While VGC's hanD down my favorite & most frequented site...it's not the only place that I'd listed & offered to give those guides away.
didya' really want 1 of em,
I have the feeling that I could get another one (or another stack) of them, if you'd like one

Have you talked to your b/f at all about this "Pennying-Out" practice of GS?
I'd be curious as to why & how they came to the conclusion that putting a 1 cent price tag on them & throwing them in their dumpsters is > selling em online for (*easily*) $5 to $10 each

I'm guessing & assuming that, this way - the store can write them off & document them as only being a "loss" of a penny each (ie: making the amount of their "losses" look much better, on paper)?
I dunno, WTF?

I'd personally be one pissed-off & disgruntled (EX) stock-holder, if a company I'd invested in/owned shares of was - basically, throwing (what could & should be My) cash in the trash

Seriously though, Deso...shit like that - where management's signing off on & instructing the employees to throw good, valuable, and/or wanted items + merchandise in the trash - against company policy, or not - If I was you, I'd ask (read: tell!) your b/f to not draw any attention to himself & not to brag about or discuss it with anyone at work -but- once it's in the trash...GS has relinquished any rights of or to ownership of the merchandise.
The point being - if it was me working there & being told to throw this shit away...you can bet yer sweet ass that, I'd be parking in the back (by the dumpsters), and - throwing it in my car, rather than the dumpster!
Really - it's not even doing anything wrong or to feel 'bad' about; the store won't know the difference between it being in a car vs. a dumpster & it's not stealing or hurting or affecting the store's #'s or bottom line, because...as far as they know & are concerned - it's no different than them throwing it out but, someone else later comes along & takes them out of the dumpster; know what I'm saying, L'il sis?