My next door neighbors put their house up for sale. If anyone wants to live their dream of being my neighbor, now's your chance! (I'm looking at you, fighterpilot562.)
Haha, if i was to move out of state, ive always considered Washington state and Oregon. Never really thought about your state. How many bedrooms and how much?
Also, the wedding went well. it was quick too, we waited longer in the waiting room then the actual wedding. At the reception, my buddy and i was suppose to play beer pong all night till we got drunk(i havent been drunk in years, i figure i can do it for him this one time). I ended up baby sitting his mom cause she got super drunk. Good times lol.
And my brother texted me this morning asking "what atari games you looking for", he is out of state and guess found a retro store. so i gave him a quick list of some of the stuff i want.