We don't do politics on here...
sez who?
since when?
Anything & everything is fair game here

Meaning, any *
subject* can be talked about & have opinions expressed on here (
My thread, My rules!)

Normally, I don't talk politics. But, eh, a good read on some issues in a state I've been to many times due to family and other reasons seemed fitting given how heavy this year has been in the news.
Feel free to talk about whatever the hell you like, think, dislike, and fell on here

Expounding a bit on what I started above: there's no such thing as "
___ (subject or topic) can't or should never be brought up or said/spoken about here"
It's like "bad"/"mean" dogs; there's no such thing...there's ass-holes & ignorant *
people*, who train, influence heavily, and contribute greatly to how/what kind of pet they end up with.
Why the analogy?
Because...no subject or topic, is inherently, good/bad, sacred/evil, taboo/etc.
just like with the animals...it's the *
people* discussing these subjects that cause problems.
And, tbqh, I give 99.9% of our regular & active posting community here more credit than that!
We all can & should (Hell...I know that I've done so countless times on here

) be able to disagree w/o being disagreeable, and...*maturely* be able to discuss any & all things with each other.
Again - I have plenty of faith in myself & my friends here (mods or otherwise), and have seen this community successfully "police" itself, suss-out trolls, instigators, and contrarians, and 'handle' (whether by encouragement, discouragement, and/or sometimes...a simple but direct "life lesson" on what is & is not tolerated and expected here).