Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78321 times)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #495 on: November 05, 2017, 07:15:12 am »
Vagrant Story beaten, closing the book on a game I started playing like 15 years ago.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #496 on: November 06, 2017, 03:09:06 am »
55 - Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (PC 2017) - BEAT - No better way to kill Nazi's than with Wolfenstein.  I really dug the first one and I think both of them are better than Doom, because they aren't so one note and have more general variety to it all.  Wolfenstein 2 I was worried was gonna be abit samey with the first, and it was for abit, but then you hit around 5 hours and the game became something more.  No spoilers, but the game opens up abit more and starts introducing new stuff and the game really took off.

The ending's both satisfying, yet not satisfying, mostly because it's clear how much of a "middle" game this is, setting it self up for Wolfenstein 3.  That's not terrible, but the ending came up on me out of nowhere.  Story wise it's done well, but there's not a final boss, and it just felt like there needed another level or something.  I was surprised when the credits kicked in and realized that was it.

The game has great continuing content though by allowing you to essentially play missions over, but you have plot reasons for going back to those locations and new objectives and it's changed around.  I'm done with the story mode, which is like 10'ish hours, but I can probably get another 5 to 10 hours out of these extra missions.

So yeah, it's a weird mixture of feelings with the game.  Overall, it's ridiculous, it's intense, it's dark, it's funny, and I enjoyed myself.  I'll be looking forward to a Wolfenstein 3, but there's more they should've done with this game before it ended.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 05:01:00 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #497 on: November 07, 2017, 01:35:31 pm »
1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Bully
5. Quantum Break
6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
7. Saints Row 3
8. Watch Dogs
9. Rise of the Tomb Raider
10. Donkey Kong Country 2
11. Tomb Raider
12. Aggressive Inline
13. Hitman Season 1
14. SSX 3
15. The Wolf Among Us
16. Donkey Kong Country
17. Unravel
18. Never Alone
19. Shadow of the Colossus
20. Fragments of Him
21. Blackwood Crossing
22. Ryse : Son of Rome
23. The Warriors
24. Murdered : Soul Suspect
25. Donkey Kong Country 3
26. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
27. Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit
28. L.A Noire
29. Shenmue
30. Grand Theft Auto V
31. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
32. Ms Splosion Man
33. Sleeping Dogs
34. Soulcalibur V
35. EA UFC 2
36. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
37. Virtua Fighter 5
38. Soulcalibur III
39. Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days
40. Space Channel 5
41. Tekken 7
42. Dead or Alive 4
43. Bloody Roar : Primal Fury
44. Soulcalibur II
45. Injustice 2
46. Fallout 4
47. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4
48. Mass Effect
49. Dragon Age Inquisition
50. Saint's Row IV
51. Bratz Rock Angelz
52. Lonely Wolf Treat
53. Payback 2015
54. A World at Peace
55. Archimoulin
56. Madden NFL 17
57. Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7
58. F1 2015
59. Mass Effect 2
60. NBA Live 2016
61. Prototype
62. WWE 2K16
63. Asphalt 8 Airborne
64. NBA 2k16
65. Dragon Age II
66. Oxenfree
67. Forza Horizon 3
68. NHL 17
69. Handball 2016
70. FIFA 17
71. Yoshi's Woolly World
72. NBA 2K17
73. Infamous : Second Son
74. Saints Row 2
75. Mad Max
76. Dark Dreams Don't Die
77. Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
78. Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
79. Fatal Fury 2
80. Heart Of Darkness
81. Art of Fighting
82. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
83. Street Fighter
84. Sunset Overdrive
85. Fatal Fury Special

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #498 on: November 07, 2017, 05:10:43 pm »

Damn! I am at 72 and I thought I had beat a lot of games this year.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #499 on: November 07, 2017, 06:22:28 pm »

Damn! I am at 72 and I thought I had beat a lot of games this year.

I'm home schooled haha so i have a lot of free time, don't think i'll be able to beat so many games in the next few years tho XD

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #500 on: November 08, 2017, 08:33:12 am »
I've been slacking.  I've been sitting at about 80 games for about a month now.  I need to update, might be closer to 85.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #501 on: November 09, 2017, 02:07:00 am »
Latest review:

73. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch): There is no denying this game is fun and very well made, in fact I'd go as far as to say it is one of the best Mario games ever made, however for whatever reason I was not feeling this game as much as I thought I would. The game was beautiful, the controls were super smooth and accurate, there was a lot of funny writing, and overall the game was incredibly creative. Also, this game is the closest to a Super Mario 64 sequel we will ever get and without spoiling anything anything it essentially is the sequel. But still, it just did not do it for me like Super Mario 64 and lacked some essential ingredient that its predecessor had. I really wish I could put my finger on it because I want to love this game way more than I did. Despite this void that was never filled while playing Mario Odyssey, I did really enjoy the game for what it was despite some recycled gameplay throughout, specifically a few bosses which were just lame. Definitely a game I will probably go back and play some more in order to discover all the Moons, of which I read are around 900. Seeing that I have just over 200 I have a long, long way to go. (11/8/17)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #502 on: November 12, 2017, 08:32:36 pm »
Game 22 - Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate (Wii U) – 45 Hours

Oh man, this game. I’m so conflicted about it haha. There’s a lot to really love about it, and I would say it’s one of the best exclusive third party Wii-U games available. I do think the good greatly outweighs the bad, but there are a lot of tiny problems that made the game less enjoyable sometimes.

+ For one, the gameplay is superb. It reminds me a lot of the Souls games; slower, deliberate, and tactical. It’s a ton of fun to play, and requires some skill to master. The monsters are great, and all have unique and interesting designs. The graphics and environments are actually really good for just being a polished Wii game. The character models don’t look good, but that’s about it. I liked the music too; very Shadow of the Colossus like where there’s no music and it’s peaceful until you get to the boss fight where it’s chaotic and noisy: it’s a nice change. I liked the crafting, combining items and customization. Pretty intuitive, without shoving it all in your face. I thought I would have to play with my nose in a walkthrough to really enjoy it but I only had to look up a few things (like how to start an actual quest, lol). The game’s got a good challenge too. There were some frustrating rage moments, but not the kind that made me not want to stop playing.

- I have like a million nitpicks, but the biggest frustration by far is how long these boss battles can be. It sometimes takes 50 minutes to defeat an enemy, and if you fail, you wasted a ton of time, which is extremely frustrating. I spent only about 31 hours of real in-game time and the rest was wasted on monsters that I didn’t beat. I couldn’t stand how you sometimes can’t damage monsters like they suddenly grow super thick armor for no reason (if you’ve played the game, you’ll know what I mean). There was way too much text that was all crammed into a tiny box. The time limits are dumb and make the fights arbitrarily harder especially the final boss fight. If you want a special armor, it can take hours grinding a monster for 30-40 minutes apiece for that one rare drop. The quests could have been a little more varied too. I get that it’s about hunting monsters, but I wish there were some more capture quests or something to give some more variety other than kill this, trap this, gather this item, etc.

If anyone wants to play online, hit me up! I’d like to try out some of the multiplayer features  :)

Also this is like my first game finished in like a million years lol

Back to my list
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 12:49:25 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #503 on: November 12, 2017, 09:56:06 pm »
Had a productive weekend.  Knocked my count up to 89 games beat.

15 games left to meet my goal for the year.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #504 on: November 13, 2017, 02:35:14 pm »
continuing here
Part 1 :,7980.msg133797.html#msg133797
Part 2 :,7980.msg140404.html#msg140404
Part 3 :,7980.msg143994.html#msg143994
Part 4 :,7980.msg145655.html#msg145655
84. Sunset Overdrive [20/20] - Xbox One - This game was such a good surprise! I was always really interested in it, I liked the colorful vibes of the game but I didn't think it would be so good! Everything about this game is just so hilarious! The characters are amazing and even if the character creator is quite limited when it comes to faces, I was still able to make a character that I really liked! I feel like this game was made for the 90's kids tbh because it really feels like an old school ps1-ps2 game, it mostly reminded me of the Tony Hawk games mixed with Jet Set Radio because of the humor and gameplay. Talking about the gameplay, it's so much fun just slide around the city and jumping everywhere! They made is so easy and fun to control, + the weapons are hilarious. This game was honestly such a nice surprise that makes me not regret getting an Xbox One before a PS4.

85. Fatal Fury Special [17/20] - Neo Geo - This game is the first Fatal Fury game I truly truly liked, it has so much more interesting characters. First allowing the previous bosses to be playable is the best thing ever, they are by far the best characters of the FF serie imo, epsecially Geese, Wolfgang and Laurence. Duck King is also amazing, I just find him so hilarious for some reason and I really like his design. Gameplay wise I don't think it has really changed, the game is a bit prettier and the backgrounds are once again stunning (honestly SNK's biggest talent is making dope ass backgrounds!). I also like that Ryo is a hidden character (even tho I wasn't able to play with him lmao).

86. Dead Or Alive ++ [17/20] - Arcade - I adore the Dead or Alive serie, it imo has one of the best fighting mechanics and the characters are really charismatic. I did play DOA 4 previously this year and talked about the AI being horrible and making the game less fun, well this games AI is perfectly fine and honestly solo mode in this game is way less frustrating. I played ++ only because I wanted to play with Ayane and Bayman, I'm pretty sure it's the same as the original game tho. Graphically it's limited when it comes to the backgrounds, but the animation are so fluid and fast that it definitely makes up for it. I have to say tho, that Tina is absolute trash here, her one leg kick is horrible and I'm really really glade they fixed that in the next game. Hayabusa also has a different fighting style I feel like, I don't remember some of his moves in the newer games.

87. Dead Or Alive 2 [18/20] - Playstation 2 - Dead Or Alive 2 is an amazing sequel to an already amazing game, it added some iconic characters like Helena and an mo truly underrated character : Leon. Graphically it is also so much better, the arenas are stunning and the characters look way better, with multiple outfits. It still plays the same way but some characters (probably even all) got new moves, especially Tina who as I said was fuckin trash in the first game lol. Definitely one of the best fighting game from it's time, this is how you make a sequel, you take all the good from the previous game and upgrade everything that needed an upgrade.

88. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior [16/20] - Arcade - An amazing sequel to a not so amazing first game! Street Fighter II corrected everything that was wrong with Street Fighter I and added a bunch of new things to make the game even better. It's also the first time we see some of the iconic SF characters like Chun Li, M Bison, Guile... The CPU's AI has also been highly improved and it isn't as cheap as it used to be. I do think that compared to SNK's games, Street Fighter II was a bit behind graphically, it's pretty but it can be better. Also Dhalsim's stage, fuck Dhalsim's stage with that annoying ass elephant lmao.

89. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified [18/20] - Playstation 3 - I bought this game because I heard that it was a hidden gem. I actually bought it with Alpha Protocol because I heard both were hidden gems (Alpha Protocol is also one of the very few game I stopped playing this year because I just couldn't get into). It was a nice surprise tbh, while it's not the best game ever it definitely has a lot of positives! Graphically it's pretty nice, there's a really cool atmosphere during the whole game that makes it look quite unique. The fighting system is also really good. I also liked William Carter a lot! The game does have a few negatives tho, my main problem with the game is that I felt like it was really trying to be a bigger game than it really was. It almost felt like a Mass Effect copy sometimes. I wish we could get to know the squad mates, have more varied missions, romances... and overall just a bigger influence on the story to make it feel more unique. It is a fun game tho and I do recommend it if you're looking for a shorter "underrated" game. The ending is trash tho imo.

90. Art of Fighting 2 [16/20] - Neo Geo - I love this game however I don't feel like it's a lot better than the first one. The best thing about this game is obviously the "new" (not all of them are new they just weren't playable in story mode in the first game) characters, especially King and John who I really like! I do think that the cheaper CPU and the weird jumpy camera made the game a lot less fun then it could've been. A lot of time you're barely gonna be able to hit your opponent since they block 99% of your hit. Still a great game tho. It's also STUNNING, so that's a good point.

91. Street Fighter II: Champion Edition [16/20] - Arcade - This was the first updated version of Street Fighter II, however except the slightly better graphics and the 4 now playable boss characters, there is really nothing to say about this game, especially since it got even better update after. I'm also not the biggest fan of these bosses, I love Sagat, M Bison and Vega are cool but I really don't care about Balrog who's just another basic Mike Tyson copy.

92. The King of Fighters 94' [17/20] - Arcade - First real King of Fighter game from my KOF playthrough! It's crazy how much more modern the game feels compared to FF and AOF! The game is so much faster, with a lot more characters and even better stages! What I adore the most about the KOF franchise is definitely the teams, and this first game introduced some amazing ones! The American Sports Team is by far my favorite, it's just such a fun team and the characters design is really cool imo, + they got the best stage! It's also amazing to see the FF and AOF fighters fight against each others (I know it was the point of the game but it's still so cool!). Overall it's a really good first game that's still fun to play today imo.
93. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne [16/20] - Xbox - I'm a HUGE rockstar fan, some of their games are in my top 20, even top 10 all time favorite games. Max Payne 2 isn't one of them but it's still a really fun game. Max Payne is an incredibly charismatic hero, his voice and his appearance really make him a true badass. My main issue with the game is just that compared to some other rockstar titles like The Warriors, Bully or of course GTA, the game is a bit bland. My favorite mission was when you had to escort a character (can't remember his name) dressed in a big mascotte outfit, it was a true rockstar type mission and I really wish their were more missions similar to this one. I do love the game mechanics a lot tho, and the really dark environnement and overall mood did make the game really unique. As I said it's still a really fun game, just not as incredible as some other rockstar titles.

94. Session Demo [20/20] - PC - I've been waiting for a new skateboarding game since Skate 3 came out. I've been waiting for Skate 4 to be announced for so long but it's probably newer going to be a thing so when I saw this "Project Session" thing, I got really excited and really hoped the creator would make something great. A week ago they finally released a demo, they said it was a pre alpha demo and that it was just for testing purpose but it honestly blew me away! Considering what it is, it's incredible tbh. I'm not gonna judge the graphics (even if it's pretty nice looking), but the gameplay is amazing, it is definitely gonna take a little time to get used to if you're used to the Skate games but it's pretty easy after a few hours of playing to do what you have in mind (without it being too easy to the point of not being fun). I'm honestly so hyped for the final release of this game!

95. Super Street Fighter II Turbo [17/20] - Arcade - This is definitely the better version of the older Street Fighter II games, it has slightly better graphics, a faster gameplay, the new characters + the bosses... Only thing I disliked what that you're always fighting against palette swaps, I prefer to fight against the "original" characters but that's just me ^^. If you don't want to do a complete playthrough of the serie like I do, this is definitely the version you need to play with.

96. Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory [15/20] - Neo Geo - Compared to Fatal Fury Special, Fatal Fury 3 imo is a letdown. It's not a bad game at all, it's also really pretty but the roster is pretty weak compared to special which had some bad ass characters like Wolfgang and Laurence. Also the final bosses are by far my least favorite, two weak ass kids, really? After Geese and Wolfgang? It does have some good additions like Franco and Bob tho. The main issue tho is the gameplay, some characters are gonna be extremely easy to beat and some like fucking Blue Mary are gonna really overpowered. It's a cool game tho just inferior to the previous ones.

97. The Walking Dead Season 1 [20/20] - Playstation 4 - This game =( The fucking tears I swear! Saddest ending ever. I'm a big fan of choice based story games, and also a big fan of telltale, I had however never watched The walking Dead before (which isn't an issue here because it's not based on the show, maybe a bit more on the comics but i'm not even sure about that).  The characters in this game are just so amazing, especially Lee, Clementine and Kenny (also loved Carley and Ben, who's really underrated!), they have real personalities that you're really gonna remember. I sadly got on Kenny's bad side even tho I felt like I agreed with him most of the time, but still I loved the bond between all the characters. The story is just so well written and so interesting, definitely one of the best story I've seen in a video game. Even tho it's just the basic zombie apocalypse theme, they managed to make a game that really stands out thanks to it's characters. Definitely a must play!

98. The Walking Dead 400 Days [20/20]- Playstation 4 - Played this right after season 1. It's definitely a good introduction to season 2 (which I played right after). It shows you some other situations and while it's really short the characters don't feel bland or rushed. It's only about an hour but I still got attached to some characters and wanted to find out more about them. Don't have much else to say about it tho except that I highly recommend playing it before starting season 2.

99. Street Fighter: The Movie [14/20] - Arcade - So I hesitated between playing this version and the SNES version, but I ended up playing the Arcade one because I thought the animations looked better, however I then found out that the SNES version was apparently "better". I expected this game to be absolute shit based on what I heard about it but I really think that people ae just hating on it to hate. It's definitely not like any other SF but I thought it was a pretty decent fighting game. I mean yeah the one song is pretty annoying and Ken is not blonde, but it's still pretty fun to play tbh. It also has two exclusive character who aren't really special bt I guess that's still a + lol.

100. The King of Fighters 95' [16/20] - Arcade - Second official KOF game, I thought it was pretty good tbh. The gameplay is better than the previous one and the backgrounds are once again stunning. Gameplay wise I definitely feel a huge upgrade however I don't think it looks any different graphically speaking. There's also a new team which is okay, it has Billy Kane who's pretty cool and I would've totally loved that team if they didn't remove my favorite team because of them (don't know for sure if the American team was removed to include this one but i'm guessing it was one of the main reason). I wish they added more new characters and didn't remove the American team tbh, but other than that it's a really solid fighting game!

101. Dead or Alive 5: Last Round [20/20] - Xbox One - This is by far the best Dead or Alive game ever made imo. The roster is amazing, it has almost all the characters from the franchise (I think only Tengu and the guy who was exclusive to Dimension are missing) and a lot of new really good characters. I also liked that we finally have some sort of story mode even tho the story is divided between the characters so there isn't really a true storyline, but it was still fun to actually see the characters talk more than just 2-3 words before fighting. It's honestly a huge improvement compared to DOA4 tbh, especially the AI who's not as cheap as it used to be (mostly because you can choose between difficulties). I feel like this franchise is honestly really underrated and underappreciated tbh.

102. Skullgirls 2nd Encore [20/20] - Playstation 4 - A game that I always wanted to try but for some reason never bought. I got for like 5 dollars on the PS Store and I don't regret it at all! This is such an amazing fighting game tbh, so unique and different from all the other fighting games from this generation. The characters are so fun tbh, I completed all the stories except Fukua because fuck the boss (those who have the game know what i'm talking about lol), and I really got attached to all of them! They're all so unique and funny it's really cool to see a game that tries something new and is not afraid to do something out of the box. Graphically it's stunning, it reminds me a lot of european comics and the old disney cartoons for some reasons. The gameplay is also really cool and easy to pick up, I do think that the AI is kinda cheap when you're fighting against the male characters for some weird reason.

103. Mass Effect 3 [20/20] - Xbox 360 - This game is hands down my favorite game I've played this year. It's a masterpiece that ended an already perfect serie. I've got a lot to say about this game tbh. I started playing this right after finishing the first and second game and I decided that I'd try to complete every single missions in this one (which I did except two side quest that glitched =/), so I ended up finishing it in 45 hours. It's also the first game for which I bought all the DLC's. So first, the only small issue that I had which ended up not being an issue at all was that I couldn't import my Shepard from ME2 into the game so I had to make a new one, but I ended up liking this one way more than the original I made so I'm kinda glad it happened lol. Graphically the game was already stunning, I do see an improvement but it's more on the small details I feel like. But what made this game so amazing to me is the amazing crew and the relationships you developed with them, it was  so good to see how they evolved during the 3 games. The bromance between Shepard and Garrus, EDI having a body and falling in love with Joker, the amazing friendship I developed between Shepard and Liara (who for some reason never tried to flirt with me even tho I thought she was gonna confess her love to me every time she opened her mouth lol), Tali and Garrus, Tali and alcohol, and my Shepard and Kaidan who got reunited and fell in love (had to wait a long time for this gay romance lol but it was worth it). The new cew members are also amazing, James who started out as a bro stereotype but ended up being a really funny and lovable character (to me at least lol), Samantha who's HILARIOUS, Steve who I have a soft spot for for being the first truly gay character in the serie (with Samantha, and by truly I mean that he's only gay, not bisexual like the other same sex romances) and freaking Javiik who's just a badass. The whole thing just feels so realistic and you really get attached to everybody. To everyone playing the game I absolutely recommend getting the citadel DLC because it just so hilarious and a perfect addition to the game! I like a lot of games but this one is just really special to me, and the whole trilogy in general. It's the first time I decided to replay a game right after finishing it!

104. Real Bout Fatal Fury [17/20] - Neo Geo - A big improvement compared to Fatal Fury 3 imo, the gameplay is a LOT better, it's quicker and it just feels well better overall. The graphics are also better, much more colorful! They also brought back some older character, including one of my favorite character Duck King! Imo this game is what Fatal Fury 3 should've been, Fatal Fury 3 felt more like an "update" while this game really feels like a new game. My only issue is the small amount of stages =/.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 07:32:03 am by chrismb »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #505 on: November 14, 2017, 09:22:20 am »
Review on my page are up for both Dungeon Travelers 2 and Rhythm Thief.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #506 on: November 17, 2017, 07:04:58 pm »
Nice work on Dungeon Travelers 2 Kashell, I'm inspired to keep trying. Currently on that boss you mentioned (kill the left hand one first), I'm managing that bit, it's the right hand one's massive power surge when she's taken damage keeps seeing me off. I only need to level Grishna one more to unlock her third job rank, so a re-build and experiment with different job classes might see me through :)

Beaten Dungeons III, which with Evil Within 2 represents the 2 'big' titles I wanted to buy and play this year, w00t! Time to polish off some shorter games and bump the list up a bit.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #507 on: November 21, 2017, 01:12:11 pm »
Game 23 - Spyro the Dragon (PS1) - 8 Hours

+ This game is pretty fun. It's got good gameplay, fun enemies, decent graphics for the time, and fun voice acting. I liked the free flight bonus levels as well, added some variety. I ended the game with 79% complete and 69 dragons saved.

- I don't know, I think playing this game for the first time as an adult means it doesn't really hold my attention. It's a very simple game, and I wish there was something more than just going through all the levels to free all the dragons. The music was pretty lackluster, and I don't understand what collecting the gems or dragon eggs was all about other than to add more things to do. Either way, it was easy to collect %100 of items in a lot of the levels.

Back to my list
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 01:16:15 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #508 on: November 21, 2017, 03:55:50 pm »
Nice work on Dungeon Travelers 2 Kashell, I'm inspired to keep trying. Currently on that boss you mentioned (kill the left hand one first), I'm managing that bit, it's the right hand one's massive power surge when she's taken damage keeps seeing me off. I only need to level Grishna one more to unlock her third job rank, so a re-build and experiment with different job classes might see me through :)

Beaten Dungeons III, which with Evil Within 2 represents the 2 'big' titles I wanted to buy and play this year, w00t! Time to polish off some shorter games and bump the list up a bit.

Thank ya. It was quite the journey. After this battle, you'll get two more party members that really outshine the rest of the team. One of them can act twice in one turn. The other can auto-revive. Keep up the good work; you got this!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #509 on: November 22, 2017, 08:56:01 pm »
And that was game number 31: Nekojishi! And I won't say much about this game. I found the story to be very enjoyable. It was heartfelt, emotional, and with some really good twists. Some things did bother me, the bad endings mainly, but I heard those are standard in visual novels (I wouldn't know, this is the first pure visual novel I've played), and the true endings made more than up for them. And apart from a nitpick here and there I loved the story.

However, I am not going to say "play it now". It's really simple: Look up the game, look at some screenshots and read the description. If it sounds interesting to you, I highly recommend you try it. If it does not: just leave it. It's clearly targeting a very specific audience. If you're a part of that audience, go for it! You won't be disappointed! But if you're not, don't you worry at all about ignoring it. But as a part of that audience, I enjoyed my time with it, and I am happy to have this as a solid introduction to the visual novel genre.

Also, sidenote, I will admit that I used a guide eventually. Visual novels are about getting to different endings via your choices. There are 12 endings, and I got 7 (a good batch of which were bad endings) on my own. And I'm sorry, but I used a guide after that. I feel a little bad because it feels like cheating, but the only other way is going through all the possible answers trial-and-error-style, and that was just not worth the frustration to me. It didn't give me buffs or make the game easier or anything like that. In a game which really is nothing but a book on a screen I don't feel it's all that bad to get to some of the endings a little easier (especially after you've done multiple runs on your own). These games are about the story after all, not about painstakingly going through all the choices to see everything.

So that's 31 games down!
Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Rivals of Aether
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Undertale
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Nekojishi
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.