Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2022  (Read 49911 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2022, 08:14:19 am »
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Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

22. Night Driver (2600)
Just a basic driving game, drive for so many seconds and time runs out, that's pretty much it, there isn't much to this and doesn't really seem like there is much of a goal other than what's your score... but that's most games back in this era.
Rating: Hard pass

23. Surround (2600)
Another 2600 game that was a favorite from my childhood.  It's basically tron where you move and leave a trail behind you and you want to have your opponent hit someone's trail and crash.
Rating: Hard pass

24. 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (2600)
4 layer, 4x4 tic tac toe.  I lost a bunch of times because I didn't realize it was 4 in a row and not 3 in a row and then it took me some time to realize it could be 4 in a row in tons of dimensions. Good, but again, they probably have a more modern incarnation of this.
Rating: Hard pass

25. Flag Capture (2600)
You've got to find the flag, you've got a grid of locations and you pick a spot and it gives you a hint to where the flag is, the flag, or a bomb.  Another one that would be good to play with the kid.
Rating: Hard pass

26. Concentration (2600)
Memory matching game, really that simple.  Kind of violently loud when you're wrong... and when you're right.  Honestly kind of terrible any way you look at it.
Rating: Hard pass

27. Crash Bandicoot (NS)
I played the trilogy back to back over the weekend (Actually longer, but it felt like a long weekend because jury duty).  I'm honestly having a tough time remembering specifics from each game.  This game felt pretty short, afaik it was the same length of around 25 levels with boss fights, but the DKC style world map thing it felt shorter.  Don't particularly care for that world map type of thing, I get annoyed by it for some reason.  I think of the Crash games, this one is the hardest.  It was okay for the most part but towards the end the levels got gruesomely difficult.  This is probably the start of my franchise run of the Crash series.  At least that's the plan, but I just realized that I don't own Crash Bash, so gotta figure that out... it is a spin off party game, so I could reasonably skip it, but I probably won't.  It's not a terrible game, but I'm just not a fan of this style of platformer.
Rating: Hard pass

28. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (NS)
Started up the second game and it goes to a nexus hub type of system with multiple rooms that lead to levels.  This one felt just as difficult as the first one, so I can't say for sure, but I imagine it's at least a little bit easier as things generally are as QoL improves.  I say this knowing that this remastered didn't really improve anything.  This seems to be the game that establishes that Crash is a moron and is kind of the entire premise of the game that he's being tricked.
Rating: Hard pass

29. Crash Bandicoot: Warped (NS)
Started this one up as soon as I finished the second, this one has a bit more compressed hub world and level structure.  It has a bigger emphasis on voice acting I feel like.  This is definitely the easiest of the 3 games as through out the whole game I don't think I game overed once and was constantly at like 20 lives and stuff.  This game did introduce the racing levels though, which were ridiculously tough as you had to basically do a perfect run with a starting boost to win, and you have to win to progress the game... but the upside is it's impossible to die and lose lives on the level so you wind up grinding lives just trying to beat the level, which might be why I had so many lives the entire game.
Rating: Hard pass

30. Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled (NS)
Gave my kid the choice between this and starting Spyro trilogy and he wanted more Crash.  For some reason my kid loves Crash, probably because he's dumb, wacky, and jumps around a lot.  This didn't really have much to it though, 14 races, a couple of boss races, and that's about it.  There's some other stuff to do completion wise, but that's the gist of the story mode.  Unfortunately the majority of the game's unlockables are locked behind a coin system that you can either earn 30-100 coins per race or you can buy coins (microtransaction) and every unlockable costs 1000+ coins, so in beating story mode I earned enough coins to unlock 1 thing... plus the unlock store has a rotating inventory... it's just absolute garbage how much time you'd have to put into this game in general and over time in order to unlock characters... it feels like this should have been a games as a service thing rather than a paid game.  The drift boost system I still don't fully get and the controls for this game are pretty wonky af.  Honestly, I don't look forward to playing the other older Crash racing games, but I'm gonna try.
Rating: Hard pass

31. Far Cry 6 (XS)
I need to do better about writing stuff about games as I play them.  I've been playing this one for a while and I'm just now about to beat the game and I'm just starting to write stuff up about this.  Thinking about previous Far Cry games, they were all very much a far cry in that you character was just suddenly some badass.  Went back and looked and I guess most games you're not some joe nobody.  Far Cry 3 I think in the game they state that your character was a soldier, but I also feel like he was just a frat party boy and Far Cry 4 you're character definitely wasn't a soldier.  But 1, 2, 5, and 6 your character is definitely a trained soldier.  This one specifically sounds like you were trained by the very people you're fighting against.  Story is a bit incoherent and the characters are hit or miss.  I got devastated at the death of one character, surprised at the non-death of another character, felt disconnected from whole groups of characters.  Plus this game, I don't feel as connected with the world.  I feel like previous Far Cry games I felt a personal incentive to explore and do all the things, this game, not so much.  I went out of my way to unlock certain weapons and I've been doing certain side stuff to unlock fast travel points, but I don't feel the need to go do everything in the game like I've done in previous games.  I enjoy the game for sure, but I'm just not feeling it to be honest.  I won't say this one falls flat, but I'm just not feeling it.  Also, it doesn't help that the entire soundtrack for this game is like tejano music... and I have a personal thing with tejano music because I live in Texas and my neighbors will blare tejano music at all hours and I hate it so much.  I legitimately went into the settings and just set music to 0, so now cutscenes and stuff will have "Oh, let's dance."  "Oh, that's some good music" or a character starts rapping, but there is no music playing so it's kinda fucking weird, but I'm not turning it back on.  Not happening.  If I was scoring this game like I was trying to do at one point, this game would get a big 0 for sound.  This game has some stuff that irked me but I think I see why now.  So first off, this game does a good job of connecting you with your character, previous Far Cry entries you were basically a faceless protagonist, but not only do you have a face and a voice, but you are in cutscenes and the game even does some stuff in 3rd person so you see yourself.  Personally, I wish the game let you have the option of running that whenever you wanted, not that I'd do it, but I'd definitely want it for driving.
Rating: Soft recommendation

32. Marvel's Avengers (PS5)
I'm still playing this, but I'm marking it beat for now because I did the original main campaign and got the credits to roll.  I'm actually not sure I'll even continue because I tried to start the Hawkeye campaign and I couldn't figure out how to actually start working on it.  On to notes about the game.  I remember originally being hyped for this game before they showed anything because I like Crystal Dynamics work, then they showed off the game (of which I largely ignored it like I do) and heard a lot of complaints about how bland the characters are and how uninspired the gameplay is.  I know a lot of folks were irked that they didn't try for MCU likenesses, but I get it and it doesn't bother me too much... what does bother me is that bland castings, don't get me wrong, I love Laura Bailey's voice and Nolan North, Willingblam, and NFT idiot whose name escapes me are very popular... but I'm sick of hearing their voices to be honest.  They voice way too many people in games and I can't help but hear other characters instead of who I'm seeing, it just doesn't feel matchy or at least it feels too generic because these people voice everyone... and critical role didn't help, it really brought to the forefront just how overused these people are.  I will always knock games points for using these overused folks, you could save yourself some money I bet going a bit lesser known and you'd get voices that aren't used in just about everything.  That said, Willingblam has been voicing Thor in video games since 2013 and Laura Bailey has been voicing Black Widow since 2013 as well.  Doesn't change that I'm sick of em.  Speaking on the game itself though, it did have a lot of glitches towards the end.  On the final mission one last enemy was stuck in a wall alive, so I couldn't progress because I had to "Secure the area" but I couldn't get the guy as he was stuck in an invincible animation.  I wound up using all of my special moves and one of them actually knocked the enemy back out of the wall and I was able to proceed without having to start over thankfully.  But then there were a lot of other issues where if I jumped right before one of those pre-animated sequences, the sequence and animation would start, but I'd be in mid air... so Captain America would start walking towards a computer, but he's floating 10 ft in the air.  Or I'd start walking, but Captain America would do a falling animation and just slide across the floor until it decided to swap to a walking animation.  Or an enemy broke and just slid around in a T pose.  Goofy stuff.  Weirdness and terrible voice choice aside... the next issue is the decision to go GaaS (Games as a service) really brought this game down.  The game has this sort of artificial length to it that you need to grind out to get better equipment so you have to keep playing and there's constant daily/weekly stuff to incentivize continual play, but for me, it just encourages me to just burn through the game as fast as possible.  If you tell me I've got to dump time over time to get anywhere good in a game, I expect I'm not going to enjoy your game because it goes from being fun to being a chore.  So I just skip all of that extra content that could've just been good, because you had to corrupt the concept.  And even ignoring that, in a given mission there are chests with equipment and such in them, equipment might not be good or better than what you have, so high likelihood of being a waste of time and then currency you earn by doing that is so little in comparison to buying a single item that I played through the whole game and didn't earn 10% of what it costs to buy 1 item and there are tons of items to buy.  Again they expect you to dump hundreds of hours just to get 1 item when there are hundreds of items to acquire, no thanks.  And I went into this game knowing that the costumes (purely aesthetics) were locked behind microtransactions, and I thought it's okay, who cares... but I found that I cared, if only because the base outfit you get for all characters really suck, but I'm not dumping money into a bad game just to get an aesthetically pleasing outfit.  Some outfits can be unlocked, like 5 out of 50 total, but it's a huge slog of time over time to unlock, because you can only earn points daily/weekly and you need a ton of points... again GaaS garbage.  They really leaned on it hard and it backfired imo.  The final groin kick on this shit cake, to do the final mission, you have to grind out resources, and one of the resources is so rare that you could do 5 levels and not see the one enemy who drops what you need... and they still might not even drop it... and you need 2.  So I burned through the game pretty quick, but then I had to replay 1 level 10 times to get the resources I needed to even start the final mission... that pissed me off.  That all said, the story was okay, very comic book or at least tongue in cheek comic book?  The characters were good enough, but definitely could've been better.  None of this sufficient to really save the games failings.  The only possible positive I can really say for this game, playing as Black Widow was quite good, you could really see that Crystal Dynamics leveraged their experience with the Tomb Raider franchise and made her gameplay quite good and fun.  It makes me yearn for a Black Widow stand alone video game from the Crystal Dynamics folks.  Not sure how they'd do it, but I think it could be quite good fun.  I'll just continue dreaming on that though as it'll never happen... plus does Laura Bailey really need more voice work?  After a bit of reading I've come to the conclusion that there is some post game story content I missed that maybe I'll go see about doing before I really jump into the 3 add-on campaigns.
Rating: Hard pass.

33. The Medium (XS)
I started this game last year shortly after the game's launch, but I inadvertently abandoned it pretty quickly.  I don't remember what was going on, but my interests and priorities shifted and I just didn't make time to play it anymore.  I had streamed the game once or twice and I had intended on continuing streaming the game when I picked it back up... but I just didn't.  I had been feeling good pain wise, so I was planning on it, but the day I actually went to play it again I was hurting a lot and just couldn't be bothered.  I couldn't even be bothered to do a no commentary stream just directly streaming from my xbox.  I wish I had, because I did play for hours straight and it would've been fine, but I just didn't.  2 daily sessions of playing this at night and I managed to finish it.  The game is almost a good survival horror spooky type of game for me, it's pretty low stakes as combat is few and far between, but the "combat" is you running from a monster.  I've never really been a fan of the Crash/Uncharted running from/towards the camera thing, but I deal.  There isn't a lot in this game that will kill you, but dying can be very frustrating outside of the monster sequences, because if you die, you have to redo everything.  I could give this game so much more credit if it at least saved you collecting items and hearing dialogs, but you have to redo everything.  Additionally, the monster sequences, if you die, you have to sit through the full death animation, loading screen, and the enemy's monologue before you can get back to it.  So one of the final monster sections, you're sitting there for a full minute before you can play and potentially die in like 3 seconds.  These two things are so inconvenient to the process that I can't put it on my top 5 even this early in the year.  The story is pretty good, but the ending is left pretty open which is fine and all, but it's not something I usually enjoy.  I like closure, good or bad.  Additionally, the game feels more Syberia point and click than Silent Hill survival horror, just about the entire game feels very at your own pace except for when the monster shows up, and it's nothing like Nemesis or Mr. X in RE, it's scripted little sequences between certain areas.  Basically the game feels more like a suspenseful point and click than a survival horror game.  The game isn't even that scary so much as just creepy.  Without getting into spoilers, the game does pretty well to make you feel vulnerable at certain points and powerful at other points and it works pretty well within the context of the story.
Rating: Soft pass.

34. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (NS)
Started this one up shortly after finishing Crash Team Racing.  This one has a lot of quality of life changes that are truly appreciated.  Like the unlimited lives concept so I can just keep retrying over and over without having to worry about starting the entire level over again.  The game even seems like it has dynamic checkpoints, so if you can get through one part easy but another part is giving you trouble, the game will generate a checkpoint between the two sections so you don't have to keep redoing the easy part.  I really appreciated that once I noticed what the game was doing.  Every level you 100% complete unlocks you an outfit, which is incentive to 100% individual levels, but personally I'd rather a store where I can spend gems so I can pick and choose outfits and such, but I won't nitpick because it's whatever.  I don't actually care too much about the outfits for this game, unlike Avengers where I felt compelled to have outfits I couldn't have.  I'm not going to 100% a single level so it's whatever.  The game unlocks some features over time to encourage you to replay levels which is nice and almost cool way of convincing players to spend more time in the game.  It won't work on me, but I appreciate it.  They add tough "throwback" levels, they add in secondary characters that you can play as in certain levels.  When Tawna showed up I kind of lost it, she's such a cool character both in looks and in gameplay.  I even went and played a level or two as Tawna but realized it was just secondary content not important to completing the game and went about my business... kind of wish I could swap her in and play as her instead of Crash or Coco, but it's whatever.  Just kind of breezing through the game at this point.  The last 3 levels, it's ridiculous, I died like 60 times per level, right at the end of the level.  It would be insane to play this game not on casual mode.  And then the final boss was actually pretty enjoyable, but the previous levels were harder.  The checkpoints for boss fights legitimately makes boss fights trivial, but I don't mind.  I want to say hard pass, but this game has a ton of content to be quite honest.
Rating: Soft pass.

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« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 08:32:15 am by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2022, 11:00:20 am »
2. Die Young - abandoned
Starts off interesting and difficult. Has some learning curve involved. Once I got into it (took a bit) then I wanted to play it. Didn't really care about the story but was drawn to this for the crafting element. Managed to figure out how to take down some enemies by spam rock throwing. Enemies can still get stuck on the environment which helps. Dogs that dodge rocks is annoying. People don't dodge rocks. There are many different things you can do but the main goal seems to be to get to the tower on top of the mountain. I ran around everywhere in that area and could not figure out how to get there. Also managed to get there by cheesing the environment. While the game is billed as being some sort of survival game, it turns into a mountain climbing simulator. The climbing is not fun because sometimes you miss or just fall for no reason (reason is stamina drains but the game doesn't explain this to you) and having to spend 90% of your time climbing mountains isn't fun. Especially since a lot of the climbs are timed so that you just make it to the end of the climb just before stamina runs out. Means you have to be perfect. Many deaths and reloads if not.

Since I didn't know what to do next or how to get up the mountain, I watched a speedrun and saw that I would have to be climbing for another hour. Of course the speedrunner does it fast but I wouldn't be able to do it that way. And even watching that video I could tell that I would have never figured it out on my own and could have taken hours to do it. So I decided to give up on this game. It was fun while it lasted (and after I got a crossbow) but in the end it wasn't what I was looking for.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2022, 03:15:34 pm »
Two more, or three more depending on how you look at it, Samsho games down!

6. Samurai Shodown V (PS4)

I had fairly high hopes for V given that it's often considered one of the best games in the series. While it certainly didn't disappoint in terms of its audio, gameplay, and visuals, it did feel a bit lacking. I guess that makes sense since V Special was meant to improve upon what was laid out in V substantially. I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part, however the game had some major character balancing issues which is something that seems to plague the entire series, at least from all the Samurai Shodown games I've played. Still, I had a pretty good time with V, and it many ways it felt like an appetizer for the main course which was its enhanced versions. (1/3/22) [33/50]

7. Samurai Shodown V: Special/Perfect (PS4)

I bundled Samurai Shodown V Special and V Perfect together since they are pretty much 98% the same exact game. Perfect has the fatalities that Special is famous for, however the animations for them are censored. As a trade off, Perfect has little story cutscenes between some fights which don't really add much to the games enjoyment despite being meant to create a more engaging narrative. There are supposedly gameplay differences between Special and Perfect, however the only one I really noticed was that Perfect felt noticeably easier than Special. Overall I really enjoyed Special more, but I couldn't say with enough confidence that these games are different enough to say they're separate titles. But anyhow, V's gameplay is certainly an improvement over Special, as are its music. Visually the two are on par with each other. You also have more characters in Special/Perfect over vanilla V and different stages too. V Special and Perfect weren't the insane jump over the original V I was hoping for, but it was enough for me to take notice and have a good time with these games. (1/3/22) [36/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2022, 04:10:35 pm »
I love me some SamSho. I'm glad to see it getting some attention. I might pop those in when I'm in the mood for a fighting game.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2022, 10:35:07 pm »
I love me some SamSho. I'm glad to see it getting some attention. I might pop those in when I'm in the mood for a fighting game.

I got that collection that Limited Run Games sold last summer and have been eager to jump back into the series. I used to play the first three in the arcade back in the day quite a bit, and then some on the PS2 collection, but its been years since I spent any real time with these games. Aside from 6 I haven't played many Samsho games after three, at least extensively.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2022, 10:42:42 pm »
Soooo, I'm on a bit of a Samurai Shodown kick....

3. Samurai Shodown II (PS4)

While this game wasn't vastly better than the first Samurai Shodown game, it was just enough to make it a more enjoyable fun experience. I'd say that both games are equal when it comes to visuals and audio, but the tweaks to Samurai Shodown 2's gameplay make it a more enjoyable game. There are still super cheap characters that could have spent more time in development, but overall I really enjoyed this game. (1/2/22) [38/50]

4. Samurai Shodown III (PS4)

This game is a perfect example of one step forward, three steps back. The character sprites and animation were an improvement over the previous two games, but honestly that's about it when it comes to advantages this game has over previous titles. The gameplay is by far the compromised part of Samurai Shodown III, mostly that it's new mechanics just make this game cumbersome and annoying to play most of the time. Not only that, but in changing the gameplay they also made a lot of characters extremely OPed, cheap, or just broken too. There are other minor gripes I have about III, but the gameplay was definitely the element that held this game back the most and prevented me from enjoying it more. (1/2/22) [31/50]

5. Samurai Shodown IV (PS4)

Fortunately SNK realized they screwed up big time with III and fixed most of the issues hat game had, and maybe even slightly over corrected. What we have with IV is a much more enjoyable, easy to play game, with the emphasis on the word easy. For better or worse, IV is a walk in the park compared to I and II, and quite a bit easier than III by virtue of it actually being way more playable. Sadly, I felt like both III's visuals and audio were just slightly better than IV's. On top of that by the time Samurai Shodown IV came out the series was no longer the stunningly beautiful franchise it was in the early 90s when it first came out, and companies like Capcom and Midway were making better looking fighting games at this point. But still, the fact that the gameplay was mostly fixed made this a much more enjoyable game than its predecessor. (1/2/22) [33/50]


For curiosity sake has a game ever recieved a coveted 50/50 from you? I can't find any that have.What would that.take? I enjoy this tradition and happy to see it another year.

I don't think i'll beat anywhere near 52 but I will share if I do beat any :)

Yes, three.

Shenmue II
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I score games differently depending on the genre, but generally this is how I break the score down.

Gameplay: x/10
Audio: x/10
Presentation (includes story if applicable): x/10
Fun: x/20

60% of my scores are me trying to be objective while the Fun score is an entirely subjective score. I feel like all reviews no matter how much the author claims to be entirely objective always have a degree of subjectivity. I feel like that subjectivity is at least 25% of the score a reviewer gives to a game, but typically I'd say it's closer to 50% or more. At at least try and allocate the majority of my scores to objective measures, but obviously my subjective enjoyment is weighted pretty heavily. I also judge a game's objective score based on the standards of when it came out and not by modern standards. That's probably more than you cared to know, but there is my scoring system lol.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2022, 02:36:52 am »
8. Samurai Shodown VI (PS4)

I feel like Samurai Shodown VI is a very misunderstood game. A lot of Samsho fans really look down on this game or downright hate it because gameplay wise it's pretty different from any previous Samurai Shodown. VI definitely controls and plays way more like a traditional arcade tournament fighter like Street Fighter or Marvel vs Capcom than any previous Samurai Shodown title. It's more or less the opposite in gameplay to the early Samsho games especially. Still, for what it is Samurai Shodown VI is a really fun fighting game with fun, fast paced gameplay, awesome combos and action, and creative amazing supers. On top of that it has some of the best visuals of any Samurai Shodown game since the first two. The OST is also really good as well. VI is definitely not a perfect game, but I feel like is fans of the series would play it with a more open mind and not expect it to be a direct successor to V: Special or II than they'd find themselves playing a highly enjoyable fighting game with characters from their favorite franchise. (1/3/22) [38/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2022, 06:43:00 am »
1 - Cyber Shadow (Switch 2021) - BEAT - A nice start to the year with this one, a pretty solid retro throwback with the good modern touches to make the game just enjoyable to play.  It's definitely got its difficult parts even with checkpoints as certain sections in the latter half of the game can be a real kick in the ass.  Story stuff is very Ninja Gaiden meets Mega Man and the game looks nice and plays well.  I wouldn't say it does anything particularly super new or inventive that other games like this have done, but it's a straightforward and solid experience.  Definite recommend if you are into games like Shovel Knight and The Messenger.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2022, 02:24:30 am »
1-Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania (Switch) 12/25/21-1/3/22

I wanted this game ever since I saw it revealed live at the E3 Nintendo Direct. The Super Monkey Ball games were at a stage where I couldn't afford the originals, and I went bananas (pun intended) when I first saw it. I got this as a Christmas gift from my Grandmother, and have been playing it a lot since. I completed the (SMB2) story mode and the (SMB1) Beginner and Intermediate challenge modes. Some might not consider y game complete until I've 100%ed all the missions and played every level, but I feel I've "completed" it. I'll probably keep coming back to it for years to come, but I feel satisfied enough to call it finished.

8/10 would recommend

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2022, 12:06:06 am »
9. Samurai Shodown (2019) (PS4)

It's kinda hard to believe I didn't play this game sooner, especially after reading/hearing many reviews that claimed it was a triumphant return to the series' former glory. After playing and beating it myself it's sort of hard to argue against that. While it might not be the innovator in terms of graphics and gameplay it was back in the day, what is on display is pretty good overall. The gameplay especially feels refined and both technical and deep, but also streamlined enough to where almost anyone can figure out how to be a badass in this game. The audio is also excellent as is the case with most Samsho games I've played. Definitely one of the best and I hope SNK eventually follows it up with something even better! (1/5/22) [36/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2022, 02:15:10 am »
10. Samurai Shodown! 2 (Neo Geo Pocket)

I don't have a ton of experience playing the Neo Geo Pocket, mostly because I'm not a huge handheld fan. Outside of a few titles, most handheld games just feel like lesser, watered down versions of much better games on home consoles and arcades. Pretty much you're paying for the novelty of playing portably at the cost of the game you're playing being heavily compromised, at least that's how it was up until about a decade ago. Samurai Shodown! 2 is sort of this, being based on the arcade exclusive Samurai Shodown 64: Warrior's Rage, but converted from a 3D fighter to a 2D fighter on a portable. More or less Samurai Shodown! 2 plays like a regular Samsho game like 4 or 5, but with certain aspects lost in translation for the sake of making it work on a handheld with just 2 buttons. Still, for what they were able to pull off, the game still is fun and pretty good looking, However, the best part of the game is it's OST...I mean, oh man! There certainly were a lot of compromises made to make a 1999 handheld version, but what they did was definitely and above average effort as far as handhelds go. (1/5/22) [32/50]

11. SNK Gal Fighters (Neo Geo Pocket)

In all seriousness, I never knew retro portably fighting games could be this good! I was blown away by how good SNK Gal Fighters looks, plays, sounds, and just feels overall while playing it. It pretty much uses the same simplified, two-button gameplay of the Neo Geo Pocket KOF games, but somehow it also felt more smooth and precise. Regardless, the game is filled to the brim with charm, including everything from the super cute chibified SNK female characters, the unique spin on their attacks which makes them far more over the top and comical, or even the final boss which both surprised me and made me literally start laughing. There is just so much to love about SNK Gal Fighters. My only real criticism of this game is that it's definitely on the easy side when it comes to SNK fighting games from this period. Still, you'd be hard pressed to find a better portable fighting game until maybe Smash Bros on the 3DS. (1/5/22) [36/50]

12. King of Fighters R2 (Neo Geo Pocket)

I've never played KOF R2 or its handheld predecessor thoroughly, but having done so now, R2 is little more than a watered down handheld port of KOF 98. More or less if you want to play KOF 98, than just play it with a TV and controller, or an arcade cabinet and quarters. Despite the game being a watered down handheld port I do have to give it credit for still being pretty fun to play and making KOF's gameplay work with just two action buttons. Where I REALLY have to give it credit is it's MIDI-fied version of KOF 98's OST which just sound amazing! This game is definitely worth a shot, but mostly as a novelty if you want to see what a late 90s portable version of one of the best fighting games ever made. (1/7/22) [32/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2022, 10:23:52 am »
2. Control Ultimate Edition (PS5) 1/7/22

I’ve been hearing great things about this game for a while but didn’t really read too much about it, so I was pretty happy to discover just how much of a mind fuck it really was. The story did feel a little loose at times but the fluid combat, cool powers, and some just really bad ass moments (I’m talking about you Ashtray Maze ) more than made up for it.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2022, 11:38:16 am »
My first game completed of 2022!!

1. I Saw Black Clouds (PS4)

What can I say I love FMV games and a friend recommended this to me. I never heard of it, but I have played Late Shift before which was developed by the same team that made this game. I have to say it is worth playing through a couple of times, but the game really doesn't make much sense. The main plot of the story never really gets answered and often you are asking even more questions. I think it is better than The Shapeshifting Detective (which I have started, but then stopped because I lost a lot of interest....I may come back to it at some point). Overall it is not bad, but not great either.
Currently Playing: Game & Wario


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2022, 02:22:03 pm »
1. Resident Evil 1 Remake (PS4 - Spectator) 07/01/2022
Me and my firend have been struggling to find decent Co-op games to play, its gotten so bad we've resorted to playing Single Player games - Which is fine by me as I've bee ngetting on at him to play certa games for years anways :P

So, how did he fair with RE1R? Quite well, I will say however some of the puzzle mechanics can be a bit tedious, find particualr keys or items became troulesome at times. I still respect the REmake though, especiallty with the additional sub-story with Lisa Trevor which is very memorable! We'll probably go ahead and play the RE2R next week :)

I'm currently playing Guardians of th Galaxy on PS5 which is a real treat - I don't like Marvel content really but this is pretty self contatined.

I also just got a 2 month trial on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate & plan to plow through many smallere titles in the next few months!


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2022, 03:51:57 pm »
3. Kid Dracula

Not gonna lie. This was kind of a let down. Maybe everyone else talking about it, plus it finally being available in English, got me a bit hyped? It's not a bad game and I appreciated the goofy aesthetics but...

Oh well.

4. Dragon Warrior VII

The credits rolled after 67 long-ass hours. The more I played it, the more it felt like the game was doing everything in its power to make me want to stop playing. I logged more hours in the 3DS version and still prefer it over this one.