Author Topic: favorite video games of all time  (Read 11328 times)


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Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2012, 02:31:05 pm »
The ole Top 10 list.
I think mine changes everyday.  So I'll give today's a shot.

10) NBA Jam (any of the countless iterations of NBA Arcade games made buy Midway) I spent loads of time with this as a teenager.  Last year they came out with one for XBLA.  I played the heck out of it.  It's still awesome.

9) Borderlands - This may just be because I'm waiting on my copy of Borderlands 2 to get here.  My preorder was lost in the mail.

8 ) Mega Man 2 or 3 (I can't decide) - Do I need to explain?  It's Mega Man.

7) Donkey Kong Country - I can come back and play this one over and over.  For me, it's mindless fun.  Move left to right and jump on everyone's head.  The insane amount of secrets adds a ton of replayability. (Is "replayability" a word?)

6) Mario Kart Series (Damn it. They're all good!) - The first one didn't age well, but the rest are a blast.  This is a big reason I want a 3DS

5) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - This is one of the best games ever.  It's fun, engaging, and well paced.  I love it.

4) Conker's Bad Fur Day - Toilet Humor? Check.  Movie Parodies? Check.  Awesome Platforming? Check.  Shit Monster? Check.

3) Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Mario's the ref.  Soda Popinski's a dick.  Mike Tyson's impossible for me to beat.  I love this game.

2) Contra - I defy you to find a better Co-op game.  See, you just tried and couldn't.  I'm sure you'll come up with something, but you'll be wrong

1) Super Mario Bros. 3 - There was a close run between this Super Mario World.  These two games are the apex of platforming.  Big fan of those Mario games

So there it is.  My Top 10 favorite games at 1:30 P.M. on September 25th 2012.  It'll change by the time I hit post.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2012, 04:21:43 pm »
This topic has been done already, in fact the first one was started by you as well:,1106.0.html,1422.0.html


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2012, 05:18:34 pm »

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Cyan, Terra, and Celes.

Fixed it for ya! :)

Bahahaha. My only  acceptable change would have been::

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Shadow, Terra, and Mog.

I like to switch up my fourth character every run through. The only characters I dont like in the game are Strago and Umaro.

Cyan is actually the worst character in the game. His Sword Techniques are weak compared to every other special move. His magic is the lowest of the characters that can use it, so he's weaksauce there too. Bummed me out when I found that out, because I actually liked Cyan as a kid, but the true ultimate team is...........

Gau, Sabin, Edgar, and Shadow.

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2012, 05:47:26 pm »
So, I feel like I'm going to be burned for this, but I really didn't LOVE fallout 3.  I never really felt any kind of connection to anyone in the game, even my character.  The story arc didn't seem well paced to me, and without giving any spoilers, the end of the game totally snuck up on me.  I guess it is because I didn't do enough of the side missions and whatnot, but I had only explored a tiny part of the map, and all of a sudden I was in the last mission of the game.

Throughout the game, I was annoyed by ALWAYS being hurt or encumbered or both, and although I know why they did that, and what it was trying to achieve, I found it more irritating than creating a mood of survival or whatever. 

Did I miss something? 


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2012, 01:41:16 am »
This topic has been done already, in fact the first one was started by you as well:,1106.0.html,1422.0.html
im not trying to be an a$$ hole here but general category has over 7000 Posts in it im not digging through it to find two old posts

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2012, 02:26:36 pm »
10: anything Lego! lego island, the lego mmo that is now defunct, Lego saga games i love em all!
9: NES play action football: one of the few sports games i thoroughly enjoy!
8: Super mario RPG Legend of seven stars SNES: honestly, one of the best RPG's i have ever played, simple, fun, funny, childish, but still challenging enough...
7: Age of Empires: sentemental placement :) we broke the protection on our schools computers in 1998 and installed this game... :) played a lan network game with players at random locations across the school. :)
6: Lemmings: wow... this game is fun. if never played, go play it! save them or kill them, up to you!
5: Civilization 2 PC: almost caused me to get kicked out of university.... :)
4: StarCraft PC: SC2 sucks in my opinion.... Starcraft 1, thats another story. i currently own 12 copies of the game, i have 21 codes to access with, because i physically wore out 7 disks by playing the game too much. i built 7 extra computers to build a lan in my house so i could play with my friends.... i still can wipe the floor with them in this game. 7 vs 1 :)
3: Sim City 4 PC: mmmmmm build a city... :)
2: Crystalis - NES RPG, the first RPG i ever played start to finish. this one has a nice place in my heart... :) i will find myself responding with Crystalis when someone asks me what my favorite game ever is, the only reason it isnt number 1 is cause it isnt my fall back game.
1: Defender of the Crown: a simple game for NES and PC, i own both copies, old and easy, its my go to game when i am bored and start to think "i have nothing to play" something about this game makes me want to play it all the bloody time... and it isnt even that great!

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2012, 05:55:12 pm »
There are so many games I've enjoyed over the years. I think I'll narrow it down to my favorite nostalgia-inducing PC games.

10) Barbie Magic Hairstyler: This game was awesome--hell, I'd play it now if I still had it. I am a princess always and forever!!!!
9) Tomb Raider: I never knew the meaning of adventure until I met Lara Croft.
8 ) The Sims: You either loved this game or hated it. I spent hours upon hours deciding what color carpet to put in the living room and how to rise through the ranks as a budding cat burglar. I also liked to take the ladder off the pool to see how long my Sims could tread water before they succumbed to exhaustion. *evil laughter*
7) Alien Carnage/Halloween Harry: Side-scrolling adventure where you kill zombie-aliens and rescue the pretty lady.
6) SkyRoads: drive your spaceship down the skyroad but keep clear of its hazards. Also, listen to awesome techno music while you cruise through space.
5) D: It's like Myst if it were a survival horror. A creepy game with weird puzzles.
4) Crime City: Point and click adventure! Help to clear your fathers' name after he's falsely accused of murder.
3) Relentless - Twinsen's Adventure: Have fun escaping from an asylum and go on a quest to defeat a maniacal tyrant controlling your planet while interacting with tons of anthropomorphic animals in a colorful world.
2) Wolfenstein 3D: old school FPS complete with Nazi killing! Need I say more?
1) Myst: I'll never forget falling in love with the mysterious and beautiful island of Myst.

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2012, 07:42:56 pm »
Well, here's my top 10, in no particular order.

10.) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - Alright, this game is sort of a guilty pleasure. I put hundreds of hours into 100%ing this game and I had a blast with the whole thing. On top of that, it cracked me up almost every few minutes.

9.) Nier - Literally one of the most mindfucking games I have ever played. You can spend HOURS learning the background of this game and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

8.) Fatal Frame 2 - One of my favorite horror games from one of my favorite horror series of all time. This game nailed nearly every aspect; atmosphere, story, gameplay. It is truly an amazing experience.

7.) Demon's Souls - Honestly, if you don't think this game is great there is something wrong with you. The entire experience of this game is truly amazing. I don't want to spoil anything, but holy SHIT Maden Astraea and Storm King are fun.

6.) Dark Souls - The only reason I put this above Demon's Souls is because of the time I've poured into it. I've poured at least 1000 hours into Dark Souls and I haven't gotten tired of it. The PVP system is unique and the game does a truly amazing job of blending both single player and multiplayer.

5.) Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Alright, this one is pretty easy to understand. The game is so damn fun to play, especially with friends or online in general. It looks AMAZING for a PSP game, and most of all killing any monster feels rewarding.

4.) Metal Gear Solid 3 - Alright, here we have it. Metal Gear Solid 3, one of the greatest games I have ever played. The story is amazing, the characters are amazing, the voice acting is good, hell, the entire experience is truly amazing. The gameplay is really engaging. There isn't much else to say, other than this game is nearly perfect.

3.) Persona 3: FES - I played this game when I was in early high school and I don't think I've ever felt so immersed in a game. You can truly see yourself as the main character and it almost feels like you are IN the game. The characters are all believable and the Persona system is fun as hell.

2.) Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - This game is quite literally one of the funnest games I've played in my life. It has an excellent story, fast paced combat, amazing art style, the only downside is that it has mediocre voice acting.

1.) Fatal Frame 4 - Here we have it. My favorite game of all time. This game truly seemed to NAIL survival horror. This game has a lot of subtle things that spook you that you may or may not notice, and it also has the complementary jump scares. The atmosphere is AMAZING and you will always feel on edge when playing this game. Really, there isn't much I can say other than you NEED to play this.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 07:44:45 pm by toybatsu »

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2012, 04:44:48 pm »
 1 gyruss
2 links awakening
3 big bang mini
4 musha
5 sonic chaos
6 Truxton
7sonic cd
8 super castlevania IV
9 streets of rage
10 gameboy tetris

This list changes often, so I can't say this is permanent.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2012, 04:50:27 pm »
7 sonic cd
This list changes often, so I can't say this is permanent.
which one pc or sega CD/mega CD

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2012, 12:18:14 am »
@htimreimer I haven't played the pc version yet. I have played the mobile and Sega cd version. If the mobile version had a genesis controller then I would prefer it because the Sega cd version is glitchy, but I have to go with the Sega cd version just because of the controller.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2012, 02:56:02 am »
I have a lot of favorite games... For me, a great game is anything that isn't afraid to try something new, it dosen't matter if they succeed or if they fail. Some of them are:

-Shodow Of The Colossus/Silent Hill 2/Persona 4: for their extensive worlds and their amazing aesthetics
-Final Fantasy 6/Chrono Trigger/Mass Effect: for their genius storytelling
-Super Mario RPG/Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga: For their innovative battle systems

But my favorite game of all time has to be Rogue Galaxy! This game may not be the best game ever, but when I first played it, it hit all of the things I wanted out of a game: Expansive Worlds, Compelling Characters, Innovative Battle System and Imaginative, but Coherent Story!
Crying does not show your weakness... Crying means you have the strength to accept all of your emotions!
Now playing: Ratchet & Clank Collection - PS3


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2012, 07:50:48 am »
Kinda hard, alright top 10. No particular order after the n°1.

N°1 : Suikoden II. Has it all, music, characters, story, not my first RPG but surely my favorite.
N°2 : Castlevania symphony of the night
N°3 : Xenosaga(dont know which one, all Xeno games are awesome)
N°4 : Star Ocean 2
N°5 : American's mcgee Alice
N°6 : ICO
N°7 : Metal Gear Solid 2
N°8 : Silent Hill 2(best game of the whole serie)
N°9 : Witcher 1 and 2(both are good really)
N°10 : Resident Evil 1 Remake (cheesy at time but awesome horror game).

10 are not enough, still have a lot of games i love Galerians, Medievil, Alone in the Dark, YS, Final Fantasy, Fatal Frame, Deux EX, Black... Too many.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 07:52:49 am by anton »


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2012, 10:55:12 am »
Here we go (changes frequently based on my mood):

10. Ninja Gaiden III
09. Persona 4
08. Metal Gear Solid 4 (Any of the console releases could fit here.)
07. Final Fantasy VI
06. Chrono Trigger
05. Silent Hill 2
04. Final Fantasy XII
03. Devil May Cry 3
02. Fallout III
01. Dark Souls

Games that could also easily be in this list are:

SMT: Nocturne, SMT: Digital Devil Saga, Contra III, A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy IV, Shadow of the Colossus, Skyrim, Resident Evil 2, Earthworm Jim, 999, UN Squadron, etc.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 11:09:51 am by darko »


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Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2012, 11:21:11 am »
Chrono Trigger

Funny you should mention CT, Darko :)

I've hit TWO (and have over-come ONE) "frustration"/"sticking"-points in the game, thus far.

To be fair, though, it's not the game's fault that it's harder for me to do things having only the 1 hand to work with...

At any rate, the 1st one was Death's Peak.

- What with all of the ice/slipping & sliding while trying to hide from the wind behind trees...after several, consecutive failed attempts...I was pissed enough to leave the game alone for a day or 2 before trying it again.  Luckily (and very pleasantly surprising:) - I nailed it on my 1st attempt coming back to it  ;D

It's now been another 2 or 3 days since I've played it...

...this time, I stopped playing after several annoyingly frustrating hours of running around the "GenoDome" (at least, I'm pretty sure that's the right name) ===> (it's the place for Robo's side-quest/best weapon).

I've been going at it w/o a guide...and I found (and deposited) one little 'doll' thing somewhere -and- it looks like I need to get another one...but...there's a robot that *blocks* me every time I go anywhere near the damned thing...Argh!!!

I'm thinking about giving it another try later today...I'll get there, eventually!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"