Art of Balance Box Art


Art of Balance

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo eShop (Wii U) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Switch eShop [EU] Wii Shop [EU] Wii Shop [NA] Wii U eShop [EU]
Genre: Puzzle
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: October 9 2014
Description: NA
Box Text: Puzzle games must be addictive. This was our top priority during the development of the game. That's why we designed 200 levels that not only challenge your skills but also your imagination. With its perfect touch controls 'Art of Balance' is easy to pick up and hard to put away.

Play alone or invite friends to drop in at any time for co-op play. We even added split-screen and online multiplayer for extra fun. Seeking an even bigger challenge? Then try out the new endurance mode and improve your Online-Highscore.

Art of Balance brings the ultimate “just one more puzzle” experience to your Wii U.
Date User Field Value
12-27-2014 krelyan Front Box Art new
10-10-2014 krelyan Created

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