PlayStation [EU] TypesThere are at least six types of packaging used for released in this category:
1) large case ("PlayStation" embedded all sides)

same length as jewel case but are slightly taller and much thicker
"PlayStation" branding across spine, top edge, and bottom edge
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
may be comprised of one or multiple discs
2) large case ("PlayStation" embedded top/bottom edge only)

same length as jewel case but are slightly taller and much thicker
"PlayStation" branding across top and bottom edge only
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
3) non-branded case

same height and length as jewel case
spine and edges comprised of dark grey plastic frame
disc tray featuring holes
PlayStation/Sony Interactive hologram label
4) cardboard case

same length as jewel case but slightly taller
vertically-repeating "PlayStation" branding across vertical strip
plastic disc tray with grooves glued inside cardboard packaging
5) double-wide jewel case

may be comprised of one or multiple discs
for releases in this packaging that only include one disc, the second half of the case is empty
6) standard jewel case

the most uncommon packaging type for PAL territories
instruction booklet also serves as cover art
Detailing the type of packaging may be submitted to the Description field.
Re-releasesWhile there are many subset lines of re-releases, there are 2 main lines.

Value Series

It is not uncommon for an item to have multiple edition names, such as The White Label re-release also being given a Value Series reprint.
Item NumberItems released in specific countries such as Germany may feature modified Sony serial numbers found on the disc. Sometimes, this is in the form of "LLLL-NNNNN-GER," whereas othertimes it is "LLLL-NNNNN#." Items that are a part of a budget release line may also feature modified item numbers, such as "LLLL-NNNNN/P."

An additional spine item number is usually featured. This is usually an abbreviation of the barcode sequence. Front item numbers present on the inlay are also common. Multiple front numbers may be present and can all be submitted to the Description field.

Item Number Prefixes
SCESSLESPublisher Item NumbersPublishers such as EA / Electronic Arts feature additional item numbers on game packaging and disc. Placement for these additional item numbers may be present on any combination between the spine, front cover, back cover, and disc.

Instruction BookletsIn most packaging case types, the instruction booklet is a separate component than the front inlay which serves as the front cover art. The instruction booklet may feature numerous languages, including those which the game was not originally sold in.
Aside from the standard jewel case packaging type which the instruction booklet doubly serves as front cover art, a game's instruction booklet features slightly different art than the front inlay.
packaging front

instruction booklet front
Hologram LabelItems may or may not feature a hologram Sony label on the front game case. Submitted images featuring the hologram label (if applicable) will be prioritized.

In many instances among secondary markets, packaging materials may be swapped to be placed in different types of cases which are outlined above. At times, items that were not originally packaged in a hologram-present case will be placed in them in error. The easiest way to determine if an item was originally placed in a hologram-present case is by the positioning of front cover information, including (possible) front item numbers as well as the bottom "PlayStation" text, which are both positioned with a considerable space from the left border.
Regional Labels and Country Specific MarkingsAt times, labels that signify a regional release may be present on the outer packaging.
Article 3 of the Décret n°96-360 du 23 avril 1996 relatif aux mises en garde concernant les jeux vidéo ruling declared that all video games sold in France must contain a warning in white characters on a red label or an insert of the same color provided on the printed packaging. The actual text is
Attention : chez certaines personnes, l'utilisation de ce jeu nécessite des précautions d'emploi particulières qui sont détaillées dans la notice jointe and the label looks like this:

The presence of the ATTENTION text is a requirement for an item to be sold in France, but this text may appear on items not sold in France as well. You should be aware that any game released after 1996 with French text on the packaging but lacking this text is likely NOT a game sold in France, and should not have the [FR] TLD put into the name. Items like this are typically sold in Belgium or other French speaking countries.
Media released in Italy after 1926 is required to have an SIAE (Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) marking present. This applies to (at least) music and video games. While this requirement is like the French requirement, unlike the Attention marking, the SIAE is an actual label. Here are the common examples of the paper label and the hologram version:

Another way to identify Italian specific releases is the presence of an HX Halifax or Halifax Italia label on the cover.



Packaging TextNumerous languages may be present on items. However, this is not a clear indication of what the item's origin of sales release information necessarily is. The same can be said for the presence of a country's flag.
BarcodeThe EAN barcode number sequence found on the back cover is often repeated on the front cover. This information can be also entered in the Description field. At times, some multiple regional variants of the same game may share a EAN.
RatingsSometimes a product is sold in multiple countries or multiple regions and can have multiple ratings. You have to choose one rating to use, and it should be based on where the item was released. Additional ratings besides the one selected can be submitted to the Description field. At times, a region-specific item may feature a content rating in the form of an affixed label.
aDeSe (Spain),8623.msg145222.html#msg145222BBFC (United Kingdom),8623.msg145221.html#msg145221ELSPA (Europe),8623.msg145224.html#msg145224The ELSPA rating system was given an updated design. Some games which received multiple reprints feature both designs.

IGAC (Portugal),8623.msg145227.html#msg145227IGAC rating labels are affixed to cases.

PEGI (Europe),8623.msg145220.html#msg145220SELL (France),8623.msg145226.html#msg145226The SELL rating system was given an updated design.

USK (Germany),8623.msg145223.html#msg145223The USK rating system was given an updated design. Some ratings received new text, whereas others received new text and new color. Some games which received multiple prints received both designs. The rating positioning may vary from item to item.

VET/SFB (Finland),8623.msg145225.html#msg145225No Rating
Although uncommon, some items were published with no content ratings or rating labels at all, such as
Resident Evil [FR]. In the event of this situation,
None may be selected as the Rating field option.
Not for Resale discsThere are 2 sets of Not for Resale discs. For demos, the Sony serial begins with SLED and should be placed in the PlayStation Demo category. For full releases, the Sony serial begins with SLES and should be placed in the PlayStation [EU] category. Aside from the serial prefix, the major difference is that SLED discs are all black, whereas SLES discs are black and silver.