Just went by my local GS to bug them about my second copy of FE:A, artbook, and the 3DS bundle.
The clerk said the bundle will be in this Friday, but there are less being shipped than preordered (I might've been the slacker preorder as I only asked for it on the 4th).
He also said that there will not be a second shipment of physical copies of the game coming to them until the first week of March.
I asked him why, and he said that they wanted to push the eShop version of the game. He and I commiserated that this was unfair to both the store and the fans as we knew that fans of the series would really want the physical version of the game. The fact that a good amount of people preordered and that the store was provided less copies than were reserved just leaves everyone disappointed.
What's the point of preordering if it's a gamble that you'll even get the game on launch?
At least I got a second artbook out of the whole thing - never hurts to ask.