Author Topic: Duplicate List 2023  (Read 31078 times)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 09:43:05 am by tripredacus »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #181 on: July 30, 2023, 11:48:05 pm »
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition Steelbook 
I remember discussing this listing here back when I created it originally and had gained approval for it, but I believe the style guide has updated enough to warrant merging them now. 

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature PS3 

The Legend of Dragoon PS3 

« Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 09:45:23 am by tripredacus »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #182 on: July 31, 2023, 09:46:14 am »
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition Steelbook 
I remember discussing this listing here back when I created it originally and had gained approval for it, but I believe the style guide has updated enough to warrant merging them now.

No, now Steelbooks have their own category. It should never have been in a game category to begin with.

Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #183 on: July 31, 2023, 09:55:59 pm »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #184 on: July 31, 2023, 10:21:24 pm »
World Heroes Anthology

The items are not duplicates. First, both the US and CA items feature the same front artwork which has not been changed regarding 11239. Since we do not know what back art or barcode was originally attached to the entry—if any at all—we must look at the entry history to determine what the entry actually is. The earliest history relates to the CA release, with a later US back art edit having been approved afterward in error. So, for a time, the entry was a mixed entry. I've removed the back art, so 11239 is now correct. Whether it was originally intended to represent the CA regional variant, we will never know, but it now correctly represents the CA variant based on the information we do know.

Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #185 on: August 10, 2023, 09:44:16 pm »

Same item, general eu listing is using stock art

« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 09:23:12 am by tripredacus »

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 10:35:10 am by tripredacus »

Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #187 on: August 16, 2023, 11:17:15 am »
« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 12:03:54 pm by tripredacus »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #188 on: August 19, 2023, 08:41:01 am »
« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 10:02:07 am by tripredacus »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #189 on: September 03, 2023, 11:34:12 am »
Super Mario 3D All Stars outdated dupe

« Last Edit: September 05, 2023, 09:27:40 am by tripredacus »


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #190 on: September 03, 2023, 11:41:05 am »
Super Mario 3D All Stars outdated dupe

posted this in the wrong place the first time but, a duplicate from before Super Mario 3D All Stars was officially released

I created this page before the official release of Super Mario 3D All Stars and it's obsolete now and needs deleting

This is the third time you've posted about the same item. Be patient, and wait until a DB Admin responds to the issue.


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #191 on: September 03, 2023, 11:06:02 pm »
Yeah apologies about that, the 2nd post was supposed to go in here, but I guess in confusion I accidentally posted it in the same thread. I couldn't find a delete button otherwise I would have deleted it by now.


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #192 on: September 04, 2023, 02:23:12 am »
PowerA Compact Game Case (Pink)

Sorry - seems like I have created a dupe :( - original - dupe but updated with more info by dhaabi.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2023, 09:28:27 am by tripredacus »

Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #193 on: September 05, 2023, 01:14:26 am »
I'm sure these aren't since the "dupe" looking item is only "collected" by you, tripredacus, but just wanted to check.

I created one for the oval seal variant - was not sure how to name it perfectly.  Also, I can't find box photos anywhere - or even USA oval seal cart too.  Is this rare?


Re: Duplicate List 2023
« Reply #194 on: September 05, 2023, 08:24:37 am »

I created one for the oval seal variant - was not sure how to name it perfectly.  Also, I can't find box photos anywhere - or even USA oval seal cart too.  Is this rare?

5987 and 251677 are two separate items. I'm sure that, if we were to compare each of the items' contents, there would be differences beyond the box packaging as well. There are other variant entries like 251677 found in the EU category, such as 252017.

The entry name for 253251 is fine as it is. If it's ever determined what kind of packaging it was bundled with, the entry name could change over time, though. It is not rare, although it is less common. I've found five or so copies of it on eBay's first page of results.

On that note, I've identified five unique cartridges:
circle label
circle label / REV-A
circle label / REV-A / 24
oval label / REV-A / 24
oval label / REV-A / 12

Also, something I've just learned is that REV-A cartridges are three-screw cartridges which have replaced the five-screw cartridge design.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2023, 08:46:17 am by dhaabi »