Lets see...for tomorrow...
Microsoft - I'm excited for Dead Rising 4, despite knowing it exists, I'm just hoping they take what they learned in Dead Rising 3 and turn it into a better survival game or at least have the option for it. They made things too easy and convenient. Also looking forward to more Scalebound and Crackdown 3 gameplay. Not that I have an Xbone, I'm just hoping for PC releases lol I'm expecting Dead Rising 4 to get a PC release, though maybe down the road like DR3 was.
Sony - I'm expecting Final Fantasy 7 gameplay, like they could probably just show a full on section of the game. I'm kinda done with seeing anything on FFXV now because there's just been so much. I also want more Horizon gameplay even if it got delayed. I also assume they'll finally give a release date for The Last Guardian. They HAVE to lol Not sure I'm expecting anything else new or what I'd want to see...Other than Crash Bandicoot. I think it would be cool if they basically give the Ratchet & Clank treatment to Crash Bandicoot lol
Ubisoft - There's very little I'm looking forward to. I'm getting to the point of being done with Ubisoft. Watch Dogs 2 looks better and could be alright, but that is about it other than I'll be interested to see the new South Park game. Not exactly excited for it though. It's South Park lol
PC Game Show - I'm not sure what I am looking forward to that would be exclusively shown. This is the wild card for me.