Aside from light video game shopping and gymming, most of this weekend was spent with HD Noire and maxing out Lily Ranks for the girls. I told this to dark, but I'll share it with the rest of you. HD Noire has -the- best writing in the entire series. The amount of inside jokes and one-liners the writers put in make it seem as the though the game was meant for those that have been gaming for years. Combat is fluid, even for a strategy RPG. Unlike something like Kartia or FF Tactics, the battles are over within minutes. Even with all of the gimmicks like switches, warp points, conveyor belts and the like, battles are the right length. There are other good things, but I need to explain my thoughts about the Lily grinding:
GAAAAAAHHHH!!!11!!one!eleven! >_____<
I know, I know. They are entirely optional. But, I love the Neptunia series and I like having 100% with each entry. HD Noire is no different, but grinding these Lily Ranks has been mind numbing. And I only partially scratched the surface with them. If not for Netflix/Hulu and the need to catch up on a variety of shows and documentaries I would have snapped long ago and quit the game entirely.
I know a thing or two about patience since I've gotten some really tiresome trophies. But these might be more frustrating. After I finish this game, I think I'm going to play a couple of action games. I'll need to let out some aggression.