Back-to-back Jason reviews, since I just happened to watch 2 Jason movies. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.
I've seen this one before. But I think the first time I had a bit of Jason burn-out when I watched it, after trying to marathon them.
This time around, I enjoyed it a lot more. Yeah, the characterization is weak in this one. But it's still has some great kill-scenes. And I just love the "80s-ness" of it. The kids in this one are just so steeped in 80s stereotypes that it makes it that much more enjoyable.
The one thing that did bother me a little: Why was Jason so damn wet through the entire thing? Yeah, I get it, he snuck aboard through the water. But it seemed like other characters dried out through the chases, while jason just stayed a soaking mess. MINOR complaint, though, just something that stuck-out to me.
I know it's not the most well-received entry in the series, but to each his own I guess.
Your thoughts on it?