Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1857304 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11505 on: June 30, 2016, 10:26:46 am »
I never even heard of Sure Post. But I doubt I'll ever order from Square's store again if this is what they do to send their things. I'll see what happens today. Otherwise it'll be time to start making a few calls.

Sure Post? More like Unsure Post. SLAM!!

It's a friggin' joke.  It seems to me to be a way for all the shipping services to get in cahoots and fuck shit up worse than it already is.  But they may be doing you a favor if the reviews I have been seeing for the new Star Ocean are as bad as the reviewers make it out to be.   :'(

Yeah, I haven't read any of them, but I have been hearing that the reviews for SO5 are low. Obviously, I'll formulate my own opinion when (if?) I play it. There are so many games out there that I really enjoyed that have an overall negative score.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11506 on: June 30, 2016, 10:33:53 am »
Last night after work, grilling some steak, talking with the family and relaxing, I thought I would cap my evening off with a little bit of Halo 5.  Turned the 'bone on, fired up Halo and guess what?  Mandatory 7.5 gig update!   ::)  I swear to all that is holy that every time I try to play this friggin' game it has some mandatory update! 

Then I don't know what the hell the Killer Instinct Combo Breaker whatever pack did.  It installed, but then had five or six separate characters in the "que" pending install.  They just sat there for a couple days.  So I tried to cancel them and restart them.  No go.  Spinal was one of the characters pending an install, but I played with him when I fired the game up.   :-\  I finally just deleted them from the download que.
Yeah, Xbox doesn't seem to know how to handle updates well.  I get failed updates all the time.  Also, KI is so whack, it's "free to play" but you only get 1 character, if you buy the Combo Breaker pack, you get all of the other characters (from that season) to unlock to play.  F2P is stupid and I hate it and it can eat my poo.

I never even heard of Sure Post. But I doubt I'll ever order from Square's store again if this is what they do to send their things. I'll see what happens today. Otherwise it'll be time to start making a few calls.

Sure Post? More like Unsure Post. SLAM!!

It's a friggin' joke.  It seems to me to be a way for all the shipping services to get in cahoots and fuck shit up worse than it already is.  But they may be doing you a favor if the reviews I have been seeing for the new Star Ocean are as bad as the reviewers make it out to be.   :'(

Yeah, I haven't read any of them, but I have been hearing that the reviews for SO5 are low. Obviously, I'll formulate my own opinion when (if?) I play it. There are so many games out there that I really enjoyed that have an overall negative score.
Probably like how reviewers say Mighty No. 9 is shit, but everybody that I know who has played it, loves the game.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11507 on: June 30, 2016, 10:49:42 am »
I never even heard of Sure Post. But I doubt I'll ever order from Square's store again if this is what they do to send their things. I'll see what happens today. Otherwise it'll be time to start making a few calls.

Sure Post? More like Unsure Post. SLAM!!

It's a friggin' joke.  It seems to me to be a way for all the shipping services to get in cahoots and fuck shit up worse than it already is.  But they may be doing you a favor if the reviews I have been seeing for the new Star Ocean are as bad as the reviewers make it out to be.   :'(

Yeah, I haven't read any of them, but I have been hearing that the reviews for SO5 are low. Obviously, I'll formulate my own opinion when (if?) I play it. There are so many games out there that I really enjoyed that have an overall negative score.

Spoiler free, from what I have read the major complaints are that all the good ideas just never go anywhere and that the world is extremely small.  I agree that many times, games that get poor review scores end up being a lot of fun.  Turbo Prop Racing on the PS1 got pounded in the reviews for bad controls and bland graphics.  But I'll be damned if I didn't have a ton of fun playing that game.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11508 on: June 30, 2016, 11:03:35 am »
Spoiler free, from what I have read the major complaints are that all the good ideas just never go anywhere and that the world is extremely small.  I agree that many times, games that get poor review scores end up being a lot of fun.  Turbo Prop Racing on the PS1 got pounded in the reviews for bad controls and bland graphics.  But I'll be damned if I didn't have a ton of fun playing that game.

Game length seems to be the biggest complaint from everyone. I'm not too concerned about that since I need to play the game three times in order to get the platinum trophy.

Probably like how reviewers say Mighty No. 9 is shit, but everybody that I know who has played it, loves the game.

I'm not sure when, but somewhere along the way I lost interest in MN9. I'll probably pick it up when it's in the bargain bins.

Oh, and regarding the Game Stop story? I'm not surprised. It feels like that store constantly takes one step forward and two steps back. I know a lot of people on here worked there or are still working there, so my complaints about the store obviously don't apply to y'all.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11509 on: June 30, 2016, 11:34:08 am »
So there was this lady and her kid in the store, she was being kind of rude and belligerent, but I had a feeling it was because of something the employees did.  I'm not sure what happened or what went on before I got in the store, but I walked in and immediately got in line behind 2 other people.  She made some comment to one of the employees asking for assistance or something and, who I assume is an assistant manager, told her to get in line.  This is fine by me, but she had been standing at the counter before I got in the store.  Side story, her kid is walking around the store (mostly Wii, Wii U, 3DS) and sneezing all over everything.  So she gets up to the counter to finally deal with her issue.  Apparently she bought a $20 DS game for her kid, and used a 20% off coupon paid with Powerup Rewards points ($16).  Well the game doesn't work, so she wanted to exchange it for a working copy.  Well the story didn't have any other copies of the game, which is where the shenanigans come in.  And I know this is shenanigans because I used to work at Gamestop and I know how their PoS system works.  So the lady asked about returning it and getting her money and the coupon back.  They told her they can't refund the coupon and the system has no way of returning the spent reward points back to your account.  This I believe is true.  So she asked if she could swap it for another game that is the same price.  They told her that she can't do that either, since she used a 20% coupon she can only swap it for a product that is $15 (which isn't 20% off of $20 if you don't understand math).  This is bullshit, because I know for a fact that you can price mod an item and mark why you modified the price, and this is definitely something you wouldn't get in trouble for. So basically they screwed her over for no good reason.  You could maybe blame that on her attitude, but I decided to kind of test the waters with these guys.  I asked them if they could check if another store had a copy of a game and they out right refused to do so, making different excuses.

You are right on the points. Gamestop employees have nothing to do with the power up rewards and cant refund points or anything. You are also right on the rest of it. She absolutely could have exchanged it and they would have been able to price drop to match. They also could have looked up the game at other stores. Sounds like some lazy employees.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11510 on: June 30, 2016, 11:39:34 am »
Last night after work, grilling some steak, talking with the family and relaxing, I thought I would cap my evening off with a little bit of Halo 5.  Turned the 'bone on, fired up Halo and guess what?  Mandatory 7.5 gig update!   ::)  I swear to all that is holy that every time I try to play this friggin' game it has some mandatory update! 

Then I don't know what the hell the Killer Instinct Combo Breaker whatever pack did.  It installed, but then had five or six separate characters in the "que" pending install.  They just sat there for a couple days.  So I tried to cancel them and restart them.  No go.  Spinal was one of the characters pending an install, but I played with him when I fired the game up.   :-\  I finally just deleted them from the download que.

Its the 'bone. Its going to be a pain in the ass. I honestly think you should toss that bastard up on Ebay or something and get you some cash and put it back into your 4. I couldnt handle mine and sold it.

I never even heard of Sure Post. But I doubt I'll ever order from Square's store again if this is what they do to send their things. I'll see what happens today. Otherwise it'll be time to start making a few calls.

Sure Post? More like Unsure Post. SLAM!!

It's a friggin' joke.  It seems to me to be a way for all the shipping services to get in cahoots and fuck shit up worse than it already is.  But they may be doing you a favor if the reviews I have been seeing for the new Star Ocean are as bad as the reviewers make it out to be.   :'(

Yeah, I haven't read any of them, but I have been hearing that the reviews for SO5 are low. Obviously, I'll formulate my own opinion when (if?) I play it. There are so many games out there that I really enjoyed that have an overall negative score.

SurePost is UPS' stupid way to make sure that something shipped arrives on a certain day. Basically to make sure a game doesnt hit someone's house before the actual street date but they almost always fuck it up. Its stupid.

And fuck reviews. Star Ocean is all I have played since the day I got it and Im really enjoying it. And I opened Mighty no 9 the day I got it and played it every day til I got Star Ocean.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11511 on: June 30, 2016, 11:54:43 am »
That's good to hear. Another friend of mine is enjoying Star Ocean, as well. There is so much negativity on its GameFAQs board. Some of the comments on there are ridiculous, but I have to remind myself that it's GameFAQs so reasoning is thrown out the window.


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11512 on: June 30, 2016, 12:35:43 pm »
Nothing like wanting to strangle one of your gaming buddies, because he decides at 1am to start being a jerk and ruining our heist runs on gta 5, because he was pissy about something. and wasting everyone time.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11513 on: June 30, 2016, 12:56:13 pm »
Its the 'bone. Its going to be a pain in the ass. I honestly think you should toss that bastard up on Ebay or something and get you some cash and put it back into your 4. I couldnt handle mine and sold it.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Halo I wouldn't keep it.  But I love the old Halo games.  Reach is my favorite.  The system was free and it looks cool and there are a handful of games on it that I enjoy and a couple more I want.  I've always wanted to play the Rare Replay games so there is that.

As for the interface and how the system handles it's functions & downloads, the PS4 trumps it all around.  This is especially surprising given that Microsoft is a software company and that stuff has never been Sony's strong suit. 

Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, but one of the biggest criticisms against the PS4 is how it handles your games list which essentially is a list that scrolls horizontally and at the end, you can pull up a screen with all your games in alphabetical order.  I don't see how the Xbox One interface is any better, when I have to scroll to the bottom of the home screen, click the games box and then there is...wait for it...a screen full of games that you have to scroll through!  And hey, they aren't even alphabetized on the 'bone!  Again, maybe I just haven't figured it out yet if there is a way to change it, but it seems completely counter-intuitive to me.

In addition, closing out an app is a pain in the ass on the Xbox One.  On the PS4, you long press the "PS" button and you have the option to close the game, shut the system down, etc.  Again I may just be missing something, but on the Xbox One, you have to go back to the home screen, then press the button with no name that would normally be called "start" and then select to close the software

The way the Xbox One handles downloads is crappy as well.  For example, I bought Halo 5 Guardians.  The game drug on installing forever and I couldn't even start it until it was 100% complete.  Then, it pops up and tells me I have to update the game.  I can't cancel it and just go into the single player mode.  I had to completely turn the Wi-Fi off on the system to get it to launch the game.  Then I played a bit, went back online and began the 35+ gig massive update which literally took from Monday night until Wednesday to finish.  There was a break in there during the day when I think my ISP said "What the hell is this guy downloading?!"  but it still took forever.

The PS4 on the other hand, I'll use Uncharted 4 for an example.  I put the game disc in.  Within 60 seconds of the install starting, I could hit start and begin playing.  When the game starts, a prompt comes up telling me there is an update.  I cancel the update and continue playing.  When I get done with my play session, I exit the game.  Guess what?  The update downloaded in the background.  I restart the game, the update is applied and I'm all done.  I didn't have to wait for an install.  I didn't have to sit there with my thumb in my ass while the game updated.  I got to play as much as I wanted and installed the update at the time of my choosing. 

Had I had an Xbox One and bought Halo 5 at the midnight release, I would be beyond pissed the fuck off that I couldn't play it for over a day.  Naturally, all 35+ gigs of updates weren't there day one, but there was a hefty day-one update and the game won't even let you start the single player until a long-ass install is finished! 
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 12:59:49 pm by gf78 »
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11514 on: June 30, 2016, 12:57:48 pm »
I started playing Zero Time Dilemma on Tuesday when I got it and holy carp is that game addicting! I'm at work and can only think of playing it. I'm actually afraid I'll neglect my chores this weekend, I'll have to lock up my Vita somewhere until my place is sparkling clean  :o


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11515 on: June 30, 2016, 01:01:32 pm »
As for the interface and how the system handles it's functions & downloads, the PS4 trumps it all around.  This is especially surprising given that Microsoft is a software company and that stuff has never been Sony's strong suit. 

Oh my gosh I could go on for hours about that. All that you said, + the Bone controller feels so unresponsive, it takes forever for any button to register in the menus. And can we talk about how those menus are just menus within menus within menus where you can't find anything you're looking for? And about those menus, why is it that on the main menu you have to press LEFT to open the icon that's at the TOP of the screen? And development kits keep resetting randomly and you have to set them up all over again all the time. And...

Nope, I'll stop there. I'll spare you guys.  ::)

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11516 on: June 30, 2016, 01:04:36 pm »
Its the 'bone. Its going to be a pain in the ass. I honestly think you should toss that bastard up on Ebay or something and get you some cash and put it back into your 4. I couldnt handle mine and sold it.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Halo I wouldn't keep it.  But I love the old Halo games.  Reach is my favorite.  The system was free and it looks cool and there are a handful of games on it that I enjoy and a couple more I want.  I've always wanted to play the Rare Replay games so there is that.

As for the interface and how the system handles it's functions & downloads, the PS4 trumps it all around.  This is especially surprising given that Microsoft is a software company and that stuff has never been Sony's strong suit. 

Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, but one of the biggest criticisms against the PS4 is how it handles your games list which essentially is a list that scrolls horizontally and at the end, you can pull up a screen with all your games in alphabetical order.  I don't see how the Xbox One interface is any better, when I have to scroll to the bottom of the home screen, click the games box and then there is...wait for it...a screen full of games that you have to scroll through!  And hey, they aren't even alphabetized on the 'bone!  Again, maybe I just haven't figured it out yet if there is a way to change it, but it seems completely counter-intuitive to me.

In addition, closing out an app is a pain in the ass on the Xbox One.  On the PS4, you long press the "PS" button and you have the option to close the game, shut the system down, etc.  Again I may just be missing something, but on the Xbox One, you have to go back to the home screen, then press the button with no name that would normally be called "start" and then select to close the software

The way the Xbox One handles downloads is crappy as well.  For example, I bought Halo 5 Guardians.  The game drug on installing forever and I couldn't even start it until it was 100% complete.  Then, it pops up and tells me I have to update the game.  I can't cancel it and just go into the single player mode.  I had to completely turn the Wi-Fi off on the system to get it to launch the game.  Then I played a bit, went back online and began the 35+ gig massive update which literally took from Monday night until Wednesday to finish.  There was a break in there during the day when I think my ISP said "What the hell is this guy downloading?!"  but it still took forever.

The PS4 on the other hand, I'll use Uncharted 4 for an example.  I put the game disc in.  Within 60 seconds of the install starting, I could hit start and begin playing.  When the game starts, a prompt comes up telling me there is an update.  I cancel the update and continue playing.  When I get done with my play session, I exit the game.  Guess what?  The update downloaded in the background.  I restart the game, the update is applied and I'm all done.  I didn't have to wait for an install.  I didn't have to sit there with my thumb in my ass while the game updated.  I got to play as much as I wanted and installed the update at the time of my choosing.
My X1 game list is alphabetical.

When highlighting a game or app, press the option button (The button with 3 lines I think) and click quit app/game.

Again, yes, X1 sucks with download and updates, they don't really support background downloads or anything, sort of similar to how the PS3 and 360 did updates.  X1 was built with an architecture based on the idea of an always online always connected system.  And you can't be online if you aren't up to date, and you can't be offline, so you can't do anything until you are up to date.  It's retarded.

Fun fact.  I was playing Wolfenstein the new order back when it first came out and while I was playing, I died and obviously clicked reload from checkpoint, when it went to reload the checkpoint, my X1 decided to do a check and see if there were any title updates, found a title update, and shut off the game without saving or asking and started updating.  Had to start the level from the beginning.  I contacted support, there response is that it is a feature of the console.  A FEATURE.


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11517 on: June 30, 2016, 01:10:35 pm »
Its the 'bone. Its going to be a pain in the ass. I honestly think you should toss that bastard up on Ebay or something and get you some cash and put it back into your 4. I couldnt handle mine and sold it.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Halo I wouldn't keep it.  But I love the old Halo games.  Reach is my favorite.  The system was free and it looks cool and there are a handful of games on it that I enjoy and a couple more I want.  I've always wanted to play the Rare Replay games so there is that.

As for the interface and how the system handles it's functions & downloads, the PS4 trumps it all around.  This is especially surprising given that Microsoft is a software company and that stuff has never been Sony's strong suit. 

Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, but one of the biggest criticisms against the PS4 is how it handles your games list which essentially is a list that scrolls horizontally and at the end, you can pull up a screen with all your games in alphabetical order.  I don't see how the Xbox One interface is any better, when I have to scroll to the bottom of the home screen, click the games box and then there is...wait for it...a screen full of games that you have to scroll through!  And hey, they aren't even alphabetized on the 'bone!  Again, maybe I just haven't figured it out yet if there is a way to change it, but it seems completely counter-intuitive to me.

In addition, closing out an app is a pain in the ass on the Xbox One.  On the PS4, you long press the "PS" button and you have the option to close the game, shut the system down, etc.  Again I may just be missing something, but on the Xbox One, you have to go back to the home screen, then press the button with no name that would normally be called "start" and then select to close the software

The way the Xbox One handles downloads is crappy as well.  For example, I bought Halo 5 Guardians.  The game drug on installing forever and I couldn't even start it until it was 100% complete.  Then, it pops up and tells me I have to update the game.  I can't cancel it and just go into the single player mode.  I had to completely turn the Wi-Fi off on the system to get it to launch the game.  Then I played a bit, went back online and began the 35+ gig massive update which literally took from Monday night until Wednesday to finish.  There was a break in there during the day when I think my ISP said "What the hell is this guy downloading?!"  but it still took forever.

The PS4 on the other hand, I'll use Uncharted 4 for an example.  I put the game disc in.  Within 60 seconds of the install starting, I could hit start and begin playing.  When the game starts, a prompt comes up telling me there is an update.  I cancel the update and continue playing.  When I get done with my play session, I exit the game.  Guess what?  The update downloaded in the background.  I restart the game, the update is applied and I'm all done.  I didn't have to wait for an install.  I didn't have to sit there with my thumb in my ass while the game updated.  I got to play as much as I wanted and installed the update at the time of my choosing.
My X1 game list is alphabetical.

When highlighting a game or app, press the option button (The button with 3 lines I think) and click quit app/game.

Again, yes, X1 sucks with download and updates, they don't really support background downloads or anything, sort of similar to how the PS3 and 360 did updates.  X1 was built with an architecture based on the idea of an always online always connected system.  And you can't be online if you aren't up to date, and you can't be offline, so you can't do anything until you are up to date.  It's retarded.

Fun fact.  I was playing Wolfenstein the new order back when it first came out and while I was playing, I died and obviously clicked reload from checkpoint, when it went to reload the checkpoint, my X1 decided to do a check and see if there were any title updates, found a title update, and shut off the game without saving or asking and started updating.  Had to start the level from the beginning.  I contacted support, there response is that it is a feature of the console.  A FEATURE.

^ That is odd. That has never happened to me once while I was in the middle of a game, and I own that very game. It's only happened when I go to start a game. I'd wonder if your system glitched, or something.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11518 on: June 30, 2016, 01:31:09 pm »
i'm starting to get really anxious about this grand kingdom grand edition not being here
it's still at a sorting facility 36 hrs later and nine times out of ten that is a huge fucking red flag in my experience.
i have no idea who to contact, i doubt nisa would ship another and i just want the game. i want my game (and the goodies inside) more than a refund

but i'm kinda losing hope at this point.

super worried too that even IF it comes, it's going to come damaged. this situation is really shitty. it's affecting my sleep a lot even, but meh, i have general anxiety so whatever, i get anxious over small things
i already emailed nisa yesterday, but i didn't expect a response til later today at the earliest since small company. i called USPS yesterday and they said maybe this weekend. but it was supposed to be 2-day shipping and it was shipped 3 days ago and it's not left texas (no less a sorting facility there...).
please tell me SOMEONE has experience with this because mine is relatively limited. the only time i've not gotten tracking updates for so long is when items ship from asia, no joke.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 01:32:42 pm by necrosexual »

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #11519 on: June 30, 2016, 01:31:14 pm »
^ That is odd. That has never happened to me once while I was in the middle of a game, and I own that very game. It's only happened when I go to start a game. I'd wonder if your system glitched, or something.
Don't be daft, pal.  I just explained that I contacted support and that it is a feature of the system.

But for you, I'll explain the feature.  If while playing a game, a patch is released for a title, when the system does a check for title updates, it will shut down the game and apply the patch.  This is because the system is designed to be always on and always connected, so it will shut off and update your game rather than set you offline like the 360 would do.

This specific "feature" is a feature based on timing, you'll never notice this specific feature if you aren't playing a game WHILE a patch is released.