10: anything Lego! lego island, the lego mmo that is now defunct, Lego saga games i love em all!
9: NES play action football: one of the few sports games i thoroughly enjoy!
8: Super mario RPG Legend of seven stars SNES: honestly, one of the best RPG's i have ever played, simple, fun, funny, childish, but still challenging enough...
7: Age of Empires: sentemental placement

we broke the protection on our schools computers in 1998 and installed this game...

played a lan network game with players at random locations across the school.
6: Lemmings: wow... this game is fun. if never played, go play it! save them or kill them, up to you!
5: Civilization 2 PC: almost caused me to get kicked out of university....

4: StarCraft PC: SC2 sucks in my opinion.... Starcraft 1, thats another story. i currently own 12 copies of the game, i have 21 codes to access B.net with, because i physically wore out 7 disks by playing the game too much. i built 7 extra computers to build a lan in my house so i could play with my friends.... i still can wipe the floor with them in this game. 7 vs 1

3: Sim City 4 PC: mmmmmm build a city...
2: Crystalis - NES RPG, the first RPG i ever played start to finish. this one has a nice place in my heart...

i will find myself responding with Crystalis when someone asks me what my favorite game ever is, the only reason it isnt number 1 is cause it isnt my fall back game.
1: Defender of the Crown: a simple game for NES and PC, i own both copies, old and easy, its my go to game when i am bored and start to think "i have nothing to play" something about this game makes me want to play it all the bloody time... and it isnt even that great!