Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2022  (Read 49901 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2022, 12:51:06 am »
13. Razion EX (Switch)

I used to cling to every release religiously back in the early 2010s when they were regularly releasing brand new Dreamcast and Neo Geo SHMUPS. Unfortunately they just stopped making new games about 5 years ago so I stopped checking in. Through pure chance I was made aware of them doing a very limited batch of a new shooter they'd developed that I'd never heard of. I was lucky enough to grab a copy last year and finally gave the game a try this evening.

Razion EX is an okay SHMUP overall. It's graphics, while flashy and colorful are just fairly forgettable and generic unfortunately. It soundtrack is also fairly forgettable, albeit it appropriate for this type of game. Where Razion EX really shines is with it's gameplay. It has very tight controls, pretty good balance overall throughout, and a very easy to gauge hit box for navigating through hundreds of bullets flying at you. By the time i beat Razion I did have a good time, but I just felt like I'd probably forget most about this game in a year or two given how otherwise unremarkable it is in any way. (1/8/21) [33/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2022, 07:07:47 pm »
3. Gears of War 4 (XSX) 1/9/22

Gears 1-3 were great games but to say they were outdated would be an understatement; so, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect with the jump to a modern console, but I have to say they kinda fucking nailed it. Gears 4 took everything that made the previous games so good, gave it a nice polish and an actual plot, and ended up with easily the best game in the series so far. Oh and having Marcus there as a father figure getting pissed off every time we popped a pod was the icing on the cake lol. Beat 1/9/22

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2022, 10:43:08 pm »
2. I SPY Castle (DS)

This is a cute hidden object game with a few easy minigames thrown in. It is honestly not bad, I actually enjoyed it as a palette cleanser before I tackle the next big game. Plus, you get to go on a quest and that is good enough for me!
Currently Playing: Game & Wario



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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2022, 03:41:32 pm »
I’m not going to do a write-up on every game I beat, but in this case I felt like I had to.

4. Lords of Thunder (Coregrafx Mini)

First, a little history.
I had both SNES and Genesis in high school. Heard about the Turbografx 16 but it was the “other” system, the one nobody owned. I only ever knew one person who had one, a friend of a friend, and never had an opportunity to play it.
Fast forward 10+ years…I discovered PC emulation but I could never get a TG16 emulator to work right (my computers have never been high-end). Briefly played Bonk’s Adventure and a couple other things, and couldn’t get PC Engine CD/Turbo CD games to work at all.

So when I found out about the PCE/CG/TG16 Mini consoles I did some research, and it seemed like a good opportunity to try these games out, many of which I never heard of, including Lords of Thunder. Watched videos on it and I could instantly tell LoT was something I might really like, despite shmups not being one of my preferred genres.

So, I got the Coregrafx Mini for Christmas, and LoT was the first game I tried.
It took me a while to figure out exactly how the game was meant to be played; I tried saving all my money at first and going minimalist…and got clobbered. Once I discovered you are basically meant to go into every level with your weapon level maxed, I did better. Finished it last night and immediately started a new game to see how much I had improved…and got through the first 5 levels without too much difficulty. This game is ADDICTING, and the soundtrack is legendary.

Again, I’m not a major shmup guy, but Lords of Thunder has very quickly blasted its way into my soul.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2022, 05:27:35 am »
2 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4 2016) - BEAT - And done with DS3, essentially completing my "marathon" I started last year, getting through all the Souls games, not counting Bloodborne, since we still haven't gotten an update for that game.  I'm not sure if I'm gonna do the DLC yet, it's there, but I feel more inclined to move on to Monster Hunter Rise for now. 

Had a good time, it's definitely still my favorite Souls game, purely just on its quality and how good it feels to play.  I know everyone has their favorites for this series, it's definitely a big step up from DS2 for sure.  Until I get my Bloodborne replay, not sure how I'd place it, I almost feel like it's gonna be Bloodborne just because I love the games setting and its faster gameplay, but DS3 is still really good.  My only complain is aside from the common FromSoft annoyance of creatures having insta-kill moves, is that the camera can get dang rough at times trying to properly follow stuff.  It's pretty obnoxious in the first part of the Nameless King fight, of which that fight also sucks for cloud floor, which amounts to just being a flat gray color, and therefore you can't tell depth properly, so it's really easy to miss attacks against the dragon bird lol

Other than that, I had a good, infuriating, time and I'm super ready for Elden Ring.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2022, 09:36:27 am »
4. Batman: Return to Arkham: Arkham Asylum (XSX) 1/13/22

Yet another critically acclaimed franchise that I just somehow missed playing. Not gonna lie, I kinda have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I can totally see why everyone loves this game, but at the same time the combat felt a little bit dated and repetitive; I’m assuming it gets better in the next one. Overall I did enjoy it and plan on continuing with the others.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2022, 04:40:47 pm »
5. Berserk: Band of the Hawk

It's DW with Berserk's story and setting. You play one game, then you've played them all. I'm familiar with the story up to the Eclipse. After that, it was a new experience. It got really dull near the end.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2022, 05:17:43 pm »
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Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

35. Pokemon Legends: Arceus (NS)
I sort of stupidly bought this game shortly after launch once it hit $50 and paid with credit/gift cards so it was free, but then like a day later it went B2G1 and $55.  I'm justifying my purchase by saying I didn't have other games I wanted anyway, but whatever.  I heard a lot of hype from folks and folks playing like crazy and I got sucked in.  Based on my play so far, it feels a cross between Pokemon Let's Go and Pokemon Sword/Shield.  This game has so much QoL improvements that just should've always been there.  Pokemon can learn as many moves as they want, you just have to equip the moves, kind of like preparing spells in D&D, but you can do it any time outside of battle.  I do find I'm still doing the thing I do in Pokemon games and that is I have a well rounded team, so I'm sticking with them instead of swapping people out.  I thought about swapping out my completed pokedex folks so I can get a little extra effort towards tasks, but I just can't be bothered to pick other pokemon.  I was hoping there would be incentive to releasing pokemon, but there doesn't seem to be sadly, just do it to save space I guess.  Like I was hoping for a donate to the cause thing, we need these types of pokemon to help with these types of things, or missions you can send pokemon out on with survey corps or something, they're still yours but they can "work".  I'm pretty early on, so it could still happen I suppose, but I feel like if that were a thing they wouldn't be offering and teaching me about releasing pokemon already.  I don't know when Pokemon games started doing it, but I hate it.  The games have their story mode that ends in the credits rolling, but then there is post game content, which is fine, but the post game content is important story info.  I mean, I guess you could stop playing and be like "Yay, all is good", but like if you played for another hour you'd see there is more going on, just feels like you could've not done credits rolling and just continued.  Anyway, did the save the world thing, then did the next post game thing which was actually pretty fuckin tough until I went and got revives.  There is another post game thing, but it requires completing the pokedex and I'm not about that.
Rating: Soft recommendation.

36. Touhou Luna Nights (X1)
Another leaving Game pass game.  Saw that this one is actually a metroidvania game and decided to prioritize it.  The game seems to combine bullet hell style gameplay with metroid vania style combat and world.  If I recall correctly, touhou as a franchise is all about bullet hell gameplay, this one isn't very intense in the bullet hell sense, but it is definitely a tough game regardless.  The game's story seems to fall in touhou's world, but I'm not familiar with it, so most things just kind of went over my head because I don't know what's going on.  Even at the end I didn't really get what was going on, so not having any knowledge of touhou may have hurt the experience for me personally.  I'm not big on pixel art games in general, the art style isn't my preference, but when games have artwork for the characters that is really pretty and nice quality, it detracts from the experience when the core gameplay is pixelart.  I get it with indie games from small teams, but it doesn't change that fact for me.  The character growth isn't very prominent in that by the end of the game you aren't actually much stronger than earlier on in the game, you just have new tools.  Collecting the collectibles will increase your MP/HP/Time like most metroidvania games, but the number of collectibles is so few that it doesn't appear to account for much, but also the game is tough so even what little they give you isn't quite enough.  "Luckily" the game has a shop where you can buy health/magic potions that can be consumed to refill your meters, which I definitely needed to beat the final boss.  It wasn't quite until the final boss that I really honed in on the game's systems of barely not getting hit and refilling health/mp, pacing yourself so you can do special attacks, even using special attacks at all tbh.  I didn't even realize you could slow down, not stop, time if you wanted to until I hit the point that I couldn't progress without that.  I googled and couldn't find an answer on how to slow time, until eventually I pieced together that they taught me something right at the beginning that I was like oh I'll never use that, which I thought was a slower way of stopping time instead of just hitting the stop time button, that I realized they taught me snail time, not time stop.  I feel like that should've had a note on the controls screen to remind you it exists, because I wasted a good hour trying to find some upgrade I missed.  Overall, the game wasn't bad, but it's definitely down there in my least favorite metroidvania games, I'll probably forget this game exists to be honest.
Rating: Hard pass

37. Hypnospace Outlaw (X1)
I've had this installed since it went on game pass and I finally played it because it's leaving game pass.  Game pass really seems to be my play it before it leaves thing.  I rarely play anything else on it. :shrug:  In general, I'm trying to play games like this on game pass because the alternative is spending more money to get a physical copy.  That said, maybe if I like the game I'd do a physical copy too.  Playing this game took some time to get what was going on and the core gameplay mechanic.  Overall the main story plays well enough on Xbox in that for the most part you don't have to actually search for things by typing, but there are definitely times where you do and that does detract from the experience.  I had gone into this game thinking that Switch might be better with the touch controllers, like a cellphone keyboard, but honestly, I think this game probably plays best on PC and truly should be played as such.  Story is interesting in this one, but I feel like there isn't much closure, bunch of plot holes, and decisions don't really matter I think.  Like there was some late game stuff where I expected confrontation and drama, but it was like "yeah, you found me out, ok, I'll repent"... o...k.  And then there is a lot of what about these other people, nothing there.  Controls aren't exactly the most intuitive which can cause problems, almost all web pages auto play annoying music, honestly a lot of late 90s internet bs, so I guess it's on purpose.
Rating: Soft pass.

38. Elden Ring (XS/X1)
I legitimately haven't written anything on here in over a month because of this game.  I'm at like 130 hours into this game and still pretty far from being done.  I've got one last region to hit I think, but tons of content to do and I'm wanting to aim for the full achievement set for this game.  I've been swapping between XS and X1 on this game depending on whether or not my wife wants to play on the big TV or if I'm just not in that room when I'm playing.  This game is just absolutely massive compared to previous FromSoftware games.  I legitimately could talk about this game for hours on end about all of the things about this game.  If I do wind up writing that much about this game it might wind up being a whole post on its own because I'm sure I'd hit the character limit on it.  I'll try my best to be as short and succinct as possible on this.  Souls games get a lot of flack for being difficult and inaccessible, this game does a lot to minimize the difficulty and raise the accessibility, and as patches come out additional accessibility is gained.  As an anecdote, playing on the initial release, I found myself wanting to find merchants, but not recalling where they were and they don't show on the map... patch 1 adds map markers for NPCs you've met, so if you know who you want, you can find them easily. A month and a half later and I've finally gotten all of the achievements for this game.  I still want to go back and do a second run through with a different build, but I really need to get back to my work on this challenge, I haven't beaten a single other game in nearly 2 months.  This game is up there as one of my favorite games of all time, definitely favorite souls game, most likely won't be toppled as GOTY for this year.
Rating: Highly recommended.

39. Tetris Effect: Connected (XS)
I really don't recall when I started this game, but I decided to play it because I thought my kid would enjoy the visuals and shapes.  Of course he has no interest and is in his own world and decides to be destructive.  So I wound up playing after he went to bed and burned through Journey mode.  The stuff they added in this rendition of the game I didn't take advantage of so it's just more of the same for me from the PS4 version just without the option of VR.
Rating: Soft recommendation

40. Kill it with Fire (X1)
Started this game a long time ago.  It's one of those short game jam looking games.  Not much too it but killing spiders.  You get different weapons to kill spiders, but I mostly just stuck with the clipboard because why bother.  Shooting spiders with a gun is unnecessary and kind of inefficient.  Overall not a great game unless you're going to really get into the strategy of the different weapons (most of which I don't understand at all) and try to collect and 100% everything.  Honestly a forgettable experience
Rating: Hard pass

41. Telling Lies (X1)
Not really sure why I started up this game other than it was already installed and I've been interested in it for years because I really enjoyed Her Story.  I played Her Story before I ever started tracking stuff, so I have nothing written about it, but I'll definitely blurb about it here in relation to this game.  Her Story had a pretty straight forward premise that was pretty easy to piece together, and IIRC the game ended once the game thought you figured it out.  I only played it once, so I don't know if you jumped to the right clip right away if the game would end, which could be a flaw in design if you look at it that way.  This game is 1 overarching story, but it's several smaller stories that make it, and when you end the game, they give you "closure" on the story that you paid attention to the most.  The game seems to have a timer running from like midnight to 5am, not sure how time progresses as I didn't pay enough attention to that, but I definitely got the "ending" before I was ready, I had already found the final clip around 3am or something, but kept searching to piece together more information and see as much as I can.  It all makes sense story telling wise, which is fine, but the 3-4 separate stories to follow made things confusing.  I also didn't care for the fact that there was no way to quickly jump to the beginning of a clip and sometimes the fast forward scrubbing was too slow, minor complaints but they really did detract from the experience.  All in all it's a pretty great story, but there are a lot of things I have complaints about.  The main character's "reacting" to the other half of the conversation felt fake/overacted/inappropriate in a lot of situations that just felt disingenuous, some of the acting really felt like they were literally staring at a script and reading, there was a bit of disjointed story telling but I won't knock that as it's absolutely reasonable I just missed pertinent clips, and going on that same note I felt like there was a lost missing or I missed regarding David's breakdown towards the end.  I read some plot synopsis stuff that seemed to imply that I might have missed clips that would have spelled things out for me, but I missed exactly how his relationships all went to shit, his descent into paranoia, and ultimately making his final decision.  That last one really bothered me as nothing in the tale really made me feel like he felt the way he conveyed, absolutely nothing, I want to keep searching and find more, but even reading a synopsis it just sounds like he went and randomly made the decision (maybe because things fell apart, not because he felt it was the right thing to do.)  Honestly, I feel like this is a step down from Her Story, which even that I might be having a form of nostalgia goggles for, because I'm sure I had complaints about that game too.
Rating: Soft pass.

42. Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1)
I started this up a long time ago, well actually I started playing this when I bought it like a decade ago, but I started over again relatively recently, but still like a year ago.  I've been slow playing it like crazy because things keep coming up and I just haven't really had time to play handheld or I'm prioritizing other things.  All in all, it's just more of Legends in general, which is great, but I feel like this game, like most sequels, is a step down from the original because the original's world was so charming and well put together and this one just doesn't capture that same feeling.  It definitely has improvements like the fast travel system, the original had fast travel, but you had to work for it and this one you've just got it from the beginning.  It makes this game feel shorter, but it's got a ton of content, it just moves quickly which is good.  I played the game over such a long period that I sort of lost the plot in general, it seems to be a continuation of the story from Legends, plus you get info about Roll's parents, but no real closure on that given the ending.  I actually really liked the ending bit specifically with Tron and Roll, because adorable, but that ending really makes me yearn for a Legends 3. :C  Shit it makes me yearn for a spinoff game a la Misadventures of Tron bonne, but like 1 part Misadventures of Tron Bonne, 1 part Roll earning money doing repair/spotter work, 1 part Roll and Tron building a rocket puzzle game style, and then 1 more part to round out the experience that I honestly haven't thought enough on, maybe something with Teisel, Data, Gramps, etc... and then the game ends in a resounding failure Bonne style and then Data does his thing and the game was all for nothing.  I honestly may think more on this in general.
Rating: Solid recommendation

43. Fast & Furious: Crossroads (X1)
Honestly not a great game.  I think I knew that going in, but being made by the Project Cars folks made it sound like it'd be better than your average licensed racer.  Gameplay the game wasn't much better than Gear Club Unlimited for instance, which isn't really a compliment, with some janky vehicular combat mechanics.  Story was about what you'd expect from a Fast and Furious outing, which means it's bad, but like you should expect that.  Story is really short, fairly disjointed, and doesn't really do a good job of melding the action to the gameplay while making it feel cinematic(?).  Basically all in all, this game is pretty disappointing.  No difficulty options, no UI/display options, no accessibility options.  The game is basically 3 levels that you play in different conditions to make it seem like different locations, some of the levels are literally the exact same level from earlier, just day instead of night, this is probably why they don't give you a map or anything because then it'd be obvious that they are reusing assets.  Just a very unrefined experience.
Rating: Hard pass

44. Spyro The Dragon (NS)
Been putting this off because I was intending on playing it with my kid watching to see if he'd enjoy it like he did me playing the Crash games, but life's been difficult and we've been trying to have him have less screen time because it makes him bonkers.  So I finally started playing this for myself basically, he gets to watch a little bit here and there, but not much.  I've never played a Spyro game before, so I wasn't fully aware of what I was getting into, I think I was thinking something like Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank, just a platform adventure game, but the game is closer to Banjo Kazooie or Mario 64 in that it's a world based collectathon game.  I enjoy that type of game, and this one has the pleasant experience of being able to start to finish in one go 100% levels which I appreciate.  I really don't like games that make you skip stuff because you don't have a skill and have to come back later to 100%, I just don't enjoy that.  So being able to do that, I never left a level without 100%ing it first, so I was at 100% completion when I beat the game, then I immediately unlocked the bonus level and 100%'d that level so I ended this game at 120% completion.  Overall a fantastic game, the only problem is the fact that this game has such terrible framerate and lag in general.  The camera can be unintuitive, but really nothing makes this game nearly as bad as the terrible framerate does.  Even the loading screens have humongous frame drops.  I get I'm playing on Switch, but the critic ratings for these games are pretty close, like too close for how bad the frame drops are in this, so I have to imagine the frame drops are bad on other platforms too.  I do kinda wish I had played this on Xbox or Playstation though because I'd probably do all of the trophies/achievements at least for this entry in the game, 2 and 3 are another thing though.
Rating: Solid recommendation

45. Toradora (PSP)
I watched this show for the first time within the last year or so, and found out about the PSP game and English translation recently so I decided to give it a go.  I don't know for sure if I enjoy character VNs or if I enjoy character VNs that I'm already invested in the characters.  Clannad and this I enjoyed for the most part, but I was already invested in the characters.  Toradora the anime, I didn't care for Takasu ending up with Aisaka, I liked Kushieda better, so I was pretty interested in playing this to see how that could unfold.  Most characters I think have multiple endings, Minorin being no different, the difference being that there is only one ending where you end up with Minorin and it's an okay ending.  I just feel like this one really pushes you that Aisaka is the only right answer which bums me out because she's kind of the worst.  I enjoyed the show despite this and I enjoyed the game despite this too.  Overall it's an okay VN, the controls made things confusing and the translation didn't cover the controls, so I didn't even figure out how to save the game until like my 7th playthrough.  It wasn't until I was basically 100% done that I figured out how to leverage some of the controls.  There are all of like 2 guides out there for this, which makes sense given the translation and no official English release, but nothing really covered the controls.  On top of that, the translation isn't really 100% complete in that they didn't translate any extra content or the items list.  I might check out the extra content, but I'm concerned give that they didn't translate the menus that they might not have translated the features themselves.  It's good, but I'd say it isn't worth playing unless you care about Toradora.
Rating: Soft pass

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« Last Edit: May 09, 2022, 08:51:49 am by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2022, 06:48:23 pm »
6. Lake (Xbox One X) 16/01/2022
I really like the concept of this game as I like rather laid back gaming experiences but while I liked the idea I felt the story of Lake didn't really go anywhere. It's about a woman returning to her hometown on vaction to look after her parents house and take up her father's job as a post worker. You spend the game making deliveries in your van which is rather simple and works - Though I never want to hear the radio tracks ever again in my life!

Depending on how your encounters with the lcoals go you can meet up with them for after work activies which offer some engaging and genuinely well written dialogue. But sadly the game lacks any real drive or momemtum for the last act and it left me feeling a little underwhelmed.

Then there are the bugs, oh boy there are plenty of them! From Cars stuck in the floor to walking through houses. The worst however was when I talked to an NPC at a Garage who I spoke to the previous day at a Diner, It suddenly teleported me back to the Diner to have the same conversation with her (After awkwardly panning through half the map). Then after the conversation, I was stuck without my van and had to walk back & walking in this game is basically a snails pace, even if a delivery is only a few doors down it's still worth pulling up in the van to avoid the pace of walking. Took me 10 minutes to walk back to the van and continue with the game. Also, After every cutscene or NPC encounter the game would freeze for 30-90 seconds.. I was interested in the game so I jsut decdiedto do other odd ends aroudn the house or on PC but this probably didnt help setting the immersion.

The game has a nice style and I like the main character but sadly there just isn't enough engaging scenario events or NPC's to really get engrossed in. I see there is a PS5 version being released in a few months which hopefully wll be more polished but the lack of a compelling story still makes me think I'd pass picking it up again.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 04:56:37 pm by vivigamer »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2022, 02:55:40 pm »
2022 is going to be a year of many things. One of those will be downsizing my collection; seeing where I am with certain games that I used to play years ago. I'm starting with some fighting games. The ones that range from meh and down are getting sold.

6. Bushido Blade - Tatsuki

Still a good romp. I'll keep it. Easy to pick up and play, too.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2022, 07:49:07 am »
7. Bushido Blade 2 - Tatsuki

Even more fun than the first one. I'll keep it!


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2022, 11:43:50 am »
8. Ehrgeiz - Cloud

There's no doubt in my mind that if a good chunk of the cast from FFVII weren't in this, then it would have been a major Squaresoft flop. This game was never very fun in the first place. It's getting sold.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2022, 09:10:27 am »
9. Tobal No. 1 - Gren Kutz

I admire it for being something semi-different for its time, but it hasn't aged well. It gets the chop.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2022, 09:41:37 pm »
9. Tobal No. 1 - Gren Kutz

I admire it for being something semi-different for its time, but it hasn't aged well. It gets the chop.

I LOVE this game!

Sure it isn't the best 3D fighting game of that era, but as you said it did a lot of things different than Tekken or Virtua Fighter, and for that I have to give it mad props. More than anything though I have a ton of nostalgia for it and that alone makes it a game worth playing still.


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2022, 09:45:34 pm »
9. Tobal No. 1 - Gren Kutz

I admire it for being something semi-different for its time, but it hasn't aged well. It gets the chop.

I LOVE this game!

Sure it isn't the best 3D fighting game of that era, but as you said it did a lot of things different than Tekken or Virtua Fighter, and for that I have to give it mad props. More than anything though I have a ton of nostalgia for it and that alone makes it a game worth playing still.

If I’m being completely honest…
I really only bought it for the Final Fantasy VII demo  ;D