Ah...I already knocked quite a bit of stuff off my list early. Aside from new releases, I'm going to be slowing down dramatically. I'm getting ready to adopt my youngest step daughter that I've raised since she was a year old and is now a beautiful, intelligent 10 year old who loves soccer. Yeah...I'm wrapped around her little finger. With that being said, here are my revised 2015 collecting goals.
1) get a black label copy of Spyro Year of the Dragon to replace my GH copy.
2) get near mint & complete copies of Lunar and Lunar 2 for PlayStation.
3) get a near mint copy of the Arc the Lad PlayStation collection.
4) get a near mint copy of Fear Effect Retro Helix.
5) get a near mint copy of Dark Cloud 2 for the PS2.
6) get all the new PS4 releases that I want. This will happen regardless.
7) near mint copies of Medievil 1 & 2, Jersey Devil and Blasto.

near mint copies of Tomba and Tomba 2.
I'm going to try and stick with this. If I see something not on my list but cheap, I'll probably go for it. But I try to stick with a quality over quantity mantra. I don't want incomplete games or games that are beat up. The manual condition is extremely important to me when it comes to original PlayStation titles as that also doubles as the cover art.