1. Shenmue and Shenmue II: There are very few games that I feel are works of art, but this is hands down one of them. The game seriously grips my emotions the whole way through; love the story, love the characters, love the setting, love the collecting, love the gameplay, love it, love it, love it! This may sound a little over dramatic, but I honestly feel like part of my life will remain incomplete if Shenmue III never gets made. I have never played such a satisfying and captivating game in my whole life

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: This is one of those games that deserves every little bit of hype and praise it gets. If it weren't for Shenmue's emotional pull on me, this game would be number 1 since it is definitely the closest game to prefection I have ever had the pleasure of playing.
3. Final Fantasy VII: I know a lot of people say it is overrated and whatnot, however I think it deserves its accolades and reputation as being one of the best, if not the best RPG of all time. It was the game that made me fall in love with RPGs, so I owe it a lot.
4. Half Life 2: By a country mile the best FPS I've ever played. It is also the most imersive and entertaining FPS ever created imo. I have played it almost annually since it was released in 2004.
5. Zone of the Enders: The best action game I have ever played, and also the most underrated game I have ever played. The gameplay is extremely fast paced, fluid, and simple, yet challenging. Also everything about this game screams Anime, which is a big reason why I love it so much!
6. Super Mario 64: I owe this game my obsession with gaming. I have played through this game so many times since I got it with my N64 back in 1996 that it isn't even a challenge at all, but that still doesn't stop me from replaying it frequently. Such a satisfying game.
7. Marvel vs Capcom 2: The most entertaining and insane fighting game I have ever played. If anyone is curious, my dream team is Mega Man, Cable, and Ryu (Projectile Types FTW!)
8. Resident Evil (Gamecube remake): This is still the most genuinely scary game I have ever played, and is the best looking game on the GC imo. While it was not my first RE game, it was the title that made me fall in love with the franchise and the survival horror genre.
9. Perfect Dark: Until Half Life 2, this game was my goto FPS game, and even games like Halo couldn't even unseat it as my favorite FPS of all time.
10. Radiant Silvergun: The best SHMUP ever created and the best game to be produced by the legendary developer Treasure. One of the only expensive games I have ever played that deserves its high price 110%.