Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78372 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #480 on: October 17, 2017, 10:09:19 pm »
And finally hit base level for the challenge, which is 52 games played this year.  Don't think I actually made it the previous years to 52, so at least I made it there.  For the full challenge, I'm still only at 37 beat, as I'm not sure if I'm going to count the Endless/Multiplayer games, being that they don't have a completion state.  I have dumped a minimum of 10 hours into all of them, with PUBG at nearly 100 hours, and Friday the 13th already has 10 hours, so I might end up allowing them by the end as its only 4 games.  So roughly 40 games.

I got at least 3 more planned to buy, 4 more to beat, and I'm sure a few I can work in that are smaller games or something from the Steam Winter Sale I can grab for the cheap.  Good chance I can make it this year.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #481 on: October 18, 2017, 08:39:32 am »
All right. The greatest thing to ever grace humanity, the virtual second coming of Christ, the immortal lovebaby of 2015, Undertale. I have finally played it. I have done a pacifist run and beaten it. So what did I think? It was great! Not the greatest thing ever like the internet seemed to make it out to be, but it was still great!

Let me start out by saying I LOVE the combat system. It was innovative, intuitive, clever, challenging yet fair, it made every battle fun to play. It's not often I'll willingly fight every random encounter in a game, but this combat system was just so good I almost never fleed a fight. The combat system was without a doubt my favourite part of the game. And second behind that is, of course, the soundtrack. This definitely ranks up there as one of the great videogame soundtracks, and I'm sure I'll come back to listen to it many more times.

I of course know the most beloved part of the game is easily the story. However, sorry Undertale fans, it wasn't the most fantastic thing on the planet to me. Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed the story for what it was, and the characters were definitely good. However, I just can't say I feel this deep emotional connection that everyone else seems to feel. They were strong characters no doubt, but I just can't say they have resonated with me as much as other characters have in the past.

But overall I really enjoyed my time with Undertale! I don't think I'll go for a genocide run anytime soon, but I'm glad I gave it a chance. I will say it took me a while to really get into it (it wasn't until the hidden end (being as vague as I can here) that I got really into it), but to anyone still in doubt for any reason, I do recommend you give it a chance.

EDIT: So I see no new response has been posted, so I'll just edit this one and write about Metroid Fusion. My boyfriend hailed this as his favourite 2D Metroid, so I figured I might as well try it. And I honestly really enjoyed it!

The game has aged really well. I played it on Wii U Virtual Console, and gameplay was fast and smooth. The world manages to both feel large and claustrophobic at the same time, and I honestly feel the size of the world is on point. It's not huge, but the way it's divided makes the worlds just big enough to not make backtracking a bore. I won't deny that I did fall back on guides a LOT of times, but I guess that's just my weak spirit shining through.

Too keep it short, I really enjoyed this game. It's available pretty cheaply in the Wii U eShop too, so if you're interested in trying it I highly recommend you give it a chance.

So that sets me at 30! Obviously not going to make the 52, but even with the cheaty 1-hour games I feel 30+ is a good number.

Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Rivals of Aether
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Undertale
  • Metroid Fusion
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 10:22:27 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #482 on: October 21, 2017, 05:52:47 am »
40 - Just Cause 3 (PS4 2015) - ABANDONED - Yeah I'm just done with this game.  It's got poor performance where I regularly see the frames drop in fights, of which it didn't improve when I got my PS4 Pro, and I've had two crashes while playing.  I never want to see games crashing on a console.  Otherwise, this game is just boring.  If you just want to screw around with stunts and do just that, it's alright.  The story, taking bases and towns, the characters, they are also damn dull and repetitive.  I was even trying to continue on by treating it as a podcast game, where I can have a podcast going while I play, because there's nothing I need to pay attention to, but even then, it's so tedious.  All I can say, is that I'm glad I got it free with Playstation Plus.  Maybe someday I'll go back to it, most likely not.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #483 on: October 22, 2017, 10:37:34 am »
continuing my "reviews" here

Part 1 :,7980.msg133797.html#msg133797
Part 2 :,7980.msg140404.html#msg140404
Part 3 :,7980.msg143994.html#msg143994

63. Asphalt 8 Airborne [15/20] - Android - I only played the game offline so that's what my "review" is based on. Graphically the game is stunning! Especially considering that it's a free game. The maps are also pretty diverse even tho I think that dedicating 3-4 separate maps for 1 country was stupid af. My main issue with the game is that it's incredibly hard to win a race, I'm not that good at the game but I should at least be able to reach fucking 3rd place on the easiest mode lmao. I mean it's probably because of the bad cars I used, but I don't have the money nor want to spend the money to buy a better car lol. It's far from being a bad game tho, and while they do ask for money for certain modes (I think?) and cars and stuff, I think they're still pretty generous with what they give you when you start the game.

64. NBA 2k16 [19/20] - Xbox One - So like I said in my Live 16 review, NBA 2K16 was clearly the superior game imo. It has a HUGE roster with historic and international teams, a good character creator (could be better but definitely not as bad as some other sport games), a roster editor and also an AMAZING story mode! The story was one of the best I've seen in any sports game, I got really attached to the characters and the "ending" had my shook tbh. My only issue with the game is that without paying with real money, it's gonna take you a long ass time to have a decent myplayer! I'm really happy they kinda fixed that in the next game because playing in the NBA with such a bum ass character is really annoying lmao.

65. Dragon Age II [18/20] - Playstation 3 - So I started playing it right after finishing Inquisition, however I knew it wouldn't even be close to be as good as Inquisition since it's known for being the worst Dragon Age game. However I was nicely surprised, I liked the game a lot, especially the characters. I romanced Anders this time and he actually made the game way more enjoyable for me. I do think the graphics are pretty dated especially when you compare it to Mass Effect 2 or other games like Red Dead Redemption which came out a year before. I also IMMENSELY regretted choosing a rogue character, fucking USELESS I swear, I ended up never fighting with my Hawke so the boss fights where a real struggle. Talking about the boss fights, fuck the chapter 2 boss fight, I forgot his name but I hate that motherfucker SO MUCH lmao hardest boss ever. But overall it is a good game, pretty underrated imo, the story is good and it has some really good characters.

66. Oxenfree [20/20] - Xbox One - THIS GAME!! Thank you Xbox SO much for giving it as a game with gold title because this game is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I loved the characters, except maybe Nona who was pretty useless but I also never took her with me so that might explain why I don't care about here. The story is everything. The ending fucked with my head so badly I was still thinking about it days later. I got the best ending imo (everyone survives except Michael), but still it was so crazy. I wouldn't call this game a horror game, but the atmosphere of the game is just so chilling imo, we're stuck alone on a haunted island with fuckin loops happening every 5 minutes and our friends getting possessed out of nowhere! The music is also amazingly creepy, like it's mostly the same melody but it really fits the game. This is probably my favorite Indie game ever with Unravel tbh, it's honestly a must play imo.

67. Forza Horizon 3 (18/20] - Xbox One - This was my first racing game from the 8th generation and it BLEW me the fuck away! This game is so stunning, every areas are just breathtaking! Especially the ones near the beach! Graphically it's definitely one of the best game from this generation imo. Gameplay wise, I loved the controls, it was a good mix between realistic simulation and arcade, I also loved the fact that you could rewind anytime you fuck up something lol. My only small issue with the game is that I wish the missions were more diverse, they get pretty repetitive once you've done the same type of mission 5 or 6 times.
68. NHL 17 [15/20] - Xbox One - So I know absolutely NOTHING about hockey, my only experience with hockey was playing NHL 2006 when I was like 7 yo. So except the basic concept of hockey I was pretty new to it, so I didn't really was team was good or what player was good (which didn't really matter anyway cause I made my own). The gameplay was pretty solid, however out of all the sports game I've played it's definitely the one I had the hardest time making points. Graphically it's pretty nice however once again like in Live 16 and NFL 17, the character creation is pretty basic, out of the 3 games tho it's definitely the best with the most face choices. Career mode s fun but really long so it can get boring, especially if you're like me and not that interested in hockey. It was a good solid game tho, but like any sports game it's probably better to know more about the sport to truly appreciate the game.

69. Handball 2016 [08/20] - Playstation 3 - Probably and hopefully the worst game I've played/will be playing this year. I feel like i'm being lowkey generous af with that 08/20 cause this games is really terrible. I know it was made by a small company but damn like there is zero fun in this game. The graphics are horrible, there are not cut scenes to show the players, the commentary SUCKS ass and the gameplay is shitty af. It's funny to play it for like 10 minutes because of how ridiculous it is but once you realize the gameplay is not far from broken, it just stops being funny and starts getting annoying. And it's coming from someone who's really easily pleased with video games usually.

70. FIFA 17 [18/20] - Xbox One - EA definitely put a lot more work into this game than NBA Live 16, NFL 17 and NHL 17. I'm from France so i'm pretty familiar with football since it's really popular here and I've previously played a few football games however I never actually owned one. I loved the game, the gameplay is really good, even if your character has low stats you can still play pretty correctly and not look like a complete amateur trying to be a professional. Graphically it's also really good, the cut scenes in the Journey mode are stunning. I also love that the game has a proper create a character, and not just some random "choose a head" type of shit. The career mode is also the best from any EA sports game, it's way more realistic + the Journey mode also add a real story mode which most EA sports game lack off.

71. Yoshi's Woolly World [18/20] - Wii U - Yoshi's probably my favorite Nintendo character ever, he's just so cute and innocent how can you not like him tbh? Yoshi's Woolly World was one of the games I was the most interested in for the Wii U, and I wasn't disappointed tbh. It's a solid platformer with a lot of unique ideas. Graphically it's also really beautiful, I especially loved the snow world ! I did have a few issues tho with the "puzzle" levels which were annoying af, I will never understand why they thought it would be fun to do such levels. But overall I really liked the game, it's pretty similar to the Kirby games but with a bit more challenge (it's never that hard tho).

72. NBA 2K17 [17/20] - Xbox One - So as I've already said I'm a big basketball and NBA fan, so I already liked the game just because of that. However this game while being a really good basketball game, feels more like an update of NBA 2k17 than a truly new game. The gameplay is better tho, I like the shooting way more, and they also fixed the MyPlayer issue I had where it took way too long to upgrade your skills without paying with real money. However the career mode, or more the story is not even close to being as good as NBA 2k16's. I wouldn't even call it a story since there basically no storyline except "I made it to the NBA yoohoo".

73. Infamous : Second Son [20/20] - Playstation 4 - First game I ever played on PS4 and i'm honestly glad I chose it as my first game because it was AMAZING! I haven't played the first two games but I was familiar with them so I knew what type of game it would be and I was a bit iffy about it cause I'm not typically a huge of game where you can ran really fast or fly everywhere, however this game handled the powers really well imo, only minor issue was the shooting which wasn't really precise but it wasn't that bad. I also thought the game looked STUNNING! Seattle is so pretty tbh, I loved just walking around the city to visit it (even tho that wasn't really possible after like the half of the game since everyone wants to kill you lol). The story and especially the two main character were really interesting imo, and tbh [SPOILER] Reggie's death was so sad and unnecessary, I was so shocked I honestly didn't believe they killed him like that! My only regret is that we didn't really get to know more about the side characters.

74. Saints Row 2 [20/20] - PC - Saints Row 2 was the first Saints Row game I ever played (like 5 years ago) however I never really got far into the story. I previously played this year the third and fourth game and I liked both of them, especially the fourth, but I did remember this game to be quite different in term of atmosphere however I played it such a long time ago that I barely remember anything except the crazy cheat code lol. My first thought was why is the city so much better than in the two next game? I love the city so much it's so much more alive and realistic imo, I feel like there was so much more pedestrians in this game! I also loved the crazy side quests! I made my character similar looking to both my SR 3 and 4 character, however he did feel like a completely different character to the one in the 4th game, way more serious and bossy, but I feel like both fitted there respective game. Overall I really liked the game, it's so much more than a simple GTA clone like some people try to make it out to be.

75. Mad Max [16/20] - Xbox One - I have extremely mixed feelings about this game. In one hand I loved the atmosphere and graphically it's incredibly stunning, but on the other there is so many annoying things about that game that I didn't really get into it as much as I wanted to. So the positives  graphically stunning as I said, I also loved the fighting system in the game and the overall animations. However that's about it for the positives tbh. The story wasn't that exiting, Max was a rude bitch during the whole game who killed the only person who was by his side all the time, he also threw away a gift from a lil ass girl (like who does that!), everyone wants to kill you so it's barely possible to even start a fuckin mission and also the control of the car are annoying as hell. So yeah. I do have to say it's far from being a bad game, it is a good game I just think it wasn't for me, it has a lot of good qualities but I guess I was just to bad at the game or somethin lol which made it a pretty annoying experience.

76. D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die [19/20] - Xbox One - D4 is probably the weirdest game I've played in all my life! You start out thinking it's gonna be this serious deep story and then a female who acts like a cat just busts through your door and attacks you lol. At first I was honestly confused but the more I played the game the more I liked it, it's really original and totally wtf. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea but I like a game that is different. The story was pretty basic yet I was really into, mostly because I loved David, he's so serious and funny at the same time it's hilarious. I really wish there would be a sequel or a second season because they kinda finished the game with a cliffhanger and I really hate that I'll never know the true ending!

77. Fatal Fury: King of Fighters [15/20] - Neo Geo - So I decided to do a full playtrough of all the KOF games, and so I obviously started with the one who started it all : FF King of Fighters. I love the game, it's the one who started it all and even tho there is only 3 playable characters, it has the Bogard brothers and Geese Howard! Graphically I also think it's stunning, the backgrounds in SNK games are always so beautiful tbh. It is however the first game so it does have a few issues, a bigger roster would've been better and the AI is also a little cheap (but that's probably just me sucking at 2D fighting games lol), it gets a bit boring after you've played with all the 3 characters but it's still a game that every fighting game fans should play just to see how much they evolved!

78. Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [20/20] - Playstation 2 -The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater franchise is my second al ltime favorite video game franchise so it was no surprise I'd absolutely adore this game! It has the same mechanics and the same feels to it. The gameplay is really easy to pick up especially if you've played TH games before. I also love the maps, especially Los Angeles and New Orleans. The music is also perfect but that isn't a shock tbh. My only small issue is that I wish it has more or the Tony Hawk's games humour, it kinda lacks a few funny npcs here and there. But overall it's an amazing game, super fun and probably one of the best bmx game ever.

79. Fatal Fury 2 [16/20] - Neo Geo - Second game from my KOF playtrough, and it's actually a lot better than the first one. I don't feel like graphically there is a big change, it's a little prettier but not a big difference. The backgrounds are still stunning, SNK was/is really talented at making some really amazing backgrounds in their fighting games tbh, with musics that always fit perfectly! The biggest + in this game is definitely the addition of new characters, especially the iconic Mai and to a lesser extent Kim. I do feel like except these two and the Bogard brothers, most of the fighters are kinda filler. This game does have one of my favorite boss battle of all time tho, seriously, so legendary!

80. Heart Of Darkness [18/20] - Playstation 1 - This game is probably the hardest platforming game I've ver played. It is however really good and definitely and underrated game! It's really beautiful and all the animations make the game look like a real animation movie! The creepy monsters mixed with the childish feel of the game really makes it unique and memorable to me. This game however, as I said, is incredibly difficult, and will take a lot of time and patience to master. However it's not hard because of clunky gameplay or whatever, so it's hard but not in a "it's impossible to do it cause the game is a fucking glitchy mess" type of hard. I do recommend tho because it's truly an unique and fun experience.

81. Art of Fighting [16/20] - Neo Geo - Third game from my KOF playtrough! Just like in Fatal Fury 1, Art of Fighting 1 only has the main characters as playable fighters, however even tho Fatal Fury 1 had the Bogard brothers, AOF has Robert Garcia who is imo a much more unique character. I don't care about Ryo at all, he's just the token boring hero fighter that you see in every fighting games tbh. I also think that graphically it was definitely the prettiest game of it's time, the bigger characters and the background just look so good. The only thing that this game doesn't have imo is a good boss, Mr Karate is pretty boring imo compared to Geese and Wolfgang.

82. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown [19/20] - Xbox 360 - My opinion of this game is the exact same as the one about Virtua Fighter 5 "basic edition" so I don't really have much to say. I do love the new backgrounds a lot and Jean is an amazing addition to the game! I don't care about Taka Arashi at all tho, he's super boring and not and exiting fighter at all to me. A good thing about this game is that they changed the difficulty level and made Dural way more easily unlockable. I still have nightmares trying to unlock her in the basic version lol. Definitely the best Virtua Fighter tbh, still waiting for a new game tho =/

83. Street Fighter [12/20] - Arcade - I also decided to to a full Street Fighter playtrough while doing my KOF one. So obviously I had to play this game and well, that was...a start lol. Only two characters who look the same and a horribly cheap CPU. I mean probably the cheapest I've ever seen in a fighting game. It was fun to play tho, I mean just seeing how far the game has come and I think every fan of the serie should try to play it once just to have the experience.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 11:53:59 am by chrismb »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #484 on: October 22, 2017, 11:38:00 pm »
44 - Mario + Rabids: Kingdom Battle (Switch 2017) - ABANDONED

Abandoning more games than I'd like this year, but I'm at the final world and mostly just feeling annoyed by it.  It's an alright game, but I don't feel like they playtested a number of the levels enough.  Some were a great time, I enjoyed myself, but all throughout my time playing, there are these weird difficulty spikes.  Like a level has too many enemies in it or the design itself wasn't very good.  Some of the gameplay bugs me also as while it's a simple tactical experience, it's just so weirdly challenging and certain characters make the game much harder and not fun to play.

I also don't like the overworld.  I know it's basically trying to be the classic Mario overworld with a mostly linear line to follow, but having areas to explore inbetween, but it mostly just feels like tedious padding.  There are a handful of good puzzles, but there are a lot that are pretty mindless and it's clear they just needed to put more things into the game to drag it out.  I actually would've preferred a pure Mario overworld, just hurrying up and getting to the levels, and I don't even like that anymore from Mario.

I just hit a point where I realized I was being more annoyed than I was having fun.  That softened when I went back to do some of the challenges I passed over, but right when I back to the story missions, I was quickly losing interesting, getting frustrated by another level.  Like I'm thinking of reinstalling Wasteland 2, a much harder game in the same style, but it's a way better tactical game.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #485 on: October 23, 2017, 04:52:33 am »
52 - South Park: The Fractured But Whole (PS4 2017) - BEAT

It's basically the game you'd expect.  I'd say it's on par with the last one and only really better due to the gameplay.  I remember it being a more standard straight forward turn based RPG, but in this, it's grid based combat with QTE's for crits.  Makes it way more interesting to battle.  There's nothing major to complain about, some odd bugs here and there, I wish you could skip through ultimates and summons, and quests are abit basic, even with the South Park bent to them.  There's abit less sequel bait here, maybe teasing you playing villain next game, but unless it's like a drastic shift in gameplay, I can't see myself playing the next one.  It's just gonna be abit too samey I feel.  Still goofy bullshit you'd expect from South Park either way.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #486 on: October 23, 2017, 05:41:57 pm »
The Evil Within 2 for the PS4 beat, what a ride. I hate stealth mechanics, hate em, but there's a couple of games I really like with them in and this game is now one of them.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #487 on: October 23, 2017, 06:34:35 pm »
The Evil Within 2 for the PS4 beat, what a ride. I hate stealth mechanics, hate em, but there's a couple of games I really like with them in and this game is now one of them.

I'm assuming you played the first one, so how much better is it? The first one I thought had good ideas, but its story dragged, Sebastian was an awful character, and there was some obnoxious stuff in the gameplay.  Does it still have lots of insta-death moments? That drove me nuts in the first one.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #488 on: October 24, 2017, 02:38:39 pm »
To be honest, I found EW2 to be a major departure from the first game. I've not compared them, but the view feels a lot more over-the-shoulder this time around. Stealth is a major, major part of EW2, whereas in the first game it was useless most of the time as the scripted events dumped enemies right in front of you and they needed to be killed to move on. Although possible to sneak by many enemies, I preferred to kill em for loot (mostly green gel) and to allow easy travel in the larger areas in order to hoover up goodies. There are still sections which are basically "go from A to B", still lock-in bosses and sections where baddies need clearing to proceed, but there's a real strong emphasis on stealth kills.

The only time I noticed insta-death was a section which harked back to the first game, funnily enough. Sebastian is more bearable this time, he's still a generic tough-guy-cop but the story involves him specifically and is improved for that. The first game reminded me heavily of RE4, this one doesn't. I'd say it's worth a go if you did find some things you liked in the first game, it certainly didn't feel like a drag (in the first game once you get to the sunken city area it really drags for me too).


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #489 on: October 24, 2017, 04:29:58 pm »
48. Saints Row: The Third (Steam) [11-10]
49. Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri (PC Download) [14-10]
50. Mario Kart 7 (3DS) [18-10]
51. Saints Row IV [23-10]
52. Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix [24-10]

And with that, I've also beaten 52 games!

I won't stop updating this though, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and Wolfenstein II are coming up next!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #490 on: October 28, 2017, 04:29:42 am »
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch 2017) - BEAT - There were two games this year in particular I was most hyped for.  Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey.  While BOTW was flawed, I absolutely loved it and it's probably one of my favorite Zelda games.  Super Mario Odyssey is far less flawed, if at all, and I also absolutely loved it and it's most likely going to be my favorite Mario too.  It's everything I've been wanting from a Mario game since Sunshine.  Fun and unique worlds with their own gimmicks, lots to collect, and it's just a game that lets me go and explore on my own time.  It does all of that perfectly.  There's lots of super cool references and secrets and things like that for Mario fans to enjoy.  After beating the game, you get to pick the music ingame, so I'm basically just gonna have the rocking Bowser theme playing at all times lol

The only complaint, as this is far too common with many Mario games, of which I don't know if this is out of laziness, or time-saving, or what, but there are repeat boss fights.  While there are unique ones that are good for your standard Mario fights, you fight all the Broodals (Big rabbit goons) twice, and Bowser twice.  Same fight, only slightly harder on the second go.  It's disappointing, because I think the easy fix is to simply add in the Koopalings as boss fodder alongside the Broodals, and spend more time on the final Bowser fight.

Overall, this game is gonna keep me in for awhile still.  I wanted to get through the game quickly so I'm not spoiled as you only need a certain amount of moons per level to advance to next kingdom, and progress the story, which is actually pretty quick.  I gotta imagine if doing just the minimum moons, you could get to Bowser in well under 10 hours.  What keeps people playing are all the costumes to buy (Oh there are some wonderful ones) and all the moons and other things to collect.  It's a completionist dream (Maybe nightmare? There's a lot here, but nothing I've seen that's crazy hard).

In a year where I get Yooka-Laylee, A Hat in Time, and Super Mario Galaxy, it's a good year for 3D platformers.

29 - Persona 5 (PS4 2017) - ABANDONED - Yeah, I can't justify continuing this game.  I talked about it more in another thread, but I'm getting far too bored with this game.  It has a great style, great music, I enjoy the characters and was hoping to see more of the meat of the story, but everything between the palace dungeons is far more boring and tedious than I expected.  Even then, palaces are just okay and the gameplay is only fine.  It's the limited days and constant routine that is just driving me nuts.  I'm like 25 hours in, on the way to the third palace, and I'm seeing this is an average 100 hour experience, and I can't see myself investing that much time into the game if I'm not really loving it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 02:11:31 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #491 on: October 30, 2017, 02:58:24 pm »
New reviews are on my page. Finally.

Blue Reflection
Dragon Seeds

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #492 on: October 31, 2017, 08:48:16 am »
1. Super Mario 3D World
2. Dark Souls III
3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
4. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Dr. Mario
7. Nioh
8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
9. Wolfenstein: The New Order
10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
11. Tales from the Borderlands
12. Bloodborne (Childhood's Beginning)
13. Bloodborne (Yharnam Sunrise)
14. Fallout 4
15. Rocket League
16. Day of the Tentacle Remastered
17. Mega Man X
18. Lords of the Fallen
19. Resident Evil 4
20. Super Punch-Out!! This is not beaten yet, because it was way harder than I expected, and I say that as someone who has beaten the original a couple of times.
21. Super Mario Odyssey Because I can't stop myself from playing massive collectathons, no matter how badly it may stop me from hitting 52.


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #493 on: November 03, 2017, 03:23:13 am »
52 Games list
1.  Dragon Quest VII- 3DS
2.  Dragon Quest Builders- PS4- Done- Beat Main Story
3.  Hyper Light Drifter- PS4
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon- PC- Done- Beat all Original Scenarios
5.  Titanfall 2- Done- Beat Main Story on Normal
6.  Deus Ex Mankind Divided-Done- Beat Main Story on Normal, all Sidequests
7. Skies of Arcadia: Legends- GC- 5 hours in
8. Mirrors Edge: Catalyst- few hours in, game is pretty dull, probably won't finish this one
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt- PS4- Done- Beat main story-
10. Paper Mario- N64- 5 hours in
11. Zelda- Breath of the Wild- Switch- One Divine Beat down- 3 to go
12. The Witcher 3 DLC- Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine- Complete
13. Nier Automata- Beaten- Ending A and B, working on C- Still playing as the game is not really over yet
14. Persona 5- PS4- 90 or so hours in
15. Red Faction- PS2- Beaten on Normal- Took me nearly 15 yrs after the fact but finally beat this game
16.  Gears of War: UE- XBONE- Beaten on Normal- Co-op-
17.  Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped- PS4 Beaten - 105% Plat trophy
18.  Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back- PS4 102% Plat trophy
19. Crash Bandicoot- 102%- Platinum Trophy
20.  Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- PS1 -- All endings- 196%+ map percentage
21. Axiom Verge- Vita- Beaten
22. Severed- Vita- Beaten 100%- Platinum Trophy
23.  Undertale-Vita-  Platinum Trophy
24.  Golf Story- Switch Beat Main Story
25.  Ys VIII- PS4- Chapter 6
26.  Metroid: Samus Returns- 3DS- Area 2
27.  Everybody's Golf- Beat Game, now for end game
28.  Steamworld Dig 2- Early game
29.  Shadow Complex- Close to end
30.  Super Mario Odyssey- 102 power moons so far
31. Wolfenstein II- intro scene

18/31- If I can get to 25 this year, I'll be happy.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #494 on: November 03, 2017, 11:11:42 pm »
53 - STALKER: Call of Pripyat (PC 2009) - BEAT - I'm sure most people have that one game or series where you know the game isn't particularly good, it has a lot of problems, but you still really like it for whatever reason.  That's the STALKER series for me.  These are objectively bad games in terms of their performance and stability, but I still routinely come back to play these games like every year.  I install it, slap in a mod or two, and just dive into the Zone.  What I like about the games is that they have a great atmosphere, an interesting setting, and a good gameplay idea.  It's a tough, survival'ish, shooter that lets you tackle different areas of the game as you are able to.  Like the only comparable game would be Metro 2033, but that's a more linear experience, but it's all based on similar material and that even has some STALKER devs on it.  Another would be the Fallout games, but those are much more an RPG experience.  There aren't many games doing this particular idea, though Metro Exodus sounds like it's implementing some free roam to the game, which will make the series the closest its been to the STALKER series yet.

One of the few games I've played and beaten before that I'll add to the list this year.  This game continues to age poorly, I forgot that the game has a micro-stutter issue, and just how bad the voice acting and story is, particular in this game, it's easily the worst of the 3 plot wise, but it was meant to be kind of a cleaned up version of the previous games which had more features and a better, bigger, story, but were less stable.  I still like just roaming around, it can be tense at times, but exploration in games is always very chill for me. I like finding hidden caches and artifacts and such.