Author Topic: Sony PlayStation  (Read 3136 times)


« Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 11:20:15 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation Accessory
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2023, 10:11:25 am »
PlayStation Accessory

This category is for any non-game and non-console item that is designed specifically and exclusively for use with a Sony PlayStation. Any accessory that comes with a game should be in the appropriate game category and not in this accessory category.
Release Type
The release type is in relation to the console itself and not to any games or other licensed properties that may be present or represented on the packaging. Accessories that have loose entries (those that are included with a console or a game but were not sold separately) should be set as Official Release only if the console or game release is also.

Item Number Prefixes

The above serial prefixes are for Sony-manufactured items only. Other items not manufactured by Sony but which are still official may feature their own unique serials.
Official releases can be identified by the presence of the Sony logo, Sony PlayStation logo, or Sony serial number beginning with SCPH, SLEH, SLPH, or SLUH.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 12:49:12 pm by dhaabi »


PlayStation Demo
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2023, 10:15:58 am »
PlayStation Demo

This section is for any demo disc from a console, magazine, strategy guide, book, or other source. Demos that were pack-in discs for retail releases should not be given separate entries apart from the retail release they were bundled with, such as Squaresoft on PlayStation: 1998 Collector's CD Vol. 2 that was bundled together with Brave Fencer Musashi.
There are several PlayStation demos released in Japan that released in a plastic sealed jewel case without cover art, such as MiruMiru PlayStation Vol. 22.

Item Number Prefixes
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 10:09:42 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation Consoles
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2023, 10:20:02 am »
PlayStation Consoles

What is tracked in this section:
- Official Sony console releases
- Development consoles and computers
- Store kiosk consoles and computers
What is not tracked in this section:
- Any custom or modified systems
- Board or chip revisions
There are many models for the PlayStation. However, there are four distinct versions across all models.
PlayStation version 1
Introduced with model SCPH-100X, PlayStation models are designed with RCA jacks, Parallel I/O port, and Serial port.

PlayStation version 2
Introduced with model SCPH-550X, PlayStation models are now designed with the RCA jacks removed.

PlayStation version 3
Introduced with model SCPH-900X, PlayStation models are now designed with the RCA jacks and Parallel I/O port removed.

Introduced with model SCPH-10X, PSone models are designed with the RCA jacks, Parallel I/O port, and Serial port removed. Overall, the PSone is a smaller, redesigned version of the original PlayStation.

Region Codes
The last digit of the PlayStation model number denotes the region in which it was sold:
- 0 is Japan
- 1 is North America
- 2 is Europe / Australia / PAL region
- 3 is Asia

Item Numbers
Concerning information the database tracks, retail items in the PlayStation Consoles sub-cat feature two sets of item numbers that may be supplied to entries. The first of these is outer packaging item numbers (not model number), and the second is the actual console item number (not model number nor serial number.)

Packaging Numbers
Only found on the bottom box panel, a 9-digital number sequence is present with a N-NNN-NNN-NN format. This item is unique to specific packages and should be the number submitted to the Item Number field.

On 5 of 6 panels, the model number (SCPH-NNNNN) is found. For NA items, a second number (NNNNN) is also present following the standard model number and a forward-slash ( / ) which relates to the UPC barcode. This second number exclusive to NA hardware bundles may be submitted to the Description field.

Console Number
On the console, a 9-digital number sequence is present with a N-NNN-NNN-NN format. This number should only be submitted to the Description field if it can be verified that it was a part of a specific packaging bundle and as "one of many" numbers. This is due to the fact that specific console models feature only one of many possible item number. The console number itself is determined by manufacturing location, manufacturing date, and manufacturing run. Despite this, box packaging was used across many possible console variations.

Item Number Prefixes
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 10:11:41 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation [AU]
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2023, 10:38:25 am »
PlayStation [AU]

Packaged games released in Australia are very similar to those released in Europe and even often imported from Europe. They are PAL region games.
Packaging Types
Packaging has been repurposed from European releases. Photo examples can be found further below in PlayStation [EU]. Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field.
Items may feature several different ratings, and even more than one at a time. The appropriate ACB rating should be entered into the Rating field in the event of the ACB rating being present among others. Items original to Australia may feature the ACB rating as a part of the cover art design or instruction booklet.

Meanwhile, items imported to Australia from Europe feature a ACB rating label placed on packaging. The placement of these labels is not uniform. Sometimes it may overlap the original European ratings, and sometimes it may not.

Item Numbers
The Sony serial number located on the spine is the information that should be included in the Item Number field for the entry. Every PlayStation release has a Sony serial which takes precedence in occupying the Item Number field, so additional item numbers should be entered into the Description field. The Sony serial number may end with "ANZ," "-ANZ," or "/ANZ" which is to be included in the Item Number and Description fields, if present.

An additional spine item number is usually featured. This is usually an abbreviation of the barcode sequence.

A front item number is typically featured. This number is usually the barcode sequence repeated. Additional item numbers may also be located here.

Item Number Serials

It's worth mentioning that it is common for items from outside regions are regularly imported to AU. So, items may feature serials with other prefixes. The above prefixes relate to items directly published in AU.
Licensing Text
Items original to Australia and New Zealand may have relevant licensing information found on the back cover.

Oziosoft labels may be present.

Virgin Interactive labels may be present.

We do not track (at this time) the different label styles for the rating on AU releases as being variations. Despite the fact that they do exist, currently this type of variation should only be tracked in the Notes field when adding an item to your collection.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 05:59:57 pm by dhaabi »


PlayStation [CN]
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2023, 10:51:37 am »
PlayStation [CN]

Packaged games released in China are very similar to those released in Japan. They are NTSC J region games. Games released in Southeast Asia (not Japan) and the Middle East are permitted to have entries in this category.
Packaging Types
Packaging has been repurposed from Japanese releases. Photo examples can be found further below in PlayStation [JP]. There are at least three types of packaging used for items in this category: 1) jewel case, 2) double wide jewel case, and 3) dark smooth spine

Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field.

Item Number Prefixes
Items of this category do not feature barcode sequences. As such, the Barcode field for these entries should be left blank.
Back Cover Text Box
One defining feature of CN releases is that a yellow or white text box can be found at the bottom-left corner of the back cover. There are two types.

text box type 1: Defines the title's genre in addition to listing supported languages. This box may be yellow or white.

text box type 2: "Do not use authorized software" warning label

Some releases may also include a red "OFFICIAL PRODUCT" label affixed to the plastic seal.

Nearly all if not every PlayStation title released outside outside of Japan but remaining in Asia was published by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. This information is found by the presence of the Sony logo and text on the obi and by additional text found on the back cover and disc.
Packaging Text
Many items feature Japanese packaging text, although the text is sometimes in English. This is based on which version of the game was localized for the Asian market release.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 09:40:30 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation [EU]
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2023, 11:18:16 am »
PlayStation [EU]

Packaging Types
There are at least six types of packaging used for released in this category:

1) large case ("PlayStation" embedded all sides)

same length as jewel case but are slightly taller and much thicker
"PlayStation" branding across spine, top edge, and bottom edge
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
may be comprised of one or multiple discs
2) large case ("PlayStation" embedded top/bottom edge only)

same length as jewel case but are slightly taller and much thicker
"PlayStation" branding across top and bottom edge only
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
3) non-branded case

same height and length as jewel case
spine and edges comprised of dark grey plastic frame
disc tray featuring holes
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
4) cardboard case

same length as jewel case but slightly taller
vertically-repeating "PlayStation" branding across vertical strip
plastic disc tray with grooves glued inside cardboard packaging
5) double-wide jewel case

may be comprised of one or multiple discs
for releases in this packaging that only include one disc, the second half of the case is empty
6) standard jewel case

the most uncommon packaging type for PAL territories
instruction booklet also serves as cover art

Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field.

While there are many subset lines of re-releases, there are 2 main lines.


Value Series

It is not uncommon for an item to have multiple edition names, such as The White Label re-release also being given a Value Series reprint.

Item Number
Items released in specific countries such as Germany may feature modified Sony serial numbers found on the disc. Sometimes, this is in the form of "LLLL-NNNNN-GER," whereas othertimes it is "LLLL-NNNNN#." Items that are a part of a budget release line may also feature modified item numbers, such as "LLLL-NNNNN/P."

An additional spine item number is usually featured. This is usually an abbreviation of the barcode sequence. Front item numbers present on the inlay are also common. Multiple front numbers may be present and can all be submitted to the Description field.

Item Number Prefixes

Publisher Item Numbers
Publishers such as EA / Electronic Arts feature additional item numbers on game packaging and disc. Placement for these additional item numbers may be present on any combination between the spine, front cover, back cover, and disc.

Instruction Booklets
In most packaging case types, the instruction booklet is a separate component than the front inlay which serves as the front cover art. The instruction booklet may feature numerous languages, including those which the game was not originally sold in.

Aside from the standard jewel case packaging type which the instruction booklet doubly serves as front cover art, a game's instruction booklet features slightly different art than the front inlay.

packaging front

instruction booklet front

Hologram Label
Items may or may not feature a hologram Sony label on the front game case. Submitted images featuring the hologram label (if applicable) will be prioritized.

In many instances among secondary markets, packaging materials may be swapped to be placed in different types of cases which are outlined above. At times, items that were not originally packaged in a hologram-present case will be placed in them in error. The easiest way to determine if an item was originally placed in a hologram-present case is by the positioning of front cover information, including (possible) front item numbers as well as the bottom "PlayStation" text, which are both positioned with a considerable space from the left border.

Regional Labels and Country Specific Markings
At times, labels that signify a regional release may be present on the outer packaging.

Article 3 of the Décret n°96-360 du 23 avril 1996 relatif aux mises en garde concernant les jeux vidéo ruling declared that all video games sold in France must contain a warning in white characters on a red label or an insert of the same color provided on the printed packaging. The actual text is Attention : chez certaines personnes, l'utilisation de ce jeu nécessite des précautions d'emploi particulières qui sont détaillées dans la notice jointe and the label looks like this:

The presence of the ATTENTION text is a requirement for an item to be sold in France, but this text may appear on items not sold in France as well. You should be aware that any game released after 1996 with French text on the packaging but lacking this text is likely NOT a game sold in France, and should not have the [FR] TLD put into the name. Items like this are typically sold in Belgium or other French speaking countries.

Media released in Italy after 1926 is required to have an SIAE (Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) marking present. This applies to (at least) music and video games. While this requirement is like the French requirement, unlike the Attention marking, the SIAE is an actual label. Here are the common examples of the paper label and the hologram version:

Another way to identify Italian specific releases is the presence of an HX Halifax or Halifax Italia label on the cover.



Packaging Text
Numerous languages may be present on items. However, this is not a clear indication of what the item's origin of sales release information necessarily is. The same can be said for the presence of a country's flag.
The EAN barcode number sequence found on the back cover is often repeated on the front cover. This information can be also entered in the Description field. At times, some multiple regional variants of the same game may share a EAN.

Sometimes a product is sold in multiple countries or multiple regions and can have multiple ratings. You have to choose one rating to use, and it should be based on where the item was released. Additional ratings besides the one selected can be submitted to the Description field. At times, a region-specific item may feature a content rating in the form of an affixed label.

aDeSe (Spain),8623.msg145222.html#msg145222

BBFC (United Kingdom),8623.msg145221.html#msg145221

ELSPA (Europe),8623.msg145224.html#msg145224

The ELSPA rating system was given an updated design. Some games which received multiple reprints feature both designs.

IGAC (Portugal),8623.msg145227.html#msg145227

IGAC rating labels are affixed to cases.

PEGI (Europe),8623.msg145220.html#msg145220

SELL (France),8623.msg145226.html#msg145226

The SELL rating system was given an updated design.

USK (Germany),8623.msg145223.html#msg145223

The USK rating system was given an updated design. Some ratings received new text, whereas others received new text and new color. Some games which received multiple prints received both designs. The rating positioning may vary from item to item.

VET/SFB (Finland),8623.msg145225.html#msg145225

No Rating
Although uncommon, some items were published with no content ratings or rating labels at all, such as Resident Evil [FR]. In the event of this situation, None may be selected as the Rating field option.

Not for Resale discs
There are 2 sets of Not for Resale discs. For demos, the Sony serial begins with SLED and should be placed in the PlayStation Demo category. For full releases, the Sony serial begins with SLES and should be placed in the PlayStation [EU] category. Aside from the serial prefix, the major difference is that SLED discs are all black, whereas SLES discs are black and silver.


« Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 10:10:11 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation [JP]
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2023, 08:04:39 pm »
PlayStation [JP]

Item Name
The game's title name can be found both sides of the spine. Depending on the release, the title's name found on the spines will be in Japanese, English romanization, English translation, or a combination. It is not uncommon for romanized titles to be romanized incorrectly; despite this, the "incorrect" title may still be entered into the Alt-name field.
Packaging Types
There are at least five types of packaging used for items in this category:
1) standard jewel case

releases of this type are the only ones to feature instruction booklets that also act as front cover art, similar to NA releases
2) large case / dark ridged spine

slightly larger in height than standard and double wide jewel cases
ridged black vertical strip along side of cover
unlike all other JP packaging, the game title is only present on one side
features black disc trays
3) large case / dark smooth spine

slightly larger in height than standard and double wide jewel cases
smooth black vertical strip along side of cover
"PlayStation" text embedded into top and bottom sides of case
contain paper print with outer-facing cover art and inner-facing "precautions for use" (使用上の注意) instructions
4) large case / translucent smooth spine

slightly larger in height than standard and double wide jewel cases
"PlayStation" text embedded into top and bottom sides of case
translucent vertical strip on side of cover
features interior art beneath the disc tray
5) double wide jewel case

black or transparent disc tray which holds discs
same as double wide jewel cases for NA releases with ridged top and bottom sides and grooved opening on right side of case

Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field.

While there are many subset lines of re-releases, there are 2 main lines.

PlayStation the Best / PlayStation the Best for Family

It should be noted that many items of the above release lines usually feature labels only found outside of sealed copies.

PSone Books

For some PSone Books releases, the item is newly sealed without back art.

Every retail release includes an obi beneath the plastic seal along the left side of the game case.

Although rare, it may be packaged oppositely along the right side.

Because the obi is the outer most layer of packaging apart from plastic sealing, images featuring the obi are given priority over images that do not include the obi.
Edition Names
An edition name should be a romanization of the original Japanese edition name. Translations can be put into alt-name. For example, if the text on the packaging is 限定版, then the term "genteiban" should be used. If the item has an edition name in English, then those words can be used.
At times, the obi or label text may be present to help differentiate the item's edition.

Most items do not have any rating. However, later titles released do include a CERO rating. The location of the rating varies.
Item Number
The Sony serial number located on the spine and obi is the information that should be included in the Item Number field for the entry. Item numbers follow the LLLL NNNNN format (L=Letter, N=Number), including demos and non-retail releases. This item number is to be entered in the Item Number field with the LLLL-NNNNN format, which includes a hyphen (-), even if the hyphen is not physically present. The Sony serial is located on the spine, back cover, front cover, disc, instruction booklet, and other included print materials. Every PlayStation release has a Sony serial which takes precedence in occupying the Item Number field, so other numbers should be entered into the Description field.

Item Number Prefixes

Publisher Serial Number
Several publishers such as Konami and Taito feature additional item numbers on game packaging and disc. These numbers are featured in conjunction with the standard PlayStation serial item number. Placement for these additional item numbers may be present on any combination of between the obi, spine, front cover, back cover, and disc.

Bandai Serial Number
The only publisher as an outlier to the above statement is Bandai/Banpresto and their subsidiary publishing companies. Bandai serials are placed above the barcode on the back side to the jewel case and also the same area on item's obi while adhering to a 104017-NNNNNN-NNNN format, with the last four digits being the item's retail pricing.

A corresponding JASRAC (Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers) item number may be featured on the back cover packaging and disc. This number may be included in the Description field. An accompanying JASRAC label may also be present.

Some items feature a T preceding the JAN barcode sequence. Only the digit sequence should be submitted.
Some releases feature a genre name on the front cover art and disc. This name can be in either English or Japanese text.

Instruction Booklet
Aside from the standard jewel case packaging, the instruction booklet is bundled inside the game case and is not featured prominently as front cover art.
Stock Art
It is common to find stock art online. The easiest way to determine if an image is stock art by "見本" text present. Stock art should be avoided if possible when submitting images.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 09:40:35 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation [KR]
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2023, 08:12:28 pm »
PlayStation [KR]

There are 16 known PlayStation releases known to have originated in Korea. All 16 releases have existing entries in the database. However, more releases could become known at a later time.
Packaged games released in Korea are similar to those released in Japan. They are NTSC J region games.
Packaging Types
Case packaging has been repurposed from Japanese releases so therefore include obi. Additional photo examples can be found further below in PlayStation [JP]. There are at least two types of game case packaging used for items in this category: 1) dark smooth spine and 2) dark ridged spine
In addition to standard cases repurposed from Japanese releases, many Korean games bundle these cases inside a much larger paper box wrapped in a plastic seal. The game case is also sealed in plastic and set inside a paper tray.

Item Number Prefixes

Items feature a KMRB rating which is now outdated and has since been replaced by the GRAC rating system. The KMRB rating is not available to choose from the drop-down menu, so this information may be entered in the Description field. The rating is usually found on the front box cover, front game case cover, and disc. Here is more information about the KMRB rating system.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 10:18:39 am by dhaabi »


PlayStation [NA]
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2023, 08:38:01 pm »
PlayStation [NA]

Packaging Types
There are five types of packaging used for released in this category:

1) jewel case long box

instruction booklet also serves as front cover art
inside features foam rectangle to protect disc with built-in knobs to maintain placement

2) plastic long box

raised plastic ridges serve as packaging spine
outer artwork sheet affixed to packaging, prone to peeling off
usually features interior artwork

3) cardboard long box

flat ridges artwork serve as packaging spine

4) standard jewel case

5) double wide jewel case

usually features both front and back inlay artwork
a black plastic disc tray is affixed to the inner spine to allow for a total of up to four discs to be stored

Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field. In the case of variant releases related to long box packaging type, the descriptor should default to simply "long box." However, if there are multiple long box variants related to a single game, then using the expanded long box name (e.g. plastic long box) should be used.

There is one 1 main line of re-releases, being Greatest Hits.

Collectors' Edition
Bundled sets named Collectors' Edition include 3 unique game prints in their own respective jewel cases, all bundled together in one slipcase.

slipcase package

slipcase components

Item Number
The Sony serial located on the spine is the information that should be included in the Item Number field for the entry. Item numbers generally follow the LLLL NNNNN format (L=Letter, N=Number), including demos and non-retail releases. This item number is to be entered in the Item Number field with the LLLL-NNNNN format, including a hyphen (-) even when not visually present. At times, multi-disc releases will have elongated serials, such as Parasite Eve, which has the item number SLUS-00662/00668/90028.

Additional item number sequences may be found alongside the Sony serial. The formatting for these numbers varies; however, the information should be submitted exactly as it is shown on the packaging.
Examples: The other spine item number for Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is 04-50023TC. The other spine item number for No One Can Stop Mr. Domino is #21182.

The additional spine item number may repeat part of the Sony serial. Like the examples above, this should be treated as a separate item number.
Example: The Sony serial for Spyro the Dragon is SCUS-94228. Meanwhile, the other spine item number for Spyro the Dragon is 94228.

An additional Sony serial unique to the disc itself can be found along the right side of the disc with the format of PSRM-NNNNNN. This number may be submitted to the Description field.

Other item numbers may be found on the front inlay which may also be submitted to the Description field.

Item Number Prefixes

Publisher Serials
Some publishers such as EA regularly feature numerous item numbers across all packaging materials for a specific release. These additional item numbers may be found on the spine, back cover, front cover, disc, or instruction booklet.
Example: Other item numbers for NHL 99 are 790820, 790807, and 790805.

Security Seal
For newly-sealed items, a Sony security seal is affixed along the top edge of the jewel case. A hologram strip crosses from the front cover above the top edge to the back cover. The seal states the item's name, publisher's name, Sony product number, amount of discs packaged, and barcode sequence.

Regional Labels
Some items released in Canada may feature a "For Canadian Use Only" label affixed to the cover.

Some items released in Brazil may feature NC Games distribution labels affixed to both front and back covers.

ClassInd (Brazil),8623.msg145219.html#msg145219

ESRB (North America),8623.msg145213.html#msg145213
The ESRB rating system was given an updated design with the content rating symbols changing from pixelated to non-pixelated. Some games which received multiple reprints feature both designs.

Additionally, the ESRB K-A content rating was discontinued and replaced by ESRB E. Some games which received multiple reprints feature both ratings.

Disc Color
For some games, they were given variant reprints which is noticeable by disc color. This trend has largely been observed in Square Enix releases.
Final Fantasy IX - Greatest Hits (Square Enix / black discs)
Final Fantasy IX - Greatest Hits (Square Enix / silver discs)
Final Fantasy IX - Greatest Hits (Square Enix / white discs)

Working Designs
Games published by Working Designs can be found with disc art variations. Those releases are:
• Alundra
• Arc the Lad Collection
• Elemental Gearbolt
• Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
• Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
• RayCrisis
• RayStorm
• Silhouette Mirage
• Thunder Force V: Perfect System
• Vanguard Bandits

Lightspan was an educational company that released games only available to schools in box lots and not to the public. A box's contents were based on the school’s needs.

Games packages are comprised of discs and instruction booklets contained in a plastic sleeve. However, a game disc may include a variety of different booklets. For each game, the sleeve has two sides: the front showing the instruction booklet and the back showing the disc. For our purposes, front art should show the instruction booklet contained in the sleeve, while back art should should the disc contained in the sleeve. Cart art should show the disc by itself.

Another type of game package related to Lightspan is the PLATO Achieve Now box.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 10:31:51 am by dhaabi »