Author Topic: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.  (Read 4253 times)


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2021, 04:50:08 pm »
I haven't played a mainline Pokemon game since Gold for the GBC. There are a number of reasons why, but mainly it's just that I had lost complete interest in the Pokemon franchise after that game. When you're 10-11 years old, you want to be perceived as being cool and old and mature and Pokemon seemed like "baby games" to me by that age, even though I spent the two previous years thinking that Pokemon R/B/Y and the TV show were the coolest things in the world, lol.

Anyways, I'm a bit older now and I don't think twice about what anyone else thinks is cool or not anymore, as one should by a certain age.

This means I'm now interested in checking out a newer iteration of Pokemon for the 3DS. From what little I've read so far, folks seem evenly divided on what is considered better, X/Y or Sun/Moon. My natural inclination is to just play the newest ones, either UltraMoon or UltraSun, but does anyone wanna give their two cents on the matter? Again, I haven't played any of the games since Gold, I have no idea what newer features that have been introduced into the series since then, if anyone feels like going into depth.

While every generation of pokemon has it's fans. in general gen 7 was considered to have the better games than X & Y. if you have to choose between X & Y or gen 7 get ultra sun or ultra moon or even the base games.

I wouldn't recommend X & Y at all these are considered to be some of the most bare bone pokemon games that gamefreak has ever made, these games are pretty poor the only things that where good about these games where the pokemon designs. The start of 3D came at a heavy price. There is little to do after beating the main game and the journey overall is pretty lackluster.

gen 7 also has allot of issues though and to many cut scenes but it's allot better than X & Y. Base sun & moon have the better story, ultra games shafted the story but are more fun content and gameplay wise

Still if where talking 3ds I'd recommend Alpha sapphire or omega ruby over any of the above games. These are also modern pokemon games but they actually have decent content. These where the only good pokemon games that where released in the past 8 years for my taste

I'd personally recommend games from the gen 3 to 5 era of pokemon since those included the most fun games in the series but if you really want to try modern pokemon I'd say alpha sapphire or omega ruby with any of the gen 7 games as your 2nd option. But I wouldn't recommend X & Y at all. Not all pokemon games where equal.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 05:26:30 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2021, 07:55:43 pm »
I picked up a New 3DS XL around 6 months ago when they were cheap . I really haven't played anything on it yet . I've mostly just been trying to pick up as much for it as possible before prices get too high . Lots of interesting games to play on it if you count DS games too .

Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2021, 01:45:29 am »
One thing I loved about when I first got a regular 3DS XL was going back and basically replaying all of my favorite DS games. The upgrade in screen size and picture quality is a wonderful thing to behold, so much so that there's probably no going back to using my first model DS ever again.


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2021, 01:44:14 pm »
One thing I loved about when I first got a regular 3DS XL was going back and basically replaying all of my favorite DS games. The upgrade in screen size and picture quality is a wonderful thing to behold, so much so that there's probably no going back to using my first model DS ever again.

The old DS's and DS Lite's were the best way to play single player GBA games . Still worth keeping for that purpose .

Spawn Wave just put up an interesting video today about buying into the 3DS in 2021 .
« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 02:46:17 pm by gummo »

Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2021, 02:59:24 pm »
The old DS's and DS Lite's were the best way to play single player GBA games . Still worth keeping for that purpose .

The honor of the best way to play single player GBA games belongs to the Game Boy Player.  ;)

But you are absolutely correct that the best way to play your GBA games in portable form would be with the DS/DS Lite. At the time, playing GBA games on that amazingly bright and truly backlit DS screen with the built-in stereo speakers was kinda like going from watching your favorite VHS movies on DVD for the first time.

To play all GB/GBC/GBA games in portable form, the second model of the GBA SP with the much better screen is as good of a device as you'll get that isn't the Analogue Pocket.


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2021, 04:11:36 pm »
My kids all have 3DS or 2DS systems. Lot's of fun for them.... not so fun for me. Even during PSP and the start of the PSV, handheld gaming was far less enjoyable for me than console gaming. I still have and love my Game Gear but even it doesn't get played much. The way the PSV was treated marked the last time I bought a handheld for myself.

The kids have all enjoyed their 3DS/2DS systems though. They all have Mario Kart which is great for long drives. New Super Mario 2 was a hit. Then they enjoyed random games as well. I recently got my youngest the Ninja Turtles Master Splinter combo cart. He loved it.


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Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2021, 04:19:41 pm »
The old DS's and DS Lite's were the best way to play single player GBA games . Still worth keeping for that purpose .

The honor of the best way to play single player GBA games belongs to the Game Boy Player.  ;)

But you are absolutely correct that the best way to play your GBA games in portable form would be with the DS/DS Lite. At the time, playing GBA games on that amazingly bright and truly backlit DS screen with the built-in stereo speakers was kinda like going from watching your favorite VHS movies on DVD for the first time.

To play all GB/GBC/GBA games in portable form, the second model of the GBA SP with the much better screen is as good of a device as you'll get that isn't the Analogue Pocket.

I have to disagree on this one. The GBA-SP 101 model has it beat. It's not as large or clunky as a DS, and it's screen is fantastic and bright.

I've found that DS screens frankly suck in the sunlight. While the GBA-SP does great in it.

Now the sound, yeah, can't argue that.

But as you said, Game Boy Player is hands down the best way to play GBA. You don't have to weigh the pros or cons like you do DS vs GBA, it's just better in every way.


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2021, 05:55:49 pm »
The old DS's and DS Lite's were the best way to play single player GBA games . Still worth keeping for that purpose .

The honor of the best way to play single player GBA games belongs to the Game Boy Player.  ;)

But you are absolutely correct that the best way to play your GBA games in portable form would be with the DS/DS Lite. At the time, playing GBA games on that amazingly bright and truly backlit DS screen with the built-in stereo speakers was kinda like going from watching your favorite VHS movies on DVD for the first time.

To play all GB/GBC/GBA games in portable form, the second model of the GBA SP with the much better screen is as good of a device as you'll get that isn't the Analogue Pocket.

I have to disagree on this one. The GBA-SP 101 model has it beat. It's not as large or clunky as a DS, and it's screen is fantastic and bright.

I've found that DS screens frankly suck in the sunlight. While the GBA-SP does great in it.

Now the sound, yeah, can't argue that.

But as you said, Game Boy Player is hands down the best way to play GBA. You don't have to weigh the pros or cons like you do DS vs GBA, it's just better in every way.

even an ags 101 sucks in bright sun light. I have multiple ags 101 devices and if where talking at the correct conditions you could literally use a normal gba sp with pretty much the same results. it really isn't that amazing it's only slightly better under brighter conditions than the average sp. even the most modern nintendo devices on the brightest setting suck in bright sunlight while they drain that battery ultra fast aswell. playing handheld games you'd usually rather do in the evening or indoors in wich it kinda defeats the purpose of having a better backlit sure there is a difference but it's not much, for my taste anyway all handheld devices just suck to play outside.

also what ds where you using classic or ds lite? fairly sure the ds lite and other newer ds models like dsi had the better backlit the original was allot less bright not to mention having less options in terms of brightness. in bright sunlight a ds lite would give the exact same results as a gba sp 101.

Pretty comparable to the ags 101 I'd even argue the exact same for a fraction of the cost pretty much no difference at all. the price alone is a reason why you get a ds lite instead of an ags 101. and if you really wanted to have a handheld with a good feel you wouldn't go for an og ags 101 anyway. you would get the classic gameboy advance and give that an backlit screen mod in wich you get the excellent backlit plus it being the most comfortable in them hands.

Modded handheld devices are pricy as hell though. I'm always shocked how much people are willing to spend on modded handheld devices even the game gear or especially the lynx wich don't really have amazing games if I'm being honest.

also if where talking playing games on the ds instead of using the original ds stereo speakers get a cable and connect them to a set of actual speakers, gave me a fresh experience on a ton of games pretty great to play them games on some actual good quality speakers. You can't play ds games on a gameboy player after all handheld exclusive sadly.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 06:19:16 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2021, 06:52:02 pm »
The old DS's and DS Lite's were the best way to play single player GBA games . Still worth keeping for that purpose .

The honor of the best way to play single player GBA games belongs to the Game Boy Player.  ;)

But you are absolutely correct that the best way to play your GBA games in portable form would be with the DS/DS Lite. At the time, playing GBA games on that amazingly bright and truly backlit DS screen with the built-in stereo speakers was kinda like going from watching your favorite VHS movies on DVD for the first time.

To play all GB/GBC/GBA games in portable form, the second model of the GBA SP with the much better screen is as good of a device as you'll get that isn't the Analogue Pocket.

I have to disagree on this one. The GBA-SP 101 model has it beat. It's not as large or clunky as a DS, and it's screen is fantastic and bright.

I've found that DS screens frankly suck in the sunlight. While the GBA-SP does great in it.

Now the sound, yeah, can't argue that.

But as you said, Game Boy Player is hands down the best way to play GBA. You don't have to weigh the pros or cons like you do DS vs GBA, it's just better in every way.

I guess that I play more in shadow than direct sunlight . For handhelds , I still prefer the DS Lite over the SP 101 for GBA games . An SP with IPS mod wins hands down , but that's not really fair to put into the equation . I did the IPS mod to one of my 001's and it's glorious . Someday I plan on putting an IPS in one of my regular GBA's , that would be the total package .

Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2021, 12:50:58 pm »
I picked up Chibi Robo Zip Lash recently for 5 bucks new at Wal-Mart.

Reading the Wikipedia page for it, the game is made out to be like it's the most god awful thing to have ever happened on Earth. Whoever authored the page clearly had some personal vendetta against it LOL.

The game is totally sweet!!! I think it's a blast to play and the visual/audio presentation is incredibly charming. I had no problems getting the hang of the rope mechanics and controls. The level spin wheel is... an interesting design choice, but it's not anything to hamper down my enjoyment of the game.

I did a Twitter search of the title to see what others have had to say about it, and I was a bit surprised to see how often this game is used as like a punchline for something being terrible and disappointing, i.e. "still not as bad as Chibi Robo Zip Lash". What a bunch of killjoys man!!!

Is there anybody else here who is at least a little bit more sympathetic towards this charming side-scrolling platformer like I am?


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2021, 01:08:26 pm »
Answering to @chexmixbreath

I havent played it yet but I thought it looked charming, anyway I dont care what twitter says, after all that place is full of questionable and toxic people, and sincerely Nintendo fans in that place and Youtube are also most of the time pretty unlikeable people, anyway I think the game has also bad reputation because some of these generic youtubers hated it so, you could guess what happened.

I will play it someday, it will maybe wont be great, but I am sure it will be at least a decent platformer
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2021, 01:40:09 pm »
I think all the hate is likely from the scott the woz video on it.
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2021, 02:19:56 pm »
I picked up Chibi Robo Zip Lash recently for 5 bucks new at Wal-Mart.

Reading the Wikipedia page for it, the game is made out to be like it's the most god awful thing to have ever happened on Earth. Whoever authored the page clearly had some personal vendetta against it LOL.

The game is totally sweet!!! I think it's a blast to play and the visual/audio presentation is incredibly charming. I had no problems getting the hang of the rope mechanics and controls. The level spin wheel is... an interesting design choice, but it's not anything to hamper down my enjoyment of the game.

I did a Twitter search of the title to see what others have had to say about it, and I was a bit surprised to see how often this game is used as like a punchline for something being terrible and disappointing, i.e. "still not as bad as Chibi Robo Zip Lash". What a bunch of killjoys man!!!

Is there anybody else here who is at least a little bit more sympathetic towards this charming side-scrolling platformer like I am?

The thing is the games prior to it where really creative and fun. especially the og gamecube version. it was an experience that was different it's what made chibi robo.

It's definitely not a terrible game however we have tons of 2D side scrollers the competition is fierce. zip lash doesn't do anything exceptional it's outclassed by so many other alternatives on the system and from past consoles. It's more why would you pick this title up instead of your other options mario donkey kong kirby etc etc.

Not a bad game but it's a total waste that they ditched the og chibi robo concept. At least the ds games especially clean sweep wich was japan only where pretty decent followups with the og vision in mind.

I personally think it's a shame a decent platformer doesn't replace the og gameplay of chibi robo.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 02:22:59 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2021, 02:34:58 pm »
Is there anybody else here who is at least a little bit more sympathetic towards this charming side-scrolling platformer like I am?

Believe it or not, I actually pre-ordered Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash. And, believe it or not, I enjoyed my time playing it too. Zip Lash never set out to be the greatest platformer, and it maintains at doing a fine job at keeping players engaged. Was it ultimately the best direction to take the series? No, it wasn't.

As a fan of the entire series, I wanted to support Skip Ltd. in hopes of them creating more future titles within the series. Or, if that truly wasn't possible, for them to pursue new and creative endeavors that the team could explore.

I think all the hate is likely from the scott the woz video on it.

Zip Lash has received plenty of negative reception since it released over five years ago. Scott the Woz may have helped fuel the sensation since he's first voiced opinions about the game roughly 18 months post-release, but the reception certainly does not originate from Scott.


Re: Nintendo 3DS turns 10 years old.
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2021, 02:44:00 pm »
Is there anybody else here who is at least a little bit more sympathetic towards this charming side-scrolling platformer like I am?

Believe it or not, I actually pre-ordered Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash. And, believe it or not, I enjoyed my time playing it too. Zip Lash never set out to be the greatest platformer, and it maintains at doing a fine job at keeping players engaged. Was it ultimately the best direction to take the series? No, it wasn't.

As a fan of the entire series, I wanted to support Skip Ltd. in hopes of them creating more future titles within the series. Or, if that truly wasn't possible, for them to pursue new and creative endeavors that the team could explore.

They never gave the series a shot bad advertisement, one game being a wallmart exclusive and the best sequel entry never even leaving Japan.

I agree that it was never supposed to be the greatest platformer. but when you launch on a system that has plenty of quality ones people will compare it to those titles. There is no reason for most consumers to pick zip lash over the other far superior alternatives. it isn't that suprising that the reviews will be mixed as a result.

Still clean sweep on ds was the final chibi robo game in wich they still had developers from the OG. Nobody of the OG chibi robo series was left when they made zip lash for 3ds. Entirely new team. The OG vision of chibi robo might never return again.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 05:25:51 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!