Silent Scope 3 Box Art
Silent Scope 3 Box Art
Silent Scope 3 Box Art


Silent Scope 3

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Estimated Value: $4.35 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Developer(s): Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
Platform: PlayStation 2 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS2 [CN] PS2 [EU] PS2 [JP]
Genre: Action
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-20514
Barcode: 083717200482
Release Date: October 9 2002
Description: NA
Box Text: Silent Scope's intense sniping action returns for a third round. You play the world's best sniper in a mission to prevent a terrorist organization from using cloning technology for global domination. Silence the enemy threat through expansive levels featuring challenging paths and diabolical bosses. The game's ending depends on what routes you take. If you can still keep your hands steady, you can also play the arcade game Silent Scope Ex and unlock hidden stages and modes.
Date User Field Value
01-25-2016 pacpix Description
08-11-2011 atariboy Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-11-2011 atariboy Back Box Art new
08-11-2011 atariboy Front Box Art new
08-11-2011 atariboy Box Text Silent Scope's intense sniping action returns for a third round. You play the world's best sniper in a mission to prevent a terrorist organization from using cloning technology for global domination. Silence the enemy threat through expansive levels featuring challenging paths and diabolical bosses. The game's ending depends on what routes you take. If you can still keep your hands steady, you can also play the arcade game Silent Scope Ex and unlock hidden stages and modes.
08-11-2011 atariboy Barcode 083717200482
08-11-2011 atariboy Item Number SLUS-20514
08-11-2011 atariboy Rating 6
03-10-2008 NA Created

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