It's March and that means it's time for more Stats!
UsersThis month we saw 422 new users join VGCollect. This brings us up to 13,988 total user accounts.. so close to 14k!
- Total Registered Users: 13,988
- New Users: 422
- Daily Average: 15
ItemsIn February, we added 1,258 items to the database, bringing us up to 52,263 items total. We also approved 5,600 edits to exisiting items in the database. That's a lot of edits!
- Total Items in Database: 52,263
- New Items: 1,258
- Daily Average: 45
- Edits: 5,600
- Daily Average Edits: 200
CollectionsLast month, we had 31,771 items added to user's collections, with an average of 1,135 items added daily. This brings the total of items in collections up to 758,102! That's 3/4 of a million! Amazing. If we keep up with the current trend, we could break 1 million in the next 8-10 months!
Wishlists had 4,952 items added to them in February. We are currently tracking 79,139 items across all wishlists. And with 262 items added to the Sell Lists we are now tracking 4,678 items that are up for trade/ sale.
- Total Items in Collections: 758,102
- Total Added to Collections: 31,771
- Daily Average: 1,135
- Total Items in Wishlists: 79,139
- Total Added to Wishlists: 4,952
- Daily Average Added to Wishlists: 177
- Items For Sale/ Trade: 4,678
- Total Added to Sell List: 262
- Daily Average Added to Sell List: 9
Another great month here at VGCollect! Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and for making this site as great as it is. We'd not be here without you.