The other day I wound up finding a good deal on a case of trading card packs for one of the CCGs I played when I was a kid, the Star Trek CCG. After opening them up, I decided to dig all my old cards out and reorganize them, getting what I've got into some nice binders and holy shit do I have a lot of cards:

That's everything sorted by set (not pictured is a full storage tub of Holodeck Adventures commons and uncommons from a misguided ebay auction years ago). I do know I will never have a complete collection as prices have skyrocketed for some of the sets. While some remain cheap, others are up to $1,500 a box. Looking at it all, if I had to guess, I'd say out of the 4,100 cards made, I'm missing probably about 200 of them, but I'll know for sure once I start organizing the individual sets.
With all the TCG hype lately with Pokemon that's spread to all sorts of other brands and styles, it's kinda reinvigorated my old love of card games. Me and my sister have been buying Pokemon cards off and on for abit and I've been tempted to grab some DBZ, which was my childhood love. I actually have a bunch of character cards still from the original DBZ TCG from the early 2000's, I was way big on playing. I wouldn't mind getting more if I could find a bunch on the cheap, but I imagine they are crazy expensive to buy packs again.
I did just get a bunch of 1st gen Pokemon cards from a friend, base set, fossil, jungle, and some others, no holofoils and the base set is later prints, but for me and my sister just collecting for kicks, getting a bunch of standard cards is great. I need to buy a new binder for them specifically since I got like 100 of them lol