Some catching up to do! Work's been really busy this week since we're down another person in the dept (retired) - hopefully they let us hire some more people soon. Anyway...
Kenny - congrats on the TtT2 plat!
You've certainly earned that one. As for what to play next, from the ones I've played on your list I'd recommend Walking Dead S1. It will be a nice change of pace from an RPG and is also pretty short, so it should act as a sort of "pallet cleanser" if you decide to jump into CoH2G next (and I really want to hear your thoughts on that one!).
Also, avoid the PS3 Front Mission like the plague that it is. It has NOTHING in common with the older games. Instead of a great turn-based strategy game it's a very poorly done 3rd person action game. Complete garbage.
bikingjahuty - That really sucks about the MM CE. I was telling a friend last night about the situation with it. He and I had both picked up the Destiny Ghost Ed. last year, and after I played the game I considered briefly selling mine because I like the game but didn't LOVE it. But I told him last night I'm glad I didn't, because I didn't want to contribute to that eBay scalping scene. It's a shame when people who want to own a game can't get it because there are too many others out to make a quick buck. And of course, a good bit of the blame also goes to Nintendo for making this set insanely limited (apparently...still hoping store pre-orders open up, but not expecting it
). If I hadn't been friends w/ a GS manager who called me when the bundles went up on GS' site late yesterday afternoon, I would have missed it as well. Gonna have to put down an in-store preorder with him now as a "thank you", and give him a nice glowing feedback review too.