's been a *REALLY* looooooong time since I've hoped for a game to get localized & released in the USA as much as this one'm not sure/I don't remember talking to or seeing any other big fans of the
Ar tonelico series on this site -but- this looks like it would be a prequel to the series (there's already 3 games out (Ar tonelico 1 & 2 (on the PS2) & Ar tonelico 3 (on the PS3)).
In a nutshell - the game has a
Persona-esque system in place where you "Dive" into your party members ("Reyvateils"). While you're diving inside of their mental-space, you get to witness & influence their problems, natures, insecurities, fears, etc.
There's usually 10 "Levels" inside of each of the 2-3 Reyvateils.
You can't just dive down to level 10, you work-out their problems & accept & befriend them unconditionally even (*especially*) after being inside of & seeing their psyches...especially the parts that they'd never want to tell anyone about; you build bonds, relations, compatibility, and trust with them.
Usually (at around Level 5 or 6) you'll need to decide which one you resonate with the most...and choose them (and them only) to be able to continue to the very depths and the most intimate, guarded, and personal areas of their psyche.
Also, for the Love-of-God...if you've never heard any of the Ar tonelico OST's - search them out & give them a listen...they're eargasmically amazing