Microvision [US] Box Art
Microvision [US] Box Art
Microvision [US] Box Art


Microvision [US]

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Microvision Consoles
Genre: NA
Rating: None
Item Number: 4952
Barcode: NA
Release Date: October 1979
Description: NA
Box Text: Programmable Electronic Game System
Includes the fast action game of Block Buster
Microvision - the latest innovation in electronic games. This amazing system has a hand-held console and seven interchangeable cartridges for a variety of game action.
Date User Field Value
01-31-2014 mastafafik Box Text Programmable Electronic Game System MICROVISION Includes the fast action game of Block Buster Microvision - the latest innovation in electronic games. This amazing system has a hand-held console and seven interchangeable cartridges for a variety of game action.
01-31-2014 mastafafik Rating 9
01-31-2014 mastafafik Name Microvision [US]
03-23-2012 jcalder8 Platform / Category 232
10-14-2011 byron Created

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