Author Topic: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?  (Read 9268 times)


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2021, 06:04:18 pm »
Telly? it says you are a PRO SUPPORTER to this website, so I don't see why you'd want to stick up for the lottery, don't you support this website? instead of a lottery ticket you know you could give that money to VGcollect, I can't because I don't have the extra money to be a PRO supporter, it does not need to be for the homeless or children. if you don't want your extra 25USD or $5 I'm sure VGcollect could use it for supporting this site,

I don't mean to treat you like this because I see your point to some degree of people having diseases is but it clearly shows you ARE a Donator so I don't see your issue with me :-\

My point is that if you want to buy a lottery ticket for fun, that's your decision and your right. Yes, there are people who spend money on things like that when they can't really afford it. That's the case for everything you can spend money on. Cars, drugs, collectables, video games, alcohol, on and on and on. People who need help with managing finances in a way that benefits their health and the health of their families and dependents should also be provided such services and not be treated like second class citizens.

But your posts show me that you are judgmental of people who suffer from addiction diseases AND people who spend their expendable income on entertainment that you don't agree with. Whether people are "charitable" or not isn't really relevant, you can donate to charity and buy a lottery ticket at the same time.

And you're judging me when I've actually never bought a lottery ticket in my entire life and you have no clue what my spending habits actually look like.  ???

LOL no telly I'm not nor am I asking anyone for any money either, I don't know what your spending habits are and I don't care, What I was judgeing you on was the fact that your ARE a donator and you are sticking up for the lottery, Lottery as far as I know goes to the government pit the money is not to a good cause it does nothing but make the ones who operate it richer, the lottery is pointless no hate no foul though

It just really grinds me their are homeless and sick people in the world who would die for money and stand outside of my local Kroger with bags of clothes and no where to go, while people inside of the store are buying lottery ticket making someone else richer and richer for running a scam, the lottery is a scam and the money probably goes into some kind of rich person, who probably goes to Vegas or golfs and then pisses it there anyway.

Money is worthless it does not buy happiness or love, and you could die with 1 billion dollars in your bank account and some people do so and live all by themselves with no family or no deed to someone, then the money just goes into the piss pot back into blank government funds not even for a good cause just practically burns and goes nowhere

(edit) my state lottery  according to google goes into some kind of school aide fund, but education does not save lives or help the homeless so I don't care
« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 06:14:31 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2021, 06:09:56 pm »
You say that the lottery is pointless and a waste, but there are lots of people who would also say that video games are pointless and a waste. Or anything that you spend your money on that isn't a basic necessity.

And I agree, there's a lot of injustice and inequality in this world where people have money to spend on things that seem pointless or extravagant to other people. I just don't see why the lottery (for example) is viewed with such scorn when any other form of entertainment is just as applicable. People have a right and need to be entertained. Just because it's not valuable entertainment to you isn't really relevant.

People get way too caught up and invested in what other people choose to do with their money when it doesn't affect them, and I think that's self-righteous and judgmental. That's what I'm sticking up for.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 06:16:13 pm by telly »
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2021, 06:18:23 pm »
I am not going to argue, It better to think about the enjoyment a lottery ticket brings most people _____________ AHH Disappointment of not winning over and over again, most times
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2021, 07:05:11 pm »
So next time you're at a Kroger, and you're watching people buy lottery tickets, think about the people that you're observing. Do you actually know anything about their spending habits or their life?

That person buying a lottery ticket may be making their only luxury purchase for that day or entire week. Or that person could be buying a lottery ticket and then the next day donating $500 to charity. Or that person could be buying tickets as gifts for friends since it's the holidays.

You're making a judgement call about someone based on what spending habits you associate with the lottery when in reality they could have spent that $25 lottery ticket at the movies and noone would bat an eye. You truly don't know enough about people to really be able to make a judgement call like that.
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2021, 07:37:23 pm »
Oldgamerz, do you even know anything about the lottery? In my state, the lottery revenue goes towards scholarships that any HS senior in the state can apply for...and most of those that apply get it. I've known many, many people who were able to knock out at least some of their college education because of the lottery scholarship...people who couldn't afford to go on their own. Oftentimes lottery money is used to better the lives of others. It's not just some money pit black hole (I can't speak for everywhere, mind you... different states have different policies)

Also, how the hell does one come to the conclusion that someone who supports this website can't be ok with the lottery as well? A lot of people would consider being a pro supporter a waste of money.

If you are going to be so judgmental of others, just be aware that you too may be judged...Don't complain here when that happens. People are allowed their vices, as long as they don't hurt others. Video Games and Rock Music have been looked down upon and shunned in the past.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged." -Matthew 7:1

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2021, 08:04:50 pm »
If you read the DSM-V, which provides the standard taxonomy and diagnostic criteria of all mental disorders (at least in the United States), there are diagnoses for many different substance abuse and behavioral disorders. The overwhelming scientific and medical majority, including NIDA, is that addictions is a disease and should be treated as such. You're talking about "neurologic symptoms" as if those symptoms are somehow not indicative of a disease just like any other symptom is. Addiction changes the way your brain works so that it's more difficult to stop, and we've known that for many years. It's just as much of a pathologic change to normal function like any other disease.

Even if this weren't the case, and addiction wasn't a disease, I'm not quite understanding your fixation on "ranking" these things and then using that to arbitrarily decide which conditions are worth treating and which ones we can ignore and blame the individual for. Even though you said you would never bash addicts, you still say that they "have a choice" as if only the people who didn't "choose" their disease deserve treatment or even compassion. Like I said earlier, many diseases are a result of both a person's actions and other factors that are beyond an individual's control, both biologic and socioeconomic. It's just inaccurate to take such a hardline black and white approach to things, and in my opinion it's a very harmful way of viewing disease and illness.

Even video games are being evaluated for their ability to be addicting, though I don't think there's enough evidence yet to add it to the DSM-V. It's still being studied.

When did I ever say addicts didn't deserve treatment and help? Even lottery addicts? That came out of nowhere and is not true. I believe both deserve medical treatment and compassion and love as any human does who needs it. But to me the verbaige is the only thing we disagree on. Same way someone who broke their leg deserves compassion. And someone who got their legs broke by someone deserves compassion and the same treatment. But they are two different broken legs. They aren't the same even if the symptoms will be the same. Because one was caused by your actions the other by someone elses or nature.

But I never once said they don't deserve help. They deserve as much help as possible.

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2021, 08:06:24 pm »
With that slight discrepancy aside. I agree with points everyone has made :)


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2021, 08:23:32 pm »
Well In my own opinion the lottery is a waste of money, my state may pay for scholarships as well but my opinion remains the same, enjoy your paper because that is all you likely to get. everyone gets judged by God anyway, there is no escaping that fate, saint or not, I don't really judge by pointing at people I judge at my own thought process, known a few scratch off addicts and never could figure out why they could not just buy more cigarettes' or something for their own enjoyment

I did ask the man why and he said sounded vary excited and said I go and buy a scratch off and scratch and scratch and I can't hardly wait to see my results, even though he was homeless and I didn't say anything I just could not believe how excited he was talking about buying spending $5USD for an opportunity to use a penny and remove a hidden letter or something even though he admitted to loseing 99.9% of the time all of his money that he spent to do that

keep buying that paper because for $5USD I buy brand new CD's that I can listen to over and over again and for the rest of my life hopefully ;D

rock music was often judged harshly by preachers and cult leaders that wanted to control people, controlling people is not my goal it's giving advice so everybody can win :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 08:44:23 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2021, 08:43:37 pm »
I hear you say they should be treated the same, but I also hear you say they are not the same people, and that attitude breeds discrimination in my opinion.

And as someone who has worked as a bedside RN I've seen Healthcare professionals judge patients behind their backs all the time, and it's frankly sad. I'm just speaking from experience here.
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2021, 09:31:49 pm »
I hear you say they should be treated the same, but I also hear you say they are not the same people, and that attitude breeds discrimination in my opinion.

And as someone who has worked as a bedside RN I've seen Healthcare professionals judge patients behind their backs all the time, and it's frankly sad. I'm just speaking from experience here.

Which do you have more empathy for? A guy who went kickboxing and broke his leg on a heavy bag? Or a guy who got jumped on his way from work and had his legs broke by criminals?

It's the same as the person who smokes until they get lung cancer or the person who got it from.genetics. They both deserve love. Compassion. Understanding. But to me.they are not on the same level. Since one was self inflicted.

They certainly deserve the same treatment just not the same classification or verbaige to me. But I just think that is.the only place we disagree. They certainly don't deserve judgement or mistreatment. Unequal treatment. Any of that.


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2021, 10:13:31 pm »
Threads like this is what happens when the Lunatics are allowed to take over the Asylum. (80's reference, FTW)


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2021, 11:21:44 pm »
As long as we agree that they should recieve the same level of treatment than that's all that matters to me
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2021, 02:19:45 am »
I take it someone regretting buying a losing lottery ticket I know I would, I know someone is with me they are just not saying anything,

useless paper vs video game or music CD or movie Anything but a lottery ticket, look I've gone past you guys if you could care less about the unfortunate but to stick up for paper is another level.

Ok so if you were on a deserted island would you rather have a video game to play or stare at a losing lottery ticket?

why am I the bad guy?

Sylvester Stallone / John Spartan knew what to do with paper, see Demolition Man the movie.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 02:26:49 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2021, 02:29:23 am »
People who win the lottery sometimes give to charity, sometimes they go to Vegas, sometimes they do other stuff with it, but 99.9% of lottery players don't get a damn dime there just stuck with a piece of paper in their hands and to admire the colors if it's has any kind of artwork on it to begin with.

But I don't know does anyone ever collect losing lottery tickets? is there any value in them? artwork or anything worth keeping I dare ask kindly?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 02:39:11 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2021, 02:34:00 am »
I usually invest any extra money that I have (I never have much)

Other than that most of my money goes into my many hobbies and/or bills.