Author Topic: The "New" 3DS  (Read 9791 times)

The "New" 3DS
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:24:43 am »
While we are likely to get confirmation for the release of this in the morning from the new Nintendo Direct coming up if the leaks are found to be true, this should be out pretty soon.  I will say first up, Nintendo doesn't know how to name anything anymore.  Wii? Wii U? New Super Mario Brothers? New 3DS? Why can't they bring back the "Super" name? Super 3DS.  Doesn't that sound infinitely better? lol

Anyways, it looks like it may be out on February 13th in North America alongside Majora's Mask if the leaked ad is proven true.  While I'm not huge into the handhelds, I normally would rather just play on a console, I am thinking of upgrading from the 2DS to the New 3DS XL.  I feel like I'd play more on a bigger screen.  Will probably see if I can sell my 2DS this week to get myself money to put down on the new hardware.

What are everyone else's plans or thoughts on this?  I'm unsure of how the exclusive game aspect will pan out in the long run.  That splits the user base and will make those who can't or won't upgrade upset, though when you think about it, I imagine the exclusives games wouldn't likely get made in the first place if it wasn't for the new hardware.  I feel like the exclusives will be a rare thing for now, with it being more about the games that can play on the old 3DS, but get bonus features if you have the New 3DS.


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Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2015, 03:11:43 am »
These days, the only Nintendo games that I'm interested in are The Legend Of Zelda, Golden Sun, and maybe Kirby.  Having a budget to maintain, 3 games don't justify my purchase of a console or handheld. Also, not really interested in The Legend Of Zelda: Link Between Worlds or the remake of The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

Please check out the games I have for sale.

Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2015, 03:18:34 am »
These days, the only Nintendo games that I'm interested in are The Legend Of Zelda, Golden Sun, and maybe Kirby.  Having a budget to maintain, 3 games don't justify my purchase of a console or handheld. Also, not really interested in The Legend Of Zelda: Link Between Worlds or the remake of The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

So you are interested in Legend of Zelda, but not Legend of Zelda? I was gonna make that a joke, but honestly, I'm sorta there with you lol I'd be SO much happier if Majora's Mask was on the Wii U lol There are just a handful of games on the system I'm there for and kinda need one for the DS and 3DS Zelda games as I still haven't played any of the DS Zelda games.


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 08:58:19 am »
These days, the only Nintendo games that I'm interested in are The Legend Of Zelda, Golden Sun, and maybe Kirby.  Having a budget to maintain, 3 games don't justify my purchase of a console or handheld. Also, not really interested in The Legend Of Zelda: Link Between Worlds or the remake of The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
While you're totally right about needing more games that interest you to justify a purchase, I just feel like pointing out that Link Between Worlds is fantastic. You're really missing out.
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 11:01:23 am »
I was surprised with the Feb date for New 3DS. I figured they would have held it a bit longer, maybe April. Still cool.


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 02:16:05 pm »
Agh, I don't NEED the new Majora's Mask or Monster Hunter 3DS but hell if my investor/collector instincts don't jump out of my skin for them... Esp with the fact that Nintendo can't seem to figure out how to make enough of anything (amiibos? MM CE? Gamecube controller adapter?) to supply demand.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 02:20:32 pm »
I wish they had named the New 3DS something else, because the name is going to confuse many retailers and consumers who aren't up to date with this kind of information. I think that exclusive new 3ds will hopefully be limited to game that couldn't run on stock 3ds software, but they're really going to need to market this well to clearly inform consumers of the product and its differences from the eariler inerations, as well as not making too many new exlcusive 3ds games that split the handheld market. Nintendo needs to make sure that it doesn't lose a big amount of its handheld base to other platforms with this new release.

About the supply issues, another supply of GC adapters from Nintendo's online store came out and sold out in 10 minutes, so they need to make more of those. They also announced more math amiibos, so we may see some new supply of previous wave amiibos in the near future. They still need to get more supply out there for their products.

Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 02:35:49 pm »
And the Majora's Mask New 3DS Limited Edition is already sold out.  DAMMIT NINTENDO.  There's limited and then there's just not having enough stock available.  Oh well, guess I'll just grab a normal New 3DS on my own time. Forgot what exactly Xenoblade Chronicles was, which was the Wii game I never got to play, so definitely looking to grab that as I heard it was good.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 02:39:03 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 05:06:50 pm »
And the Majora's Mask New 3DS Limited Edition is already sold out.  DAMMIT NINTENDO.  There's limited and then there's just not having enough stock available.  Oh well, guess I'll just grab a normal New 3DS on my own time. Forgot what exactly Xenoblade Chronicles was, which was the Wii game I never got to play, so definitely looking to grab that as I heard it was good.

I live on the West Coast, and apparently the web-to-store option was already sold out by the time my bf's store opened for the day. -___-

The Monster Hunter bundle is still available, which he's psyched about, so he's picking that one up.  For me personally... well, at least my bank still has that $200-$550 in its vaults.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2015, 05:28:12 pm »
I thought I got lucky calling again abit later, where the guy at the store said that they had opened the pre-orders back up moments before I called.  10 minutes later I'm at Gamestop, the guy is looking up the handheld, and is even more shocked than I am that they had already sold back out and closed up.  That's it for me with it.  I'm not gonna do the "Catch the Pre-Order" game.  It was bad enough doing it when I was initially interested in collecting the amiibo's, but decided to just cut back to some certain ones I want.  I wish Nintendo would start getting more stock in for this stuff.  Never hear about this kind of stuff happening with any other collector editions unless it is some niche thing.  I feel like Nintendo is almost purposefully ignoring the demand for things as people in North America have been wanting more limited edition stuff for awhile since Europe and Japan usually are the only places that get them, but they still just tip toe around the supply for things here.  Maybe that will change, they are just being incredibly conservative so that they don't waste any money, but I really didn't want it to happen with Legend of Zelda lol Man, I better prep myself for a Zelda Wii U Collectors Edition announcement lol


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2015, 08:06:08 pm »
What I don't get is the need to call it a 3DS, when it has games that are only playable on that version of the platform... It's the Game Boy Color all over again.

Kid A: "Oh I can play my original Game Boy games on it? IN COLOR? SWEET!"

Kid B: "Oh these are cool games, can I play them on my Game Boy? No?... GAY."

I feel the pain of the video game retail folks who will have to field the 3DS/NEW 3DS confusion. Make it a new system with a different name that "happens" to be "backwards compatible" (wink wink) with the original 3DS/DS family of games. But calling it a 3DS and having it's own library of "NEW 3DS" titles is annoying.

Also, wtf is up with not having a charger plug packed in with the console?! I don't care that I might already have one if I have a USB device that uses a wall charger. I misplace things, lose things or am already using it to charge something else. Not giving the consumer the plug in in the box is a lazy and shitty way of cutting back on costs.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2015, 08:22:12 pm »
What I don't get is the need to call it a 3DS, when it has games that are only playable on that version of the platform... It's the Game Boy Color all over again.

Kid A: "Oh I can play my original Game Boy games on it? IN COLOR? SWEET!"

Kid B: "Oh these are cool games, can I play them on my Game Boy? No?... GAY."

I feel the pain of the video game retail folks who will have to field the 3DS/NEW 3DS confusion. Make it a new system with a different name that "happens" to be "backwards compatible" (wink wink) with the original 3DS/DS family of games. But calling it a 3DS and having it's own library of "NEW 3DS" titles is annoying.

Also, wtf is up with not having a charger plug packed in with the console?! I don't care that I might already have one if I have a USB device that uses a wall charger. I misplace things, lose things or am already using it to charge something else. Not giving the consumer the plug in in the box is a lazy and shitty way of cutting back on costs.

Not to mention that using a non-Nintendo power plug can void your warranty!
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2015, 08:28:34 pm »
Also, wtf is up with not having a charger plug packed in with the console?! I don't care that I might already have one if I have a USB device that uses a wall charger. I misplace things, lose things or am already using it to charge something else. Not giving the consumer the plug in in the box is a lazy and shitty way of cutting back on costs.
There is going to be a kid out there that gets one of these for Christmas and realize he cannot play it since it will be dead and unable to charge soon after opening it.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2015, 08:32:06 pm »
What I don't get is the need to call it a 3DS, when it has games that are only playable on that version of the platform... It's the Game Boy Color all over again.

Kid A: "Oh I can play my original Game Boy games on it? IN COLOR? SWEET!"

Kid B: "Oh these are cool games, can I play them on my Game Boy? No?... GAY."

I feel the pain of the video game retail folks who will have to field the 3DS/NEW 3DS confusion. Make it a new system with a different name that "happens" to be "backwards compatible" (wink wink) with the original 3DS/DS family of games. But calling it a 3DS and having it's own library of "NEW 3DS" titles is annoying.

Also, wtf is up with not having a charger plug packed in with the console?! I don't care that I might already have one if I have a USB device that uses a wall charger. I misplace things, lose things or am already using it to charge something else. Not giving the consumer the plug in in the box is a lazy and shitty way of cutting back on costs.

Not to mention that using a non-Nintendo power plug can void your warranty!

Really? :o That's absurd! How are they even supposed to know that you used a charger not made by Nintendo unless you tell them? ??? Also, no packed-in charger with the New 3DS is bs.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: The "New" 3DS
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2015, 08:39:19 pm »
I didn't watch the Nintendo Direct. But my buddy was relaying it to me and said...

"No included plug, because everyone has them already.

That's literally what he just said!"

Which I replied...

"WTF Nintendo. Gimme my power plug you asses!"
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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