Pitstop Box Art
Pitstop Box Art
Pitstop Box Art



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Estimated Value: $10.98 [via PriceCharting.com]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Epyx
Developer(s): Epyx
Platform: ColecoVision [NA]
Also on Platforms: Atari 8-bit C64 [NA] ColecoVision [EU]
Genre: Racing
Rating: None
Item Number: 600
Barcode: NA
Release Date: June 1 1983
Description: The game uses the standard ColecoVision hand controller or optional Driving Controller which was sold separately.
Box Text: A nice port of the Commodore 64 computer game, Pitstop for the ColecoVision puts players behind the wheel of an Indy racecar (viewed from an elevated position behind the car), driving through six twisting, turning courses. After pulling over to refuel or change out worn tires, players control the hustling, bustling pit crew, adding some variety and challenge to the already fun racing action.
Date User Field Value
04-05-2014 thecrypticodor Cart/Disc/Media Art new
04-05-2014 thecrypticodor Back Box Art new
05-06-2011 atariboy Created

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