I went to GameStop the other day and this one certain employee just really got under my skin.
First when I walk in, he's talking to a customer about how stupid XBox is for back-peddaling on the DRM and used game stuff. I keep my opinion to myself, though.
I then go up to the counter and ask if either of the employees there had played Dragon's Dogma. They both say yes, so I ask them a simple question: "Is this game an RPG, or is it just an attack the bad-guys button-masher?" The aformentioned guy replies, "What do you mean?" So I clarify that I want something a little more in-depth than just a beat-up the bad guys game. He then looks all taken back and says, "Well you just mash the buttons in any video game, so I'm still not sure what you mean." The girl then turns around and says, "Yes, it's an RPG." And I distinctly got the feeling from that, that I wasn't alone in thinking the guy was being a douche.
So then I decide on Dragon's Dogma and I go to get rung up, and it's my favorite GS employee again. I give him the game, and he goes and switches the case out for one with a game. Before I leave, I open it up, as I always do, and I notice it doesn't have the book like the one I purposely grabbed off the shelf for the book. So I go back and point it out and ask if I could get the case that has the book. He looks at me and says, "What?" I tell him that's why I picked out that copy because I wanted the book. He says, "You don't need the book, it'll tell you what to do in the tutorial." I then finally get a little testy with the guy and tell him, "I want the damn book, because I paid for it, and that's reason enough." He then hands me the book and I walk out.
I really hope that guy gets fired soon. I know it doesn't seem like much, but he just pushed all my buttons.