Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2022  (Read 49919 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #240 on: August 07, 2022, 05:23:09 pm »
39. Jet Set Radio HD(Xbox One X) 07/08/2022
I want to like this game, as far as art direction and style goes this game is a 10/10 and looks phenominal for 20+ years. But sadly the controls for the game are a hinderance every chance it can get - Almost everytime I would try grind on a rail or jump over a ledge, I'd fall flat on my face. This is post Tony Hawks so there is no excuse for the controls to be this awful, it's a shame they didn't try tweak the controls or just make the rails more clingy.

I haven't played the sequel, I can play it on my 360 I think and would be eager to do so if the controls are fixed because I really do consider them a problem - This isn't someone complaining at a game that has aged poorly either! I had the original Drreamcast version back in the day and felt the same way but I was determined to beat it once and for all! I'm glad I have but gosh did I suffer with every second of gameplay on this one.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #241 on: August 10, 2022, 04:50:58 pm »
46. Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

This is better than DtP. The enemy and level variety, plus the adorable cast of Lolo and Poka make this a lot more enjoyable. There were still moments of frustration when trying to get 150 gems in certain stages, of course. My biggest issue was that Klonoa could only take three hits before losing a life and extras were really scarce.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #242 on: August 12, 2022, 09:48:52 am »
13. Batman: The Telltale Series

I guess I am done with this game. I played all the chapters and there is nothing left. It is just Season 1, on the Steam page there is DLC for a Shadows Mode and it has screenshots showing Harley Quinn and Bane but I am not sure if those are from this game or the separate Batman Telltale game. Oh well, it is enough for me to do at the moment.

Plays like any other Telltale game I've played so far. Only issues I ran into was that turning down the volume slider for Music did not actually turn down the music volume. Also, do not try to use keyboard/mouse and gamepad. First the gamepad is extremely slow for the actions where you need to use the analog stick. Otherwise is is fine except that I am still not used to where the buttons are on an Xbox 360 pad without looking, which does not work well for the quick-time events. There are some controls that work better on gamepad than with kb/m but in the end I had to stop using the gamepad entirely. It happened when it gave me a prompt to hold Shift key on the keyboard and A button on the gamepad.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #243 on: August 14, 2022, 06:01:10 pm »
47. .hack//G.U. Vol. 2//Reminisce

I can't remember the last time I've been so thrilled to see credits roll on a screen. Goddamn that game was a slog. I skipped a ton of cut scenes because a. they went on for too long not getting to the point and b. I couldn't fast forward through the text half the time. It'll be a good few months before I decide to bother with the third game.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #244 on: August 20, 2022, 06:22:28 pm »
22 - Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (Nintendo Switch Online) - BEAT - Random play with this, never played it before, and it's just okay.  It didn't take me long to beat of course and I did use the rewind feature with NSO just to save me the tedium of constantly replaying because there are spots where you are gonna die a lot, but I didn't really love the game as much as the original because of the challenge.  Particularly I hated the sections that you have to take the right path or find the secret exit, because it's more obnoxious than clever I felt.  Like it's okay to once or twice, but they do it like 4 or 5 times throughout the game.  I've done challenging Mario stuff before and it can be fun, but here, for some reason it doesn't work as well.  I'll probably never replay this again and if I'm gonna play NES Mario, it'll either be the first or third one.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #245 on: August 20, 2022, 07:15:53 pm »
48. Princess Debut

Real men wear pink. And, real men play games like this. It was an adorable game. Sometimes, the translation got a bit murky and it takes a while until you get more dance/accessory options. But overall this was super cute, easy to pick up, and filled with heart. I'm glad I took a random chance on it.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #246 on: August 22, 2022, 03:44:59 pm »
49. Aragami 2

Ultimately, this was a major letdown the more I played. It had a strong start and some really cool concepts, but none of them made up for its problems. And I hate to use the term, but the Euro Jank was real. The only reason I bothered with the platinum was because the last trophy to make it up didn't take very long.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #247 on: August 22, 2022, 09:39:50 pm »
50. Radical Dreamers

I went into this blind and ended up getting super lost. I started a new file with a map by my side. This was quite a journey, despite being only an hour or so. The writing was solid and just filled the screen with atmosphere. I never thought I would put the words "eerie" and "disturbing" into the same setting as Chrono, but Radical Dreamer managed to do so. All of the blanks filled in between Trigger and Cross were appreciated. I'm glad I finished this.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #248 on: August 23, 2022, 01:59:31 am »
23 - Pokemon Unite (Switch 2021) - Endless - Had family who got into the game recently and it had me a little curious to check it out.  Normally I'm not super into MOBA's, I've dabbled in a number of them, I mostly liked Smite the most because of its Third Person perspective rather than a top down aspect, but generally it's not a genre I'm into.  That being said, I'm liking the game.  Its a very simplified MOBA, where the structure is there, but it's much less complicated, with the general gameplay loop being about knocked out Pokemon and other players to get points to then sink into their goal (Compared to pushing mobs forward so you can attack their towers) and there's no final win aspect in terms of taking out the final goal, it's purely about having the most points you can gather before the timer runs out.  There's no store ingame to buy stuff and kinda build up a certain character, you just level up, and get the option for a couple different moves, eventually capping out with those moves and if a character can evolve, they will evolve as you play.

The negative aspect of the game is basically the entire menu system.  The game itself actually runs fine at a pretty steady and clean 30 fps.  The 8,000 menu's you have to navigate to unlock all your event and mission stuff chug, like it's hilariously bad and it's such a mobile feeling experience, but even a mobile game would run their menu's better than this.  I know the Switch is pretty underpowered, but this is ridiculous.  And while I'm exaggerating on the menu amount, it's really a lot, and I feel like I wouldn't be annoyed as much if all the menu's were quick and snappy, it can be abit tedious to claim everything after you've played a few rounds.  The F2P aspect isn't super bad, at least starting out, could be worse later on maybe, but I'm not really having much trouble earning coins to unlock Pokemon to play, as I've grabbed one already, they are giving me some others slowly, and I almost have enough to buy a recently added one, along with some clothes for my character.  I know the costumes for Pokemon are egregious if you want to buy them outright with the gems, and there aren't a lot of good costumes in particular (Some kinda neat traditional Japanese looks, but a lot are just kinda dumb.  No I don't want to put my Tyranitar in a tuxedo.  Come back to me when I can make him a mecha or something lol), but after getting up to rank 10, it's fine so far.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #249 on: August 26, 2022, 11:39:14 am »
Numbers on previous posts might be wrong since I condensed my main post.

18. Wolfenstein: The New Order
This is a game that was free from Epic Games a couple months ago. I had previously checked the requirements and it said it supported Windows 7 as a minimum requirement, but this turned out to be false. It took me about a week to get it running, not because it was difficult to do, but rather I was in a busy couple of weeks there in August which included a big pinball tournament.
I had posted about the incompatibility starting here if you want any details on how to get it working on Windows 7 yourself.

As far as the gameplay goes, I played it on the default difficulty and it was just fine. The story wasn't that amazing really and my only real gripe is in regards to the limited weapon roster and the weapons that do exist have poor iron sights. There is not a sniper rifle like in most FPS, but some levels let you use a "marksman" rifle. I ended up using the energy weapons near to the end just because I didn't care for anything else besides the pistol. The part I really got into later was trying to find the collectibles and I am glad you can go back and replay old missions with your upgrades to find the things you missed.

The only annoyance I found in the gameplay is that there are some areas where you aren't allowed to stealth. There isn't any indication as to why that is, even if you don't break stealth you can come across areas later where the enemy knows you are there.

Only unanswered questions are:
- How to get to the ladders in the first area in the third level.
- If it is even possible to destroy the large mech on the beach with the shore cannons.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #250 on: August 27, 2022, 01:34:36 am »
25 - Slime Rancher (PC 2017) - BEAT - I jumped back into this game as I heard there was a sequel coming up and I couldn't remember if I had completely finished my last time through the game.  After awhile I did remember getting to the general end, but I don't think I technically "finished" the game, end credits, because that's actually something you get through reading the mail that Casey sends, which I think missed when I last played.  Game is still a chill and enjoyable time though, capturing them slimes, harvesting their little plorts, it's a charming game and I'm looking forward to the sequel.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #251 on: August 27, 2022, 07:17:25 pm »
11: Super Mario Odyssey Completed August 26th

-This one kind of came out of nowhere. I had wanted to own it for a while and my grandmother got it for me as a birthday gift last month. And after that month I got 100%! All 880 Power Moons, and the 119 extra bought from the shops to go to the max 999 (Luigi's Balloon World is a ridiculously broken coin farming strategy). The best Mario game? I'd say it's my fourth favorite behind 64 and Galaxy 1 and 2. There's a lot to do, and it's incredibly creative. Some of the moons are really hard and annoying, but every Mario game has those stupid hard missions. I hope a sequel gets announced eventually.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #252 on: August 27, 2022, 11:00:45 pm »
39. Pokemon Pinball (Gameboy)

Pokemon is a perfect example of a fun game that isn't very good, well to a degree. I used to play the hell out of this game as a kid and was able to get a large portion of the Pokedex completed. I still find the game pretty enjoyable despite the pretty bad pinball physics which is the core of the gameplay. It is certainly serviceable, but it can be very frustrating to get the ball where you want it to go when it feels like it should be going in that direction. Aside from that there are only two playfields with slightly different layouts, but more or less they are almost interchangeable minus superficial differences. Still, the gameplay element that will keep you going is catching and evolving your pokemon which you accomplish by sending the ball around the outer loop of each table in a specific direction. There are also cool minigames as well as a feeling of adventure as you work towards traveling to new areas so you can find new pokemon. The audio is decent as are the visuals, but more than anything this game captures the magic and specialness that only OG, late 90s Pokemon can possess. (8/25/22) [33/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #253 on: August 28, 2022, 09:10:22 am »
Great/similar minds!

51. Kirby's Pinball Land

This was a good way to kill an hour or so after playing more involved stuff. It's not a traditional Kirby (obvz) but it was still a nice distraction.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #254 on: August 29, 2022, 09:17:54 am »
Main List
Previous List

Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

106. Sonic Rivals (PSP)
I sort of expected for me to Riders 2 next, but on my list the next racer games were Rivals 1 and 2, so I hopped back into Rivals.  When I first played this game, I legitimately could not beat the very first level, just absolutely getting demolished constantly.  So I read some guides and stuff for the game like I did for Riders and once I figured it out the game wasn't so bad.  It still has the rubber banding issues, so if the bot is ahead of you, you aren't catching up, but if they mess up and you get far ahead of them, they will rubber band snap at you so fast.  And it's not just that, I had a race where I was ahead by a bit and right at the end, the bot literally threw 6 items at me at once, something that should not be fucking possible, I still won, but like holy fuck there were 2 fireballs, 3 lightning clouds, and an ice block that all hovered on me after I crossed the finish line, had I been a second slower he would've won because I would've been stuck dead for like 30 seconds from all of those power ups.
Rating: Hard pass

107. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (XBLA)
Started this one up and beat it pretty quick.  It's a pretty short game and very by the numbers Sonic... except the game seems to take a lot of inspiration from Mega Man, it's got a lot of bullshit instant death mechanics towards the back half of the game, a lot of bullshit sections where you've got to remember things in order to get through (trial and error) and the game ends with the Mega Man trope of fighting every boss you've already fought before fighting the final boss.  There are reasons folks didn't enjoy this game aside from the weird graphics
Rating: Hard pass.

108. Turnip boy commits tax evasion (X1)
Didn't even realize that I already beat this game once this year (on Switch), but I have been trying to earn achievements daily, so this is a great game to earn achievements daily because of how quick the game is and how short time is between achievements.  I finally reached the point where I got the achievement for beating the game and the credits rolling.  I've still got a handful of achievements left to get for this game, including the title update they released after I had beaten the game earlier this year, so I'll be doing the train stuff real soon.
Rating: Soft recommendation

109. Sonic Rivals 2 (PSP)
I thought about the first one that it was a pretty good representation of what a competitive Sonic game would be like, but this game is so much more, it does the races better, it adds in combat levels, and even levels that are just about collecting the most coins.  I will say the CPU is much more aggressive in this game to the point that sometimes the bots aren't even worrying about winning so much as just kicking your ass.  Not sure how I feel about them bringing back the individual story modes, as I won't be taking part, I'm just doing Sonic and calling it a day I think.  The game is much harder than the first one and I'm not planning on playing more than I have to even though this game is solid and quite acceptable.  Better than the first but still not quite worth playing.
Rating: Hard pass

110. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (PS2)
I really wasn't looking forward to this one after the first game, and again I started it up, tried to play and realized that they completely changed things up so I had to re-learn another game.  That said, this game is so much better than the first, and the systems in place aren't a huge burden to overcome.  I managed to have no issue with this game and quite enjoyed my time with it.  It does things differently than your average arcade racer, so it's different and fresh, but it's also not impossible and frustrating to overcome.  Honestly a breath of fresh air in terms of arcade racers.  I still don't imagine it's really worth anyone's time, but it wasn't bad and honestly I'd consider coming back to it one day.  I could also go on a little side rant about how much of an ordeal it was to get this running on my PS3, but I won't.
Rating: Soft pass

111. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (360)
Had to go dig out a 360 and hook that up to play this.  Part way through playing my 360 froze, probably due to poor ventilation, but who knows.  Anyway, standard arcade kart racing kinda stuff.  I've played too many different Sonic racers lately so they are all melding in my mind so I don't really know that I have much to write about this one.  It's okay, but I'm expecting Transformed to live up better.  The Sega miles stuff is interesting to buy stuff and I played mission mode for a bit, and honestly, if I felt inclined I'd maybe go further in and do more, but gots stuff to do.  The inclusion of Banjo and Kazooie is really interesting and the sole reason I insisted on the 360 version over steam, really for no good reason.  It's not like Banjo and Kazooie are really special in the game, they do have their own car and special move, which is neat that they put in the time for that, but it is the Nuts and Bolts version which is sad.
Rating: Soft pass

112. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II (XBLA)
This one seems to do a lot to fix the things they did wrong in the first episode, the bosses aren't by the numbers old Sonic bosses, the levels are inspired by previous sonic games but a mish mash of multiple zones to give it a fresh feeling... however it still is keeping with the Mega Man inspiration as I'm sure I'm not even halfway through the game and I am already hitting Mega Man bullshit trial and error instant death stuff.  It's been a few days so I don't really remember, but I don't recall much in the way of issues with this game except right at the end, the final boss fight, if you lose, you have to go through 40 seconds of cutscene stuff every single time since you can't skip.  It makes it obnoxious.  This is one of those unforgivable things that I hate with games.
Rating: Hard pass

113. Sonic Colors: Ultimate (X1)
I started up this game on Wii a year or so back, but my disc was so fucked that I couldn't get through maybe half of the game overall and through a level or two without the game freezing up to disc read errors, so I straight up abandoned my run until Ultimate came out, got my copy, and still waited a year to get around to playing it.  Overall a great game, it plays well, it controls much better than previous 3D sonic games and I feel like this is the game that really started the 2D/3D hybrid stuff, but I might be wrong.  I need to see if I can find which game introduced the hybrid stuff... looks like maybe Unleashed introduced it.  Game was good and fun until the Aquarium Park zone, one of the levels in there fucked me up hard.  I reached a point where I couldn't progress without ring dash, well I don't know how to ring dash.  I google for the better part of an hour, can't find shit, can't find control info, can't find an explanation, can't find a video showing how to get past it folks either skip the section somehow or they fucking ring dash, using a powerup I don't have.  Every time I die, tails just drops me back to where I fell.  So I keep trying with every permutation of input until I run out of lives and go back to the checkpoint... 10 feet back... where there is a powerup I need to ring dash.  So I wasted like all 50 lives I had built up, because a) it didn't just spawn me at the checkpoint a few feet back like it's done on other levels saving me lives, b) let me fucking know how to ring dash in the first place, and c)give me some other fucking option.  Whatever, I finally did it.  Rest of the game is relatively fine until Terminal Velocity Act 1... You have to beat the entire level in one go, no checkpoints, no tails.  At this point I don't even know if I beat the level or if the level said fuck it and just let me by.  I ended the level with a score of 0.  What. the. fuck.  Apparently, even though I start the entire level over again, the time still keeps going, so it took me an hour to beat the level that actually took like 5 minutes to beat in entirety.  Final boss fight was fine though, it had frustrating aspects, but like perfectly acceptable toughness, well balanced, only took a couple of tries.  Not wasting my lives and maybe giving me a hint...  plus some fucking checkpoints on Terminal Velocity Act 1 and I'd be willing to call this the first soft recommendation, but with those two fuck ups, I still can't.  It honestly ruined the game for me.
Rating: Soft pass

114. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (NDS)
I thought about skipping this one and coming back to it, but I decided to just go ahead with it and start it anyway.  Again, I always have issues with forced gimmick controls, like touchscreen stuff just because it's available.  Just because it's available doesn't mean it's the best thing to be done.  I'd be pretty ecstatic for this game to get re-released without the touch controls, this game really didn't need it.  I get it, I do, but I hate that all of the special moves in this game revolve around what is essentially a rhythm minigame without music to go along with it, it plays music sure, but the music isn't in sync so like fuck.  I think without the annoying touch controls, I might've been more willing to do more of the side content, but also the game doesn't have a traditional fast travel system, so even moving between zones is kind of a pain that would also preclude me from doing some of the side content.  Combat was mostly fine, but I didn't really understand the elements system and once it got to the point that enemies did a shield thing that auto countered attacks and healed themselves, the game got real annoying.  The last area of the game changed up the encounters on the map, because in all other areas enemies went about a pre-defined route so you could skip battles pretty easily if you wanted, but in the last area the enemies had AI so they would chase you down.  There were also a lot of instances of getting attacked, but the enemy immediately running away which seemed kind of counter productive.  I didn't want to battle, you don't want to battle, then why did you chase after me? Overall not a terrible game, but the ending was an obvious cliffhanger that was supposed to setup a sequel that never happened, so I've got to knock it points for that as well because games should never do that, you should always expect that there won't be a sequel, leave some little things sure, but don't flat out make the ending a cliffhanger.  I was going to soft pass the game, but the ending being a cliff hanger really solidifies that this game isn't worth the time.
Rating: Hard pass

115. Sonic Generations (360)
I went into this one with lowered expectations after Unleashed, but honestly I was pleasantly surprised by this game.  The 2D classic sections were pretty good and I can't decided if I liked not having the 3D homing for the 2D sections or not because sometimes the homing is useful and other times it's really annoying... honestly just makes me wish there was B for jump and A for homing jump type of thing so I can choose when to leverage homing.  3D sections improved on what Colors did, which Colors was already a wild improvement over Unleashed, and Unleashed was an improvement over the Adventure/Heroes games.  It has the 2D sections in the 3D sections still and the 3D sections in the 3D sections are pretty smooth and don't have much issues whatsoever, honestly this game is the best 3D Sonic game to date by far.  I'd argue this game is worth playing, I won't go so far as to call it a solid recommendation, but I'd definitely recommend it.  That said, if you are playing on XS at least, the OG Sonic game built in doesn't work, so don't waste the 7,777 points on the purchase in the in-game shop.  I will also say, it bums me out that classic Sonic doesn't talk, if classic Tails also didn't talk I could be fine, but he talks, so why doesn't classic Sonic, it would have blown my mind if they had gotten Jaleel White to voice classic Sonic, like I'd be willing to push this game into solid recommendation had they done that, but they didn't and it makes me sad, but by no means a deal breaker.
Rating: Soft recommendation

116. Sonic Jump (Android)
I really hadn't intended on playing any of the mobile games because a) they are mobile games, b) they are probably not available, and c) they probably aren't really beatable.  I had google credit built up that was expiring soon so I spent it on Sonic Jump Pro, because why not.  Well to my surprise the game, being a paid game, actually has a story mode and it's beatable.  So I started up the game and played through it.  It's not very Sonic to be honest in that it's just upward jumping, but it plays well.  The story is quite non-existent and honestly not worth playing.  The game is also relatively short with little to no replay value, so honestly, really wish I hadn't wasted my time, but I didn't really waste money as I was just going to let that money expire.  Interestingly, the game has a little ad in the top corner suggesting you to play the sequel Sonic Jump Fever, but the game was delisted years ago and isn't available, because the game is terrible, has no story mode, and isn't worth playing probably.
Rating: Hard pass

117. Sonic Dash (Android)
I went into this expecting it to be normal mobile trash and boy was I right.  The game has no story mode, it's really just the one endless runner with no real end goal.  Plus the game has the normal mobile trash of being slammed with ads constantly.  I get a popup when I lose that says hey, watch and ad and you can keep playing.  I say no I'm good, I don't want to watch an ad, so it plays an ad and sends me back to the home screen.  What. The. Fuck.  I thought that was weird, I'll chalk it up to something goofy.  Nope.  It does it every single time.  Fuck that noise.  I'm marking it as beat though because there is no end game.
Rating: Hardest of passes

118. Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom (Android)
Knowing how bad the last one was, I really didn't want to play this one either, but I figured in for a pound in for a pounding.  So I launched this one, it plays better, but it's worse than the previous game.  The previous one at least had a thing where you freed animals and built stuff, this one you literally level up to level up and unlock more characters, that is it.  Nothing else.  Plus it does the same ad bullshit.
Rating: HArdest of passes

119. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (360)
Honestly, I can't believe I went this long without writing up updates.  This game was much more enjoyable than the previous Racing game.. however, I did the grand prix in this one thinking it would roll the credits like the first game, but this one, mission modes rolls the credits not grand prix.  So I did grand prix and mission mode for this game.  Honestly, didn't even make me that upset as this was a genuinely good game that I enjoyed playing.  Mission mode is broken into different little paths where you pick different types of races to complete and attempt to get 3-4 stars on them, stars unlock content and further races.  Mostly everything is good, but there are a few race types that sucked.  The transform mechanic is very interesting.  I'd honestly say that this game, if it had a little open world to explore for a story mode, plays like how I would expect a successor to Diddy Kong Racing to be, this game is great, but it could've been better.  The more BS challenges and the fact that you don't even unlock the ability to get a 4th star on events until after you beat the game was the only thing that precluded me from unlocking all of the stars, because I really had no interest in essentially playing through everything all over again, especially when there were a few races that were an absolute pain just to get 1 or 2 stars.  I do consider going back to this though, I probably won't, but I consider it.
Rating: Soft pass

120. Sonic: Lost World (Wii U)
Some up front complaints about this game... forced wii U game pad, no ability to do pro controller; Some levels required the TV for some reason; I throughout the majority of the playthrough couldn't figure out how to get sonic to actually move fast... I'm watching a video right now and I never managed to move as fast as these folks, so maybe something I missed.  That said, this game also seems to take huge steps back to some of the older 3D Sonic games unfortunately and it also seems like Sega was trying to copy Super Mario Galaxy's concepts with a lot of stuff and it just doesn't apply well to Sonic.  The inclusion of the need to free so many animals to unlock further levels was annoying, but they do provide you with some levels to farm animals real quick, but you have to collect red coins I think to unlock them, I'm really not sure because I collected some in earlier areas and the levels are still locked even though I had collected 5 or so across multiple levels in the zone.  Game is relatively short though, so it wasn't the worst experience, but it was definitely a struggle to push myself through it... though iirc the last two zones were a real slog to get through with a lot of instant death mechanics.
Rating: Hard pass

121. Team Sonic Racing (PS4)
I had higher expectations for this game after Transformed, but this game is honestly a huge disappointment in comparison.  Gone are straight forward pickups and special moves, in their place is non descript pickups based on Sonic Colors Wisps and the game heavily relies on slipstream mechanics that only work with teammates and essentially never using pickups yourself and giving them to the AI so you can do your team boost thing.  Game has a story mode though with what feels like a semi legitimate story.  The story mode itself follows the same paradigm as the Transformed mission mode, there are several maps with paths that branch with races that have different requirements, but either they are bullshit or they are basic races, not nearly as special as transformed was.  In general this game just isn't nearly as fun as the previous racing game.
Rating: Hard pass.

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« Last Edit: December 17, 2022, 11:59:35 pm by ignition365 »