddenly the greatest game ever made.

Even worse imo are the crazy Nintendo-only fans that defend the crap that NoA pulls.

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2015, 05:10:59 am »
I think it's pointless to compare, because it all come downs to what kind of games you like to play, as clearly shown by your not-at-all-biased post.

"PC gamers claim that "all the best games come to PC."  This is completely false.  Taste aside, where are the critically-acclaimed, award-winning games like Mario or Zelda on the PC?"
Last I heard, Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Unreal Tournament, XCOM and Might and Magic Heroes, are exactly those things.

They are two different entities, ffs.

PC is a piece of shit you go through so many loops to play a game and get it running, that comes outdated in a few years or breaks.

Master race? The platform is dying. It's only big in 3rd world countries with this DOTA crap.

My PC is from 2012, and can still play Battlefront at maxed-out settings. I don't have to go through any loops to play a game, I just download it and play. If you're on Linux or OS X, that's definitely true though.
And the personal computer is hardly dying. Sure, the casual market has moved more towards mobile devices, but really, in that regard, consoles are more dying than PC. People are even unsure if there'll be next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony. You really just pulled that claim straight out of your behind, sir.
You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.
You're incredible. The only reason error messages pop up in today's computers is because you've done something wrong. With today's SSD's, the lifespan of a computer has gotten a lot longer.
And what do you mean "The lifespan is not supposed to be long"? My power supply has a 10-year warranty.

ffs.. ._.

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2015, 07:44:43 am »
You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.

You could change "PC" to "XBox One" or "PS4" and it would also be true.
You own an atari don't you? Still working isn't it?

As are my Commodore 64's, my Tandy Color Computers, and Atari 800XL's. Also my 20 year old PC's function fine. Also if the life span is determined not only by physical life span but the ability it play the newest media and games, then each new console generation becomes obsolete, even if it carries one generation of backward compatibility.

PC gamer or console gamer - we must all upgrade in one sense or the other. I'm not playing Fallout 4 on my Atari 2600 any more than I am on my 1994 486DX2 66Mhz. Upgrading and/or buying new equipment is part of the game no matter which platform you choose. Is one more expensive than the other? Sure but if one has the money to spend on an expensive gaming pc it shouldn't matter to the gamer who chooses to purchase a relatively inexpensive console if that's all he can afford.
Fair point atarileaf fair point. But i,m sure you'll be upgrading the computer much more often than a console. Not really any meaningful exclusives on the PC compared to console anymore. You have the classic RTS games, and the great indie scene. But seems like a pretty disposable platform and DRM. I don't consider people who support DRM real gamers, and we also don't need a high end PC to run DOOM, or duke nukem 3d anymore. 90s PC gaming sure.. Now not so much. Just to add Microsoft are trying to bring halo 5 to windows, if that doesn't spell desperate I don't know what else will.

I personally don't buy gaming pc's today since I don't do much modern gaming on any platform. A kid who works for me just dropped well over a grand on some gaming pc upgrades because he enjoys LAN gaming with his buddies and he's surprisingly not much of a console gamer. I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a PC now and even in the past when I was gaming I never went high end. Just couldn't justify the cost but he's got the cash, lives at home with no bills or other financial responsibilities so I guess it's fine for him.

Your points about DRM and disposability of platforms are valid and one of the main reasons I stay away from most modern gaming today. DRM and micro-transactions on already $60 games have kept me firmly on the retro side of gaming for the most part.


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2015, 08:39:30 am » about a thread blowing up over the weekend!    :o

Me personally, I've been an on-again / off-again PC gamer since the early 80's, even before the NES made it's triumphant presence known in the states.  I grew up on old PC games like Red Baron.  The PC offered great games (for me) back in the late 80's and early 90's.  Sierra was my favorite publisher during that period with the Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest and Space Quest games.  I played their stuff all the way into the era of FMV games with stuff like Phantasmagoria.  These days, I play stuff like Fallout and the Elder Scrolls collections and the few games that aren't available such as the first Witcher. 

My original point was that the mindset that PC gaming is better than console gaming seems to be centered on things like resolution and framerate, and the claim that all the best games are on the PC.  When publishers like Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft release some of the very best games and they are not on the PC, it renders that claim completely false.  It's selective goal post moving. 

For me, the PC will always be part of my gaming because of the sheer back catalog of titles available on it and the fact that the games are infinitely modable.  But being able to play stuff like New Super Mario Wii U, Mario Maker, Donkey Kong and Yoshi's Wooly World (among so, so many others) will always trump playing a multiplatform title in 4K resolution.  I guess I'll just have to suffer the HD picture my lowly television outputs.   :P
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2015, 10:59:42 am »
I'm primarily play games on PC vs console. I've put many years in on console games too. PC is unmatched for some games while console is unmatched for other games. Games made for one and then ported to the other are not good for comparison. I usually do not like ports.

If you want to talk about multiplayer skill, then in those few cross-platform games, PC still wins. Although my experience in those are only Quake 3 (DCvsPC) and Halo 2 (Xbox vs PC).


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2015, 11:43:25 am »
I originally was very much a console-only gamer.  Growing up, internet was usually slow (we were dial-up still long after others switched to something else), but we had decent consoles and games. I bought my first DS Lite in college and was a big handheld gamer during those years.  At that time, our home PC wasn't very powerful, so the few games that I was interested in back then wouldn't run very well, if at all.  I do recall playing The Longest Journey, the Sims, Fallout 1, and an emulated version of Earthbound back then, if anything.

I had no idea what Steam was until a friend bought me a Steam game. From there, I appreciated the easy matchmaking functionality as he and I fumbled through other free software trying to find a way to play Borderlands together.

At that point, I was only occasionally playing games on my Xbox 360, though that was mainly Rockband and Guitar Hero. The PS2 was still kicking, thankfully, so I remember enjoying kicking back with a few hours of Persona 4.

After a while, as Steam became more and more ubiquitous, I found myself accumulating more and more PC games.

I think I still prefer the console experience, but I love that more and more developers are able to self-publish their games now through Steam. Consoles get that as well (I remember the early days of Castle Crashers and Limbo), but it's bit of a delay now usually between the PC release vs. digital console release.

But yeah, as others have said, there are many reasons for folks to prefer one platform over the other. Perhaps they have a PC with decent specs or they really like mods/modding. Someone else might prefer console because they don't have a great PC or they just prefer the living room experience. I definitely go between the two all the time but probably prefer the console at the moment because our gaming PC is decent but probably couldn't beat out what the PS4 currently can do.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2015, 07:36:22 pm »
My "gaming PC" is a beige Power Mac G3 from 1998. It has a whopping 333 MHz processor, and upgraded to 128 MB of RAM and 500 GB hard drive space. ;D

But it can play easily Sim City 2000, all the Lucas Arts games, Lords of the Realm 2 and even Myth II. It's a fun old computer to fire up and play around with.


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2015, 10:11:10 pm »
My "gaming PC" is a beige Power Mac G3 from 1998. It has a whopping 333 MHz processor, and upgraded to 128 MB of RAM and 500 GB hard drive space. ;D

But it can play easily Sim City 2000, all the Lucas Arts games, Lords of the Realm 2 and even Myth II. It's a fun old computer to fire up and play around with.

I was thinking that it'd be great to have an older computer to play my older PC games on. I haven't figured out a workaround atm for some of my old PC disc games.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #53 on: November 23, 2015, 08:24:26 am »

What an obnoxious thread title.

It is obnoxious, but I only used it because that is the type of elitist attitude that I run into daily online and the very titles that are applied.  I see that your games collection are from Europe and Japan so I assume you live in one of those areas.  Forgive me if I am incorrect.  But "PC Master Race" and "Console Peasant" are terms often used in the US to show the (supposed) superiority of PC gamers and gaming.

Ha! I live in Europe and am concious of the inferiority of PAL software before 60Hz became the norm here.

I'm a 10 year user of Steam, with 180 odd titles in my collection, but I only use site to log my physical titles.

Either way, the one or nothing mentality, combined with the playful "PC Master Race" term doesn't really sit right with me.