this thread saddens me... I personally hope the XboxOne does well!
I already have both nextgen systems pre-ordered with 2 games and an extra controller.
What saddens me is that this thread has to exist. Is the XBone hate a little excessive? Maybe. Should they be doing stuff to piss off their customers? No. Will I be getting one? Not with these policies in place.
I don't understand the hate personally... what part of what they say is making people so butthurt? The used games? I'm pretty sure Sony is doing the same thing as MS by leaving DRM up to the publishers. Not to mention no more free online play.
1. An activation fee required to play used games. Absolutely they pisses people off. And no, Sony is not doing it.
2. You have to have permission to lend a game to someone, and it can only be done once, and it can only be done with someone from your friends list.
3. Required internet connection. What if you have a crappy connection? What if you live in rural area? What if you live in a country with crappy internet in general? Or, my situation, what if you take the Xbox 360 to your man cave so your wife can use the living room T.V., and the modem is in the living room?
4. The Kinnect is built in, has a camera that follows you, and can even scan your biorhythms. Talk about big brother.
5. Killer Instinct. From what I understand, when you get the game you only get 1 freaking character to play as. If you want more, you have to pay for each individual character. Let's hope this is not a sign of things to come.
These are greedy and invasive policies. People have all the reason in the world to hate Microsoft for what they're doing. When you pay for property, you should have the right to use it as you please. We don't need big brother checking up on us to be sure we aren't lending games or heaven forbid play a used game without their precious "activation fee." And why does Microsoft think they're special with the used market. There has always been a used market out there for anything: Books, music, movies, furniture, cars, houses, etc. You don't see anyone else taking such drastic measures against it.
Microsoft is alienating themselves from the rural market, and from entire countries due to the internet policy; and from the lower-income fanbase that buys used.