Like others, I stick with what I know. Grew up with game consoles primarily, so that's what I like. However, I did play simulation type games on PC so not surprisingly, I think those are best on PC. Again, maybe I'm wrong but first impressions stick. I have an Android and I don't ever want to switch to iPhone, because Android is the platform that I've learned to embrace.
I occasionally get into these conversations with PC fanatics. So they have the latest technical specs, that's fine. I don't really notice. People look at Fallout 4 and say "oh my god, that graphics engine is so dated". I'm like, really? I haven't noticed much of a difference in photo realism over past the 10 years anyway. It all looks the same to me. Then again, I'm not a big fan of photo-realism as a graphical style. If they see a modern shooter running at 30fps they're always complaining it doesn't run well. Really? You need 60fps to enjoy the game? Why?
I'm simply not as awe-struck by gaming or video tech as some others are. I've owned an HDTV for years and I still watch standard def. I'm not going to notice if the hair on someone's face is not well defined. This is one reason why Nintendo consoles are just fine by me, they're inexpensive and not cutting edge. The other reason is the games, more specifically, the style of games they produce are more to my liking. I've become increasingly disinterested in the landscape of modern franchises and games that focus on epicness, be it graphics, story, soundtrack. That's me. I don't want to play an interactive movie, it's just not what I enjoy so much. I enjoy games that rely on the good old fashioned principles of gameplay, primarily. I might consider it a bonus if the game is colorful and pleasant to look at.
For my money, Nintendo still delivers with consistency what is essentially the same things that I grew up on. So I'm just fine with my Wii U, and 3DS. Whatever day indie devs decide to wake up and put their products on a physical shelf, I'll be on board with that too. But the latest gaming tech in all it's glory, just isn't even on my radar at this point.