Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 631040 times)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4710 on: June 03, 2024, 03:01:58 am »
I have a physical copy of Dragon Quest XI S which I beat 3 years ago, becoming maybe my second-favorite RPG of all time. However, my PS4 DVD-ROM drive failed soon after, and I have been relegated to downloaded games only since then. Fixing the drive is extremely difficult to do myself, apparently requiring soldering ability and switching out chips. Taking it to a repair shop would cost $160 and up, and even refurbished PS4s are still going for $300+. So I just don’t think it’s worth the money to fix it or replace it.

I’ve been able to re-buy most of my physical PS4 games digitally for great prices by waiting for sales, but DQXI never went below $40 regularly and $23.99 on sale. Finally my patience ran out to play this masterpiece again so I gave in to the current $23.99 PSN sale price. Then I tried to complete either Dragon Age Inquisition or Batman Arkham Knight before starting it (I dislike having too many games in progress at once) but it was taking too long and I just couldn’t wait.

Aaaaaaahhhhhh. It’s like seeing an old friend after years apart. How I missed you, Cobblestone Tor. Time for me to lose another 140+ hours to this game while I cherish every second.
Out of curiosity, with your experience playing both physically and digitally now,  do you find yourself leaning towards one format over the other for future purchases?


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4711 on: June 03, 2024, 01:49:46 pm »
I have a physical copy of Dragon Quest XI S which I beat 3 years ago, becoming maybe my second-favorite RPG of all time. However, my PS4 DVD-ROM drive failed soon after, and I have been relegated to downloaded games only since then. Fixing the drive is extremely difficult to do myself, apparently requiring soldering ability and switching out chips. Taking it to a repair shop would cost $160 and up, and even refurbished PS4s are still going for $300+. So I just don’t think it’s worth the money to fix it or replace it.

I’ve been able to re-buy most of my physical PS4 games digitally for great prices by waiting for sales, but DQXI never went below $40 regularly and $23.99 on sale. Finally my patience ran out to play this masterpiece again so I gave in to the current $23.99 PSN sale price. Then I tried to complete either Dragon Age Inquisition or Batman Arkham Knight before starting it (I dislike having too many games in progress at once) but it was taking too long and I just couldn’t wait.

Aaaaaaahhhhhh. It’s like seeing an old friend after years apart. How I missed you, Cobblestone Tor. Time for me to lose another 140+ hours to this game while I cherish every second.
Out of curiosity, with your experience playing both physically and digitally now,  do you find yourself leaning towards one format over the other for future purchases?

That is an excellent question, and one I’ve actually been pondering myself.

On the one side, I do feel like I prefer owning something physical to represent my games.
However, as blasphemous as it sounds, I think I’ve concluded the advantages of digital far outweigh the disadvantages:
- No shelf space required, helpful for my cluttered man cave
- No chance of the DVD-ROM drive failing, which has now happened to my PS4 and my XBOX 360.
- If you’re worried about the hard drive failing, games can be backed up, or re-downloaded if necessary
- Shop-at-home convenience
- If you’re patient, PSN offers some excellent sales, usually much cheaper than buying used games

I am currently experiencing a shortage of disc space (the PS4’s hard drive and an external are both almost full). But, as much as I hate to admit, I think I might stick with digital from now on, especially with all the potential problems inherent to disc-based games (disc rot, scratches, complex drives with many moving parts that can fail, etc)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4712 on: June 06, 2024, 03:30:25 am »
Started up a new game in Elden Ring as I haven't played since last year and I need to get back into the groove of things before the DLC comes out lol I'm so rusty, barely remember how to actual play.  Most of it is muscle memory really, at least with the dodge rolls, because it's about doing your best to not panic roll away in situations, wasting stamina, and you want to try to roll towards attacks, rather than away so you aren't getting hit with follow up strikes and you hopefully can get behind people.  Not sure if I'll do a full playthrough, probably will just use this to warm up with for awhile and then switch to my previous character for the DLC since I have most everything done on that character.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4713 on: June 06, 2024, 05:41:07 pm »
Free to play game Star Wars Hunters finally released on Nintendo Switch after being announced in 2021 and apparently started development as early as 2018. It's clearly a mobile game but it's surprisingly good. It takes about an hour to start playing with real players but it helped me learn all the characters and menus in that time. I'm probably three or four hours in and the game is very generous giving free cosmetics and unlocking characters doesn't take long. Feels more rewarding than the Battlefront reboot series. No pay to win aspects because you unlock the strongest characters at the start. Gameplay is simple 4v4 arena hero shooter. Worth checking out.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4714 on: June 09, 2024, 04:40:48 pm »
Ys Memories, it's excellent.

I like the fact of exploring and using powers/mechanics to find hidden treasures in dungeons or simply to move forward in the story.

Some small frustrations but I really like the game, I never get tired of it.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4715 on: June 10, 2024, 05:08:05 pm »
Started a clean playthrough of Elden Ring to prepare for the DLC in just under two weeks.  I'm trying to do a build outside of my comfort zone to spice things up a bit, because I have already Platinum'd the game.  So, I am having a little bit of difficulty adjusting my playstyle, but I am a couple of major bosses in after just a couple of hours.  Having fun in general!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4716 on: June 11, 2024, 09:00:38 am »
I feel so burnt out from all of the Souls games and never liked open world style games, but all of the Elden Ring talk since it's initial release has me so damn curious about it.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4717 on: June 11, 2024, 09:56:10 am »
I think I am running out of regular quests in the FTP version of Destiny 2. Since I knew this was some sort of MMO (and after playing it, it is like a free mobile game) that it is potentially endless. Since it came up in my backlog sorter for 52 games, I figured I would just do the regular quests but their quest menus are still kind of confusing. I was just doing the Guardian Rank quests but I got as far as I could get without buying the DLC. There are still some things in the quest tab that I can do and I have yet to run into a repeat quest but I am not sure if you can repeat quests in this game. I think that all of the end-game content is just activities.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4718 on: June 13, 2024, 01:19:11 pm »
Fortnite's Metallica update is pretty amazing. BR, Festival, Rocket Racing and even launching a new game mode alongside the update. Lots of free Metallica stuff can be earned.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4719 on: June 14, 2024, 10:11:26 am »
I basically have nothing left to do in Heroes of Might and Magic III so I think I won't bother to play it anymore.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4720 on: June 14, 2024, 03:27:59 pm »
Decided to poke around Voices of the Void, it's a small indie game about you running a network of radar dishes that are trying to find signals from outer space.  It's pretty neat and weirdly addictive as it's kind of a "survival" game, you have food, sleep, and supplies to manage abit, you run everything by yourself which means having to run out the radars to get a report number or fix a server problem, and as you find signals and do reports, you get money for more supplies, new tech, and upgrades to improve the signal finding.  There's some other generally creepy stuff going on, but it's a very slow burn sort of thing and there's kind of a lot to do and some decent depth to aspects.  The learning curve for how you do everything is kind of a lot at first, there's multiple steps to the signal finding tech aspect that I thought was super hard to figure out, but once you figure out the tricks for everything, it's actually all pretty easy.

It's an unfinished game right now, but it's free on, not sure if there's an ending to the story mode or not yet.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4721 on: June 16, 2024, 06:43:09 pm »
With the new PC, I dabbled in a lot of stuff lately, mostly just to try out games I had more issues with in the past or wanted to see how much better it runs.

Call of Duty: Warzone - Warzone from the start always ran poorly for me, all the way back to when it came out, and it only got worse with the next version of Warzone.  Buttery smooth now, but unfortunately, coming into it a few years later, with there being a ton of guns and gadgets, and special kits, it's hard to figure out what is good and combine it with what feels like a wildly high TTK, nothing but sweats in the solo mode, and I think what might be really terrible footstep audio, it made for kind of an unfun time.  Like I'm not expecting to dominate a game right away, but it was a rough experience lol That Black Ops 6 doesn't have like a bigger play game mode like Modern Warfare with Ground War means I'll probably be done with trying CoD again unless something like Warzone gets some big overhaul.

Fallout 76 - I have such a need to play this game I hate because I am that desperate for new Fallout content lol.  I forced myself to beat the original awful story like 3 years ago, it was bad, but I got through it.  I know the game did improve and get alot more content, but the game still doesn't run super great even on just high settings, not maxed out.  Newer games like CoD, Battlefield, Helldivers 2, Cyberpunk 2077, look fantastic and run great.  This game on its dumpy old engine? Better than I had it before, but a lot less smooth than any of those games.  Also it's still so bad.  It's Fallout bugs combined with online network bugs, some of which have been around since the game first came out.  I played for a half hour and got swamped because my melee was struggling to connect with a group of ghouls, and I instantly uninstalled the game.  I'm probably done trying with this game unless they give me a completely offline version of the game that runs just like Fallout 4 did lol

The Finals - I wanted to like this game, I played it abit before, but wanted to see it with all the destruction running smoothly and that stuff is still great, but I played some rounds and I think the game is kinda boring.  It's flashy and the action can get abit hype, but I find a lot of the gameplay aspects really unexciting with like the the hero shooter abilities.  I wish this sort of action wasn't in some small scale, game show themed arena game.  Got these ex-Dice/Battlefield devs in multiple companies that just seem to be all making the same type of game that I don't want lol

DayZ - This was just because I could, but the most consistent thing I've loved, not just from improved visuals with the new PC, is consistency.  I got use to a lot of games having stuttering and such, it was normal, but now a lot of games just run smoother.  Like DayZ didn't get significantly better visually, it's an old game at this point, but it runs much more smoothly and you can feel that.  Still will get some stutters and frame drops when you go into a city or a modded maps city like the big one on Deer Isle, but this sort of stuff is even unavoidable on the best systems.

Hell Let Loose - That being said, this game was having some stuttering moments for me, not tons, but more than I'd expect even when not even maxing out my settings.  This is a game I tried to like more in the past, it does have great elements with its scale, but with some performance issues, it could be a struggle.  There's less of that now, but damn, this game is rough lol I'm not against hardcore shooters, but there is so much long, boring, runs to get back to where you died, even with good outpost support, just to get one shot by someone you could never see, and then have to make the run all over again after 30 seconds of waiting to redeploy lol

Battlefield 1/2042 - Had to see Battlefield maxed out and while 2042 isn't anything great, it's nice to see it running nicely for once, even on 128 player maps.  It's amazing how good BF1 looks though, had a few stuttering moments here, but this game looks so much better than BF2042 and it's still a really good game.  Been running the rounds on this one and might go and check out Battlefield V too as that's another looker.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 06:48:06 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4722 on: June 17, 2024, 10:25:57 am »
Call of Duty: Warzone - Warzone from the start always ran poorly for me, all the way back to when it came out, and it only got worse with the next version of Warzone.  Buttery smooth now, but unfortunately, coming into it a few years later, with there being a ton of guns and gadgets, and special kits, it's hard to figure out what is good and combine it with what feels like a wildly high TTK, nothing but sweats in the solo mode, and I think what might be really terrible footstep audio, it made for kind of an unfun time.  Like I'm not expecting to dominate a game right away, but it was a rough experience lol That Black Ops 6 doesn't have like a bigger play game mode like Modern Warfare with Ground War means I'll probably be done with trying CoD again unless something like Warzone gets some big overhaul.

Warzone is a joke. It is a BR for babies. I think it took me like a dozen or so randoms on quads to get a win and I haven't played the game since then.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4723 on: June 17, 2024, 04:51:16 pm »
Call of Duty: Warzone - Warzone from the start always ran poorly for me, all the way back to when it came out, and it only got worse with the next version of Warzone.  Buttery smooth now, but unfortunately, coming into it a few years later, with there being a ton of guns and gadgets, and special kits, it's hard to figure out what is good and combine it with what feels like a wildly high TTK, nothing but sweats in the solo mode, and I think what might be really terrible footstep audio, it made for kind of an unfun time.  Like I'm not expecting to dominate a game right away, but it was a rough experience lol That Black Ops 6 doesn't have like a bigger play game mode like Modern Warfare with Ground War means I'll probably be done with trying CoD again unless something like Warzone gets some big overhaul.

Warzone is a joke. It is a BR for babies. I think it took me like a dozen or so randoms on quads to get a win and I haven't played the game since then.

I play Fortnite, that's a BR for babies, but it's casual fun lol I don't mind having to work for a win in Warzone, it just had a lot of stuff going against for me that kinda put off where I've jumped back into other BR's and had more fun right away even after being away for awhile.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4724 on: June 19, 2024, 12:30:41 am »
Returned to Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) as I tend to do from time to time, just to remember how good this game was.  It was one of those games that started real rough, but turned into a pretty fantastic game by the end that they annoyingly stopped supporting, I believe to then bring more people into working on Battlefield 2042, which shows how much of a mistake that was.  Getting to play it again on the new system, man this game still looks amazing for a 7 year old game at this point.  Gameplay is fun, if abit challenging these days with the high level hero/villain players, but it's a solid bit of action.  Wish we could get a return of this series, there's so much stuff from the TV shows, and Outcast/Survivor games they could add at this point.