Well the mailman came and gave me a special package. It's a new gaming console I can add to my collection, and it is one of my top 10 rarest consoles by far. And most of you most likely never heard of it. lol
A Funtech Super A'CanIt was only released in Taiwan and came out about the same time as the PS1 and N64 and failed big time. It's graphics and gameplay are the same as a SNES. Only a small hand full of games where ever released on this thing. I got one game with it.
- Adventures in AfricaIt's basically a Monopoly style party game that takes place on an African safari but what is funny is the characters you play are from 6 different countries and as Germany you play as Adolf Hitler. wow. the US you play as Madonna lol and Europe you play as Sherlock Holmes. Only in Taiwan. lol
May's total Pickups....
Console - Funtech Super A'Can
Console - Gameboy Advance (white)
ACAN - Adventures in Africa
3DO - Burning Soldier
3DO - Deathkeep
3DO - Escape from Monster Manor
3DO - Star Blade
3DO - Wing Commander III
GBA - Mary-Kate & Ashley: Girls Night Out
GEN - Ecco the Dolphin
GEN - PGA European Tour
GEN - Star Trek: The Next Generation
NDS - Imagine: Wedding Designer
NDS - Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
PS3 - Resistance 3
SAT - Albert Odyssey
SAT - Dragon Force
SAT - Golden Axe: The Duel
SAT - Gungriffon
SAT - Iron Storm
SAT - Magic Knight Rayearth
SAT - Shining the Holy Ark
SCD - Dark Wizard
SCD - Lunar II
SCD - Vay
SNES - Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
TI99 - Centipede
TI99 - Dig Dug
TI99 - Donkey Kong
TI99 - Jungle Hunt
TI99 - Ms. Pac-Man
TI99 - Moon Patrol
TI99 - Protector II
Wii - Dragon Blade
Wii - Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy
XB360 - Over-G Fighters